Moral inconsistency leads to legal inconsistency, and legal inconsistency is another word for injustice. Imagine a basic right that you championed and exercised, but which, if...
Pardon me for not being “stunned” by the latest political “bombshell.” Or should I say, “for not pretending to be stunned”? To put it another way, pardon me for not...
Months ago in a Democratic primary debate, a national audience heard this urgently profound question put to the candidates, “Do black lives matter or do all lives...
If you’re already tired of it, there will only be more coming. The ads, tweets, memes and speeches of the current political season reveal a list of repeated nonsense...
This will sound like I’m a pessimist who is weary about the future of his society. The reason for that is that I’m a pessimist who is weary about the future of his...
You keep up with the news, right? Have you heard about this gender bathroom thing? I’m kidding, of course. I know that you have, and maybe you’re tired of having to read and...
Does Apologetics Convert People? For some Christians, the word “apologetics” is just another piece of seminary jargon. It’s one of those words their pastor uses to prove his...
It’s time to take a closer look at a phrase you’re probably tired of hearing by now. Words and phrases come into and go out of style just like everything else. I remember when...
Say the word “sermon” and the average person doesn’t get too thrilled. In fact for a lot of people the word is only used as a pejorative (as in, “You can spare me the sermon,...