
The year was 1860. The place was the venerable walls of Oxford University. The event was the beginning of an unfolding that would etch itself into the annals of history. This was the Great Oxford Evolution Debate, a significant chapter in the dialogue between faith and science. This encounter, steeped in intellectual vigor, was not just a debate but a meeting of two worlds: the emerging scientific theories of evolution and the long-standing Christian theological perspectives.

The Debaters and Their Stance

Thomas Henry Huxley: Known as “Darwin’s Bulldog,” Huxley was a fierce proponent of Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory. Huxley, with his profound knowledge of anatomy and natural history, argued that the evidence from these fields supported Darwin’s ideas of natural selection and gradual change in species. It is interesting to note that he was an undergraduate at this point.

Samuel Wilberforce: The Bishop of Oxford, a man deeply rooted in Christian theology and with a keen interest in science. Wilberforce was not opposed to scientific discovery but was cautious of theories that seemed to contradict the Biblical account of creation. His stance was that while nature showed evidence of change, this change was within the limits set by a divine plan.

The Debate Highlights

The debate is famously remembered for its poignant exchanges and the sharp contrast between Huxley’s scientific evidence and Wilberforce’s theological and philosophical arguments. Wilberforce questioned the lack of transitional fossils and the complexity of the eye, arguing that these could not be explained by natural selection alone. He also emphasized the moral and social implications of Darwin’s theory, suggesting it diminished humanity’s special place in creation.

Huxley countered with the latest scientific findings, emphasizing the similarities between humans and apes in terms of anatomy and embryology. He argued that these similarities pointed to a common ancestry, a cornerstone of Darwin’s theory.

The Memorable Moment

The debate’s most enduring moment came when Wilberforce, with both humor and a critical edge (he was quite the orator), inquired of Huxley, “Was it through your grandfather or your grandmother that you claim your descent from a monkey?” As funny as that was to the audience, Huxley’s retort is what is most memorable. He responded, “I would rather be descended from a monkey than from a man who employs his culture and eloquence in the service of prejudice and falsehood.” This became quickly summarize as, “I would rather have descended from a monkey than a preacher.”

Wilberforce’s Critical Review

Wilberforce’s engagement with Darwin’s theory extended beyond the debate. His thirty-six page review of “On the Origin of Species” was a well-done critique that even Darwin, according to John Brooke, acknowledged for identifying the theory’s weak points. This review showcased Wilberforce’s ability to engage with scientific theories critically and from a Christian perspective.

The Christian Viewpoint

From a Christian viewpoint, the debate illustrates the importance of engaging with new scientific ideas thoughtfully and critically. While Huxley presented compelling arguments, Wilberforce’s critiques, emphasizing the gaps in Darwin’s theory, including the lack of transitional fossils, and the moral implications of removing a divine hand from the creation of humanity. These critiques are as significant now as they were then. His insights remind us that there is a point where our scientific theories must be examined not just for their scientific merits but also for their philosophical and theological implications.

Integrating Theology and Science

As Christians, we understand that faith and science need not be in conflict. There is no science without faith. While I don’t embrace evolution, I do know that theology can embrace and integrate scientific discoveries, including evolution. The wonder of God’s creation is only magnified by our growing understanding of the natural world. I don’t personally believe we have anything quite right. There is a lot more to go. God is the God of the gaps. There is a great gap between His knowledge of the universe and ours, and He created that gap!

Concluding Thoughts

Reflecting on the Oxford debate and Wilberforce’s subsequent critique, it’s evident that their relevance persists. This historic encounter (along with the humorous squib) serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a dialogue between faith and science. Wilberforce’s contributions, particularly his ability to merge scientific scrutiny with theological insight, offer a valuable lesson on the harmony that can exist between faith and reason. The journey goes on.

For detailed information about the Great Oxford Evolution Debate of 1860, check out these sources:

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry