
Some people will argue that playing Santa has many negative effects. I would like to respond to some of these objections:

1. Playing Santa takes away from the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of Christ.

Kylee, my 13-year-old daughter, when she was 10 years-old asked me, “Daddy, what is your favorite holiday.” I looked at her with the look that says, “Do you even need to ask?” Of course it is Christmas! The Christmas season, I believe, is an act of common grace upon our society that carries with it a mood that blesses both believers and non-believers. Having said that, the beauty for us Christians is that it is a celebration of what we believe to be the most important birth in human history. If Christians lose this focus, I do think that we have compromised. But this compromise is not so much a compromise of truth (as Christians do believe in the birth of Christ whether they focus on it or not), but of joy. Christians can fail to take part in the common grace of the mood Christmas evokes.

Having said that, I don’t think that playing Santa need to take away from the true spirit of Christmas anymore than family gatherings, football, gloriously wrapped presents, and good food. Christmas is ultimately not about families getting together, great food, giving gifts to others (including the poor), taking a break from work, building snow men, putting up Christmas trees, decorating with lights on houses, or any other ancillary aspect that no one complains about. If you take Santa away, then take away all these other traditions.

Sadly, I am sure that there will be some who advocate just this. They are left with only Christ in a manger. “Good,” someone says. “That is how it should be!” The problems with this type of attitude are many. Let me give you two: 1) We are never commanded to celebrate Christ’s birth on any particular day. Our entire lives, every day, are to be one of devotion and celebration of the incarnation. It becomes legalistic when someone says that we must celebrate Christ’s birth this way at this time to be more godly. 2) It takes away from the ancillary common grace of Christmas. To take away family, food, Christmas lights, gifts, Christmas trees, Santa, and the like does nothing but quiet the celebration. These things provide the ambianic grace of God in Christmas.

In the end, there is no reason why playing Santa must take away from the focus on Christ’s birth anymore than going to grandmas for a Christmas feast does.

2. Playing Santa is a lie

This is probably the objection I sympathize with most. I, personally, have never told my children that Santa exists, even though I was told that as a child. It is simply hard for me to tell someone something that I know is not true. It does feel like somewhat of a deception to me. I know of many people who are like this and I empathize with them and don’t attempt to change their mind.

I don’t really, however, have problems with others saying that he exists and I don’t think it necessarily violates a godly conscience. My wife has told all our kids that Santa is real. She has no problems with it. My in-laws were very angry with me when they first heard that I would not say Santa is real. I just told them that I had their back, but in a more indirect way. When my kids have asked me whether he is real or not, I just tell them, “Ask your mom.” But I don’t think my wife is necessarily lying any more than I think a person who plans a surprise party for someone is lying by telling them that they are not having a party when they know they are. Santa is a temporary and situationally accommodated story that has no intention of permanently solidifying someones view of reality. That is the best way I can put it. In this case, the only way I would say that it is a definite lie is if your hope is that your children will forever believe that Santa is really real. Is that your intention? No? Good. Then you don’t have to stress about it too much.

3. If you play Santa your kids may think you are “playing” God too

The idea here is that once a child finds out that they were deceived about Santa, there is a chance that they may think that you are deceiving them about God as well.

In my opinion, this is probably the weakest of all the arguments about Santa. It is a tragedy that Christian communities could believe in such a way that a comparison between the two is even possible. This objection really only makes sense for those who believe that belief in God is a blind faith.

Think about it. Have you ever met an adult who seriously still believes that Santa is real? My son figured it out on his own when he was five. Why? Because he used his head. Even with the best arguments to the contrary from my crushed wife, he would have none of it. Santa did not have a chance against the rational capability of this five-year-old. Santa was over. It is not too difficult to put two and two together here. The reason why no one believes in Santa when they are old is because it simply cannot sustain itself under the slightest bit of critical scrutiny. There is absolutely no evidence for Santa. However, there are a great deal of adults that believe in God. In fact, about 90% of the world’s population believes in God. The reason for this is not because parents were really good at keeping a secret in this case, but because belief in God is rational and necessary. Belief in an ultimate creator does not even necessarily need to be taught since it is a logical necessity of existence.

However, if we really believe in God like we did Santa — if we can seriously make such a comparison — I am not convinced that we really believe in God. I am not trying to be harsh here, but am trying to bring up a very important error in our understanding of what it means to believe. Belief in God is not a blind leap into the dark; belief in Santa is. Kids should not believe in God, Christ, and spiritual things simply because parents told them, but because there is reason for them to believe.

There are no valid arguments that can rationally be made for Santa (or the tooth fairy for that matter). That is why people do not continue to believe in Santa. There are valid arguments that can be made for God. That is why people continue to believe in God. If we really believe that our children are going to make a comparison between Santa and Christ, the weight is on our shoulders, not to stop surprise parties or to cease to play Santa or the tooth fairy, but to teach our children how to think critically.

There really is no comparison that should be able to be made between the type of belief that you are encouraging with regard to Santa and that which you are encouraging with regard to God.

In the end, celebrate Christmas. It is about Christ and we dare not compromise the joy this brings. But God, in his common grace, has given us an ambiance of many things, including Santa, elves, trees, food, family, and gifts. Whatever you do — even playing Santa — do to the glory of God.

Merry Christmas.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    41 replies to "Should Christians Play Santa?"

    • Carl

      To me this is far more simple. On the one hand I can teach my kids to pay to a fictional character to bring them gifts or on Christmas morning they can wake up to a visible display of their parents love.

      I encourage parents to let their children know that they bought the gifts with their money because of their love and not to waste this display of good will.

    • Irene

      I agree with CMP.
      And it’s a good point that belief in God and belief in Santa are not the same kinds of belief.

      I once heard, from an angry mother, about a sermon where the preacher warned the parents, *with the children present*, not to play Santa, or the children would learn their parents are not trustworthy concerning religion. Not only did he ruin their Santa fun, but, more importantly, he placed unnecessary doubt in the children’s minds concerning what their parents taught them about God! I think he accomplished just the opposite of what he intended.

      In our family, we do Santa with the little ones, and when they’re older, they have fun playing Santa for the other little ones. Much fun had, and no harm done. The older ones’ faith is not a bit diminished, and they experience the joy of anonymous generosity and surprises, like the real St Nicholas did.

    • Kevin Bullock

      good common sense and solid doctrine …well done Michael.

      Merry Christmas 🙂

    • Dean P.

      Great apologetic for Santa! It has been a long time coming. Also I am actually surprised that this article even got posted on TGC. Well done.

    • Natasha

      Excellent! Couldn’t agree more. If the impact of our Christian parenting comes down to whether or not we played Santa with our kids, we really need to examine how seriously we are taking our calling the other 364 days of the year.

    • Tim Kimberley

      Great post Michael Patton…ho ho ho

    • Scott

      Carl, are you saying that we should make sure to always get the credit for the good we do, or the display of good will we share?

    • Luke

      What are your thoughts on the works righteousness that Santa encourages? :-p

      • josef

        WHAT Book of the bible is Santa in?
        That’s a start
        Now religious churches need to stop promoting it
        And many other fraudulent activity and lies

    • theoldadam

      I played Santa this year (again- 6 years in a row now)…and I think it’s a terrible thing.

      That damn costume is so hot that it makes me crazy after about 5 minutes and I start to think terrible thoughts.

      But the old folks seem to like it (I do it for a home for the elderly).

      Ho Ho Hot!

    • Luke C.


      You made a valiant effort to convince yourself and your audience that telling a lie is okay, but it rings a little hollow. Does a lie become okay if it’s a little one? If we lie by omission (i.e., let someone else tell it)? If we call it something else using big, fancy words? A pig wearing lipstick is still, in the end, a pig.

      St. Nicholas was a quite real person, and his story is an excellent example of how we should help others who are in need and stand up for the truth. Unfortunately, the traditional story of Santa Claus bears almost no resemblance to it; instead of teaching us to give, it panders to our desires.

    • Cheryl Ford

      Say what you like, Santa is a false god, and you are compromising with the evil one who has presented this alternative to diminish the true God and Savior. My husband and I agreed on the Santa issue. Neither would have compromised with the other about this, either. The only Santa we had in our home was the one of Santa bowing at the manger. Even that, however, is not a true depiction since 2 competing Gods will never move over for each other. I see no wiggle room here. Why claim that telling the truth somehow robs the world of joy? Common grace? Hey, this culture needs the grace that only comes from the true and living God. The King of kings and Savior of the world was born at a certain time. We chose Christmas to celebrate that time. If people want to celebrate another god, then choose another time of year. We never trained our kids to worship at the altar (hearth) of Santa. We raised them with the Truth and worshiped at the manger alone. Our children knew the truth and worshiped the Truth. They are adults in faithful and dedicated ministry today. Never any need to “reclaim” their minds because they never lost them in the maze of competing truths. No pride here, just gratitude. Oh, and yes, Santa is a god, even with attributes only found in deity — omniscience (he knows when you’ve been bad or good; omnipresence (he travels the entire world in one night); he has the power of judgment (only good boys and girls receive from him). I’d say he’s even pretty omnipotent. To children, no one, not even parents, are more powerful and influential on Christmas. . . certainly not a Baby in a manger.

    • denice

      Um. I really disagree with this. Santa does not bring “joy” in the biblical sense; and “ambiance” seems pretty subjective. I was thinking the other day about all the absolutely Christless manifestations of “the Holidays” and how if there were no Santa, then the unbelieving world would have no logical leg to stand on in celebrating Christmas without acknowledging Jesus. The holiday would be like the plastic trees in “The Lorax.” However, because of the repeated syncretistic celebration of Santa now even believers like this author can’t think of a Christmas “ambiance” without him. sad.

    • C Barton

      If we’re honest, most of us would admit a certain affection with the concept of Santa, and the whole panoply of Christmas traditions, many of which, make no mistake, are decidedly pagan in origin.
      When in the pulpit, we expect the Gospel truth from our spiritual leaders, not coy myth. And yet, Santa gets a pass, well, because he is so fun! Who doesn’t have pleasure when exchanging gifts?
      And that is the only danger I see – that Santa is the go-to party guy and God and Jesus are the killjoy sourpusses. But hey, God invented the weekends! He is the author of joy, and He wants us to enjoy each other and the pleasures of giving: we don’t need to crowd out our Savior for the sake of Christmas fun, do we?

    • William

      I was very disappointed with this post. I have always disagreed with my wife on the issue of lying to our daughter (a lie is a falsehood calculated to deceive – eg. dangerously fat guy squeezes down chimney and gives you stuff), but this post made her cackle at me smugly, now she has a top theologian on her side!
      boo CMP, boo!
      bah humbug! 😉

    • Mrs. William

      I LOVED this post. My husband has always said ridiculous and weak things like ‘I know people who felt deceived by their parents’… (which I should mention is a falsehood calculated to deceive)… no he doesn’t! 😉 I am sure NO ONE is sitting there crying and thinking they were deceived and how awful their parents were. At BEST they wish Santa was TRUE and really would fly in a sleigh and shove expensive gifts down your chimney or in your window. I am sitting looking at our window NOW wishing someone, fat or thin, I don’t care, would shove an iPad through. Do I hate my parents or feel deceived? No I am thankful for the years of fun and for doing their best to make Christmas special. AND though my dad didn’t ever dress as Santa (I mean, why bother, I was asleep when he put my gifts there for me from Santa), I would not have minded if he had. He wasn’t fat though so he would have had to wear a pillow and the men who have to do that just do NOT look like the big man… but my Dad was a lovely bloke that I miss and wish he was still here. Christmas time or anytime… and I would even pretend to still believe in Santa if it meant I could see him again! 🙂 And yes, I did suss on my own that Santa wasn’t real… I just thought it was fun… it WAS and it IS! It is like charades… when the person is acting out the film, I do not feel betrayed that they are not actually the film star from that film… as far as that goes, when I see a film I do not feel deceived when I leave the cinema and I realise it was ALL.FICTION.

    • Pete again

      Sigh…no mention of the real St Nicholas? Celebrating Christmas is “Legalistic” because the Bible doesn’t specifically tell us to celebrate it? Oh well even Michael Jordan had off days. Hope you bounce back soon CMP.

    • Gary

      I enjoyed your thoughts, and share with you and yours the Joys of Christmas.

    • Garet

      I saw no argument here, just mere sentiment.

      I have absolutely no issue with all of the cultural markers of the celebration of Christmas, Santa included. However, that does not justify perpetuating falsehood, intentionally calculating to deceive my children. There is a difference between enjoying Santa as a character much in the same way my son and I enjoy Spiderman and Superman. The modern iteration of Santa Claus is the personification of the very worst of therapeutic moralistic deism synergized with consumerism- why would I want my kids to believe he is real? St. Nickolas was real, he lives in heaven now just like we all will one day because of the true miracle of Christmas.

    • nathan

      Just two comments. They’re not entirely figured out but I thought I’d throw them out there and see if anyone has any thoughts.

      Firstly, I would suggest that one difference between Santa and many other aspects of Christmas such as gathering as a family and having a feed is that gathering for a meal is a means to celebrate. It can thus be used as a celebration of the birth of our Lord. Santa is different; you can’t celebrate the incarnation through Santa (unless you want to seriously increase the grounds for the third objection you address). The Santa story is not something which helps us celebrate Christ but is instead a competing Christmas narrative.

      Secondly, would Christmas actually be deficient without Santa? A day to celebrate with friends and family the incarnation of our Lord, a day to read the nativity story and sing Christian carols, a day to show our love of each other through the giving of gifts, a day to gather with God’s people and hear the glories of God’s salvation coming in Christ etc… I don’t see that we would be any worse off for a lack of a fat man in a red suit.

      As I said, these thoughts aren’t stuck in concrete and I’d be happy for feedback.

    • […] Michael Patton (who doesn’t see a major issue with it) helpfully lays out three common Christian objections towards “playing Santa” (check out his responses here): […]

    • William

      I can’t believe I just got so stitched up!
      @the Mrs.
      Hey, this is MY turf! and actually I DO know someone who was deeply confused by it. She was on that one t.v. show we saw before ‘the boss’ was born about the same time we realised t.v. is a sin. It was that heavy-ish comedienne who was one of the talking heads on the same show as that other comedian who became famous for being insulted by the former star trek guy live on t.v. three years ago. See? Ahh, now you remember! I see the cogs turning in your mind as you sit on the sofa over there! May be I don’t actually KNOW her, know her, but I am aware of her existence.

      @Garet, I agree with you. All this calculating to deceive is just plain deceptive.
      See what you have done? You have started WW3 in our house now. My wife outing me as a liar on my turf, agreeing with her thereby giving her ammo, the devastation is incalculable.

    • REW

      Colossians 2:16-17 “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come, the reality, however, is found in Christ.”

      I think we as Christians have an obligation not to end pagan celebrations, but redirect them to Christ – that is the heart of the verse above. Protestants have failed on this front. There is a difference between celebrating and worshiping that we Protestants forget. All worship has an aspect of celebration, but not all celebration constitutes worship. We can celebrate Santa/St. Nicholas with out worshiping him. St. Nicholas has his own feast day Dec 6, but the Protestants rejected this an moved the gift giving to Christmas Day. So this is a problem of our own making.

      God gave the Jews many times to celebrate and we need to recapture some of that but celebrate in Christ’s name. Examples of better Protestant holidays might include: making Pentecost our 3rd big Holiday and celebrate the Holy Spirit and wisdom, use the (Jewish) Feast of Purim to celebrate our women and wifehood, let (pagan) Halloween be about “fear no evil”, generosity toward strangers, and the joys of community, put lights up at (formerly Beltane) Easter and celebrate spring alongside the resurrection, write letters of encouragement to each other on St. Paul day, etc. Why be the killjoys when we can be the merry makers!?!

      In our family, we play the Santa game, but we are not insistent about it. I don’t think there is harm in it and it is a fun way to teach the kids critical thinking…. After all the evidence of the falsehood is Christmas morning itself. The kids know they haven’t been good all year – so Santa is either a liar or those presents came from someone else. When they figure it out, we point out that there has only been one kid who ever qualified for a gift from Santa – Jesus Christ. What a great time to teach your…

    • jim

      can’t believe anyone worships Santa and to call him a false God is rather silly. I have two sons both in the ministry who grew up trying to trap Santa every Christmas eve… it a lie if you will, but may you cast the first stone if you don’t lie outwardly or inwardly every other day….give it a rest, talk about legalistic mumble jumble….it’s not the sacrifice we make in this world but Christ’s sacrifice that means something…it all smacks of us thinking we can be good enough to earn his favour……..Merry Holidays, enjoy the rest of the traditions Michael mentioned without that bothering your conviction….

    • Evan

      I find it difficult to believe that any Christian can rationalize celebrating Christmas with lying about Santa (Satan).
      But to use the EXCUSE that all Christians lie outwardly or inwardly everyday does not mean that the Pagan celebration of Saturnalia (Roman paganism) is acceptable and EXCUSABLE by a HOLY GOD.

      In the last days many shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines(teachings) of devils.

      Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.

      Christians who celebrate the worldly (Pagan) Christmas need to be if not ashamed then at the very least embarrassed.

      By all means dismiss the legalistic mumble jumble but please don’t replace it with the wishy washy sloppy agape that says we are now free to practice the ways of the heathen and the traditions of men.
      A lie is a lie regardless of who throws the first stone even if the stone thrower is a liar. Is this supposed to excuse the lie.
      “Without that bothering your convictions”…. Now there’s a statement that is an insult to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit….. providing you are a Christian that is!


    • Evan

      Mr. Patton,
      You asked the question, “Should Christians play Santa?”
      You censured my response, so I can only assume that you didn’t want any answers that you would disagree with.
      This is your blog and you have the right to block anything you choose to block but that doesn’t make you right.
      I am sorry that you are unable to consider any other point of view other than the ones you have posted.

    • Evan

      Thank you for posting my first post of Dec.19th.

      Thank you for reconsidering that point of view.


    • C Barton

      OK, so the lying to sweet, innocent little kids just for fun doesn’t go over well with a lot of folks. And frankly, I agree that telling kids (or anyone else) that Santa is real, well it’s just wrong – and totally unnecessary!
      Personally, in addition I choose to not kiss under the mistletoe, especially with the girls; I mean, c’mon! what does this pagan fertility ritual have to do with Jesus? Maybe I should pray: “Thank you, Lord, for this syncretic and idolatrous practice to honor your nativity” – hmmmm, maybe not the best way to show our devotion, but that’s up to each one of us. After all, it’s just harmless fun, right?
      And that is the weirdness of dualism: holding two opposing ideas in your head and giving assent to both.

    • Evan

      Mr.Barton, it is refreshing to see that there are some Christians who are not so easily seduced into celebrating any old pagan tradition just for the sake of celebrating.

      I would like to wish you a very happy Christian experience each and every day of your life.


    • Donnie

      Wait just a minute! Are you people trying to insinuate that there is no Santa? Then who has been eating my cookies and what’s this business of NORAD tracking a sleigh? Is this some kind of sick joke?

    • C Barton

      Donnie: The NORAD sightings use “Santa Claus” as a code for aliens. That’s what happened during one of the moon missions. Or maybe not. Rumors that they were wearing red tunics and green pointy hats are totally unsubstantiated.
      The cookies? Follow the trail of crumbs!



    • jim

      Gee Evan, looks like I ignited a rocket….I’ve read your book before, will cry and lament about the most absurd things, We don’t worship Santa! Your all wrapped up (pun) into how you sacrifice and how you have figured it all out in your pious self worth….the gift was FREE, thank you Lord….not dependent on what I do but what he did…..I see no harm and feel no conviction…I would imagine you spend more time telling others how holy you try to be than loving your fellow brothers and sisters..give it a rest. But you will not because your theology is working out your salvation not Christ’s blood….IMHO

    • Evan

      Gee Jim, thanks for reading my book and please tell all your friends about it; it’s on sale for $24 plus shipping and handling.

      You are correct when you state that “it’s not the sacrifices we make in this world but Christ’s sacrifice that means something”.

      Your anger toward me is an indication of your mind set but to put your mind at rest, I want you to know that I am saved by grace through faith and not by good works that I have done.
      What you taught your kids is really no different to what the world teaches their kids, so my question to you is “What makes you different from the world?”

      If you wish to conform to this world, that is your business but save your attitude for the one who inspired the writer of Romans 12:2. You are answerable to HIM not me.

      You have my permission to stop crying and lamenting about the most absurd things which seem to fill your mind.

      I take note that you did not give me any indication as to what your theology is, so I will just assume that you are one of those libertarians who are free to indulge in their liberty regardless of the warnings of scripture.

      If you do have the intestinal fortitude to reply, maybe you could tell us about your theology or the cult to which you belong.

    • Donnie

      I wonder if you’ve read the rest of that fine passage in Romans? It’s inspired as well.

    • Evan

      Donnie ,It would appear that I am no longer allowed to comment.

    • Evan

      Jim, I am more inclined to put my trust in what the BIBLE teaches rather than in some denomination, even if that denomination preaches/teaches 80% of the truth.

      You say, “I see no harm and feel no conviction”.
      I would be willing to listen to what you have to say if you can show me in scripture where it suggests that we must see the harm and be convicted before we reject the traditions of men or practise the way of the heathen.

      As to my pious self worth, that is something that you ought to think about before passing judgement. Maybe you could read Matt. 7 again, especially v 2.

      Now, as to the free gift; it many be free to you and me but it cost JESUS HIS life.
      Here also is the paradox, although is comes to us by GRACE (freely by faith), it also costs us our lives if we understand the scriptures correctly.

      As for me, I do see the harm in lots of things and I have many convictions based on my understanding of scripture.
      This may not be a complete explanation of my theology but I can only tell you that my theology is based on the word of GOD and not the traditions of religious men.


    • jim

      Evan.. have had these types of conversations with others before. Let it go, I am a Christian, actually Baptist by denomiation but was raised United Church. My oldest son has switched from Baptist to Presybtian(still can’t spell that word) his wife being a minister in that church. He is working on his Phd in religious studies. Still all Christian!! My middle child is in his second year of his Mdiv degree, has an teaching degree but felt led to be a minister. I have been a deacon in our church for many years and believe in this web site and believe in Michael’s ministry…we don’t educate our youth enough and they leave their faith during the senior teen years and young adults. You can call be liberal but that does not really fit. What angers me is that it is all or nothing with your view of how the Christian life should be lived. You seem to believe that because I allow Santa into my house that I worship him, that I’m wordly, not deserving and to be scolded. It comes off like your pious and I apologize at my choice of words. At the core you and I are brothers in Christ…we disagree on some minor aspects…I appreciate your are sincere in your convictions, but not all my convictions are the same. That sums it up for me. I think there are alot of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who just don’t agree or feel the conviction others might have, right or wrong…..I don’t belong to a cult, (JW or Mormon) but believe there will be a multitude of other denomination practising Christians on the other side. How am I different from the world, actually I am as sinful as the rest of humanity…but saved through his blood….I tell others of Christ, take an active roll in my church, love others, give of my time and finances, and yes , play Santa on the 25th….

    • Evan

      Jim, like you, I have had these conversations too and understand what you mean by “LET IT GO”.

      Please allow me to remind you what the original question was…… “Should Christians play Santa?”

      It was not me who posed the question but you are well aware of that. I was not the only one to offer the opinion that Christians do insult to Christ by conforming to the traditions of men and pagans.
      I am sorry that this upsets you and I support your right to perform whatever tradition you choose.
      The scriptures are not given to us to twist and use for our own comfort but rather to communicate GOD’S truth. Now , if you wish to argue that truth is subjective, then you ought to understand my question “Subjective to what?”

      We have already covered the fact that it is not what we do that determines the truth but what Christ has done through the sacrifice of HIS perfect life: therefore rendering you family history null and void, nevertheless it is nice that you are proud of your children.
      Somehow you still managed to squeeze in a little criticism by suggesting you know what I am thinking i.e..
      “What ANGERS ME is that it is all or nothing with your view of how the Christian life should be lived”.
      If I were to say such things about you, I would expect to be scolded for such negative assumptions.
      I didn’t suggest that you and your family worshipped Santa but you go on to speculate that that is what I seem to believe.

      I believe in the inerrant word of GOD; nothing more and nothing less. GOD does not require me to have a PhD. in theology to save me (Read Acts Ch. 4 v 13.)

      The Santa question is just the thin edge of the wedge and if Christians can rationalize the practice, then what are they likely to do with the other scriptures which urge them NOT TO PRACTICE the way of the heathen.
      Syncretism and ecumenism spring to mind but I guess I am a fool to concern myself with such apostasy.

      In closing, I would just like to say that I am sorry you have found offense in my opinions

    • jim

      Evan: In one of your post you said the following:” I find it difficult to believe that any Christian can rationalize celebrating Christmas with lying about Santa (Satan)”
      That’s rather strong armed as Santa isn’t Satan. I didn’t say anything about my family history having anything to do with salvation…I was simply pointing out that my sons/family is active in church life and in service to Christ… I am so glad you are on the right track…God Bless you in your walk as we encourage one another.

    • Evan

      Jim, my definition of Christian has to be based on what scripture teaches rather than on some religious concept.
      Therefore it should not be surprising that I have difficulty in believing that true disciples of Christ would find pleasure in a fantasy celebration (Little fat men dressed in Coca-Cola red suits who are transported by flying reindeer) in order to proclaim the arrival of the only begotten son of God.

      Juggle the letters in Santa’s name and you get Satan; I wonder if this is just coincidence or whether the enemy is laughing at Christians who have been duped into such a meaningless tradition.
      I am not inclined to put my trust in men or denominations just because they call themselves Christian and I am assuming that you probably feel the same way.
      The Church (Body of Christ) is in a pretty bad state which gives credibility to such scriptures as “In the last days many shall depart from THE FAITH giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils”

      Seduction is not rape; in fact seduction can even seem enjoyable in the short term but in the end, it is always destruction.
      I am genuinely concerned for the Church (Body of Christ) because there is a lack of zeal for the truth (in my opinion).
      I believe you Know the truth and I am obliged to believe your confession of faith but scripture teaches “By their fruits you shall know them” and “Try the spirits to see if they are of God”
      Jim I believe that if you make the word of God your priority
      then you will find the truth and the truth will set you free.
      John. 14 v 6 says it all.
      God bless you as you seek to please HIM.


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