Childhood Expectations of Heaven
Since I was young, I was excited about getting to heaven. We all were. I remember when my mother told my older sister, Kristie (yes, my wife’s name is also Kristie), about heaven. She told her that Christ was going to come someday to take us there. Upon hearing this, Kristie quickly ran out of the room. When my mother called to her and asked her why she was leaving so abruptly, she said, “I am going to get my shoes so I can be ready to go.”
Doubts and Guilt Arising from Traditional Teachings
But I also remember having my hopes dashed by something that produced a great amount of guilt. During a Sunday School session, while we were discussing heaven, the question on the table was if heaven was forever, what were we going to be doing all that time. Wouldn’t we be bored? The teacher responded in a way that is representative of many people’s understanding of heaven: “When we get to heaven, we will be bowing down before the throne of God twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.”
The Traditional View of Eternal Worship
Talk about taking the wind out of the Superman sails of a little boy such as myself! I had big plans for heaven (which included flying 3-5 hours a day). It was hard enough for me to bow down before the throne of God for five minutes a day, much less for all eternity 24/7. Simply and unspiritually put, that does not sound like too much fun. The answer was always the same when I would timidly admit my fear of ultimate and eternal boredom: “When you are in heaven, sinless and in perfect submission to God’s will, you will be perfectly and joyfully content bowing before the throne of God all day, every day.”
Revelation and Misconceptions of Heaven
As best I can tell and remember, the primary reason why many people believe this is from the book of Revelation: “And the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within; and day and night they do not cease to say, “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is THE LORD GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, WHO WAS AND WHO IS AND WHO IS TO COME.” And when the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, to Him who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders will fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and will worship Him who lives forever and ever, and will cast their crowns before the throne, saying, “Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created.” (Rev 4:8-11)
A Different Perspective on Heaven
But I don’t believe the Bible presents such a view of heaven. In fact, I think Evangelical “heavenology” is in as much need of a major overhaul as just about any other doctrine. In fact, even my previous hopes about heaven don’t pass biblical muster. I believe with a more systematic and biblical view of heaven things change quite a bit.
Common Misunderstandings About Heaven
Other misunderstandings I have since come to realize were wrong about heaven: The eternal heaven is separate from the Earth; In heaven, we will be able to fly (or do anything we want); In heaven, we will know everything; In heaven, you will not love anyone more than another; In heaven there will be no challenges, advancements, or failure.
Heaven’s Similarity to Earth
I often tell people today that one of the biggest surprises that Evangelicals will have when they get to heaven is not how different it is, but how similar it is.
The Concept of ‘Plan B’ in Heaven
Not “Plan B.” This is the most important thing for us to realize. Our love affair with Gnosticism (i.e., spirit=good, material=bad), finds its way into our view of the afterlife. Unless we greatly qualify what we mean, I think that it is more proper for Christians to speak of the “New Earth”—a physical earth—rather than heaven. God is not on “plan B.” In other words, God did not create all that there is, have a plan, implement it, only to say “Shucks, that did not work. Onto ‘plan B’” when Adam sinned. God’s activity through Christ is about redemption, not calling a Code Red. God is restoring all things, not re-imagining all things. Revelation 21-22 speaks about our final abode as a recreated earth. This recreated earth is the restored earth. Restored to what? The way things were supposed to be. We find quite a bit of imagery, from the rivers to the restored tree of life, that mirrors the Garden of Eden.
Limitations and Realities in Heaven
Can’t we do anything we want? Like fly? Why would we think we could? Because it is heaven? And God’s ultimate will for us is to be able to do anything and everything? Although I cannot be sure, I have no reason to believe that I will be able to defy gravity on the new Earth. Gravity is good and necessary now, and will be then. It is not the result of sin that gravity came into being. Why would God move to a “plan B” that does not have gravity?
Spiritual Bodies and Physical Laws
But won’t our bodies be ‘spiritual bodies’ with ‘power’? “So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown a perishable body, it is raised an imperishable body; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. (1 Cor 15:42-44)” Yes, but the idea here does not refer to the ontological quality of our bodies (i.e., what we will be able to do), but the spiritual state of the physical body without sin. It is “spiritual” not in the sense that it will be ghost-like and it is “powerful” not in the sense that it will be able to defy the natural laws that God originally intended, but it is spiritual and powerful in that it will not be controlled by the flesh any longer. The sin principle will have been extinguished.
The idea here does not refer to the ontological quality of our bodies (i.e., what we will be able to do), but the spiritual state of the physical body without sin. It is “spiritual” not in the sense that it will be ghost-like and it is “powerful” not in the sense that it will be able to defy the natural laws that God originally intended, but it is spiritual and powerful in that it will not be controlled by the flesh any longer. The sin principle will have been extinguished.
Heaven’s Restored Stewardship and Worship
Restored stewardship. Now, we get to the “What will we be doing?” part. Of course, we will be worshiping God in sinless fellowship, but this worship will come by fulfilling the original intent. There will be no need to “fill the earth” through procreation (Gen. 1:28), but there will be the mandate to subdue it as stewards of God’s creation. Christ gives us a glimpse into our stewardship when he tells of the Parable of the Pounds (Matt. 25:13-31). Read it. In it, Christ teaches that what you do here matters for eternity. How you invest your life in this age determines your responsibilities in the next. While salvation comes to all by grace alone through faith alone, this does not mean that there will not be rewards in heaven. Some people will be in charge of many things, and some will be in charge of fewer: “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’” (Mat 25:23).
The Varied Responsibilities and Joys of Heaven
In Luke 19:11-27, stewardship is described as being over “cities.” We shouldn’t be too literal with this, but the fact is that we will have great responsibility. We will have jobs. We have every reason to believe that we will have to be on time to work, have certain job requirements, have a certain skill set, deal with others who are “under” us, and have successes (and possibly, sinless failures). The labor that we do will not be from the sweat of our brow any longer (Gen. 3:19). In other words, we will find joy and contentment in what we are doing. We will all love our jobs! In these things, we will worship and fellowship with God. Far from spending all of our time bowing down day and night before the throne of God, heaven will be full of varied activities, responsibilities, pleasures, and accomplishments. God will bring heaven down to the new Earth, and for all eternity we will fellowship with God the way he originally intended, being his vice-regents on the new earth.
Rev 21:3-4
“And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.”
Far from being a place of endless boredom and monotonous activity, heaven (i.e., the new Earth) will be a place where we realize together with God the glory of his original intent. To me, that sounds much better than anyone can hope. And I did not even have to make it up.
3 replies to "What ON EARTH Will Heaven Be Like"
Under your heading, “Spiritual Bodies and Physical Laws”, you have a sense that our bodies won’t be able to defy natural laws.
The thing is, however, we all know that Jesus walked through a locked door in Galilee when the disciples were gathered inside. Twice.
John 20:19
Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
John 20:26
And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.
I’m still trying to figure out why people think that THIS EARTH gets RESTORED, and that is what is known as “CREATE A NEW EARTH” is all about.
Yes, I know all about, “WORLD WITHOUT END” verses, but, THE LAW OF MOSES is also WITHOUT END, too.
Isaiah 45:17
But Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end.
Ephesians 3:21
Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
But again, the Law of Moses is EVERLASTING, as well. No Lobster in Heaven! LOL. And if pigs are unclean, NO BACON in heaven?
Heaven is going to roll up like a scroll. Won’t be much room for an earth in this universe. You are aware that there will be no sun, since God is Light!
But regarding heaven, if God doesn’t SLUMBER OR SLEEP, there will be no need to take a nap or go to bed early! Stay up all night! But there won’t be night. No more watching the sun set! Bummer!
Dude, it’s a vacation for eternity, not a vacation from hell! No work, no paycheck. No Covid 19 Lockdowns.
Ed Chapman
Michael’s journey from childhood to Holistic Restoration and its relevance to us.
From the innocence of a child’s eagerness for Heaven to the mature, and holistic understanding of Thanksgiving, this exploration of how childhood impressions of Heaven transition into a more nuanced understanding of the afterlife, juxtapose against the practice of Thanksgiving, not just an annual celebration, but as a daily act of gratitude impacting our holistic well-being.
Childhood story of Kristie which resonates with us, with her simple yet profound readiness for Heaven, encapsulates the innocent faith of youth. Such innocence not only captures the essence of childlike faith commended in scripture—Matt. 18, but also lay a foundation for deeper spiritual explorations.
As we grow, so too does our understanding of spiritual concepts. The traditional view of eternal, unceasing worship in Heaven derived from Revelation upon closer examination reveals a different perspective. Michale got it right. It is not monotonous but dynamic—free from sin, filled with purposeful stewardship and joyous activities.
The integration of Thanksgiving into our daily lives extends beyond a mere annual tradition. This continuous practice resonates with the biblical emphasis on stewardship of our physical, mental, and emotional health.
Biblical narrative from Creation through the Fall, to the New Heaven and Earth, tells a journey of perfection, fall, and ultimate restoration. In the beginning, creation existed in a state of eudaimonia, boffo, with inherent gratitude and harmony. The fall introduced a disconnection, yet it’s in the redemption and restoration that the full glory of God’ plan unfolds. In the New Earth humanity, restored to its divine purpose, celebrates an eternal Thanksgiving, reflecting Christian hedonism where our greatest joy meets the highest glorification of God.
The journey from a child’s simple understanding of Heaven to a holistic approach to Thanksgiving mirror the broader spiritual journey from initial faith to mature understanding. It is a transition from seeing Heaven as a distant, mystical realm to recognizing the New Earth as a restored, vibrant continuation of God’s creation. This eschatological vision combines eudaimonia—human flourishing in harmony with God’s will with the boffo joy of a fulfilled, dynamic existence. A journey of continuous than thanksgiving from innocence of childhood to the wisdom of spiritual maturity.
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