I’m currently in a six month eldership process at my local church. This series is taken from questions asked during the process. A group of people are talking and invite...
I’m currently in a six month eldership process at my local church. This series is taken from questions asked during the process. You are counseling a couple, who claim...
I’m currently in a six month eldership process at my local church. This series is taken from questions asked during the process. How would you respond to a couple at...
When did we make it our obsession to be liked by everyone so that we go out of our way to project images that will please them? I speak not of the youngsters here. I’m talking...
Some of you are living in a purgatory of doubt. You find yourself caught between two opinions. You have studied just about all you can study. You have read both sides to the...
1. Excels only in the visible aspects of righteousness Matt. 6:5-6 Whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and...
Here is a response that my (C. Michael Patton) friend Mark Gaither, Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary and author of Redemptive Divorce, wrote to my post on Homosexual...
I don’t expect to contribute anything substantial to this issue. Haven’t we already seen this thing from every possible angle? I am not saying that people need to...
Some people are just so ignorant. No, I don’t mean that they are uninformed, so perhaps “ignorant” is not the correct word for me to use. What I mean is that they don’t a very...
Belief does not come easy for me. I have a little “unbeliever” who has set up camp in the back of my mind, and he has no idea when, or how, to shut up. He is...