
Traducianism might be a term you’ve never heard of, but it addresses something crucial—how our souls come into existence. I believe the following provides a definitive argument against abortion, as it speaks directly to when a person becomes whole.

The Two Views

In the history of Christianity, two primary views have been held about the creation of the soul: creationism and traducianism.

Creationism teaches that God creates each soul individually and places it into the body after conception.

Traducianism, on the other hand, says that both the body and the soul are created by the parents at conception.

If traducianism is correct, there is no possible way one could argue that a person is not whole or truly a person right from the moment of conception. The soul is created in and with the body, making them indistinguishable as a unified person.

I want to present three primary arguments in support of traducianism that challenge the creationist view and highlight the coherence of body and soul unity from conception.

3 Arguments that God Uses the Parents to Create the Soul (In and With the Body)

1. The Problem with a ‘Soul Storehouse’

Consider the implications. Is God still creating souls today, every time somebody is born? And if not, does He keep them in a giant storehouse somewhere because He created them all by the sixth day, and they’re just waiting to be placed in their assigned bodies? This idea introduces more questions than answers.

2. Creationism and Gnostic Dualism

Secondly, creationism risks leaning into a Gnostic or dualistic mindset. It suggests that the soul is too special for the parents to create, but the body isn’t, thus dividing the spiritual and material in a way that doesn’t fit with biblical teaching. Traducianism, however, affirms the unity of body and soul, showing that both are passed on from parents and created together in and with the body at conception.

3. The Slippery Slope of Ensoulment

Another key problem with creationism is the slippery slope it creates in determining when God places the soul in the body. Is it at conception? At the point of a heartbeat? Brain activity? Birth? Creationism opens the door for all kinds of ambiguous answers. Some might even argue that the soul isn’t placed until someone reaches the “age of accountability,” meaning that a person could go through childhood and adolescence without a soul, or that certain people never receive a soul because their physical development is insufficient. Traducianism avoids this problem altogether by affirming that body and soul are created together, with no gap.

4. Inherited Sin and the Unity of Body and Soul

Finally, consider how inherited sin would work. If God creates each soul separately, would He create it with sin, or does the body somehow corrupt the soul? This division between body and soul doesn’t hold up. Traducianism offers a clear solution: body and soul are both created together, passed on from parents, with no division.

Conclusion (Almost)

Now, having said this, and as strong as I am as a traducianist, and as much as I think this presents a definitive argument against any type of abortion after conception, it’s important to recognize that there have been good, strong theologians throughout church history who have held the alternative position of creationism. Notable creationists include Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, and John Calvin. On the other side, proponents of traducianism include Tertullian, Gregory of Nyssa, and Martin Luther. While there is room for discussion on this issue, I believe the strength of the traducian view is hard to deny.

My Debate with Barack Obama

As an aside, I have a funny quick story related to this. In 2007, I was asked to be a guest on a radio program somewhere out of Florida. It was a phone conversation, and they told me they wanted me to make an argument for traducianism. They were going to follow this with another interlocutor, debating me from the opposing position. I was doing a lot of this stuff at the time, so I didn’t really think much about it and agreed.

I called in and was in the waiting room. They said they were bringing in my opponent, and we were both on the line as they introduced the program. After explaining everything, they said, “Michael, this is your opponent. He’s a politician running in the Democratic primaries. His name is Barack Obama.” I said hello. We were friendly. I made my argument, then he made his. And that was it. I had no idea who he was at the time.

What struck me as odd was that I, a theologian, was debating a politician on a theological topic. The arguments were going to be very different, and I couldn’t help but feel a bit out of place, wondering how our approaches would even align. But I went with it!

Nobody ever believes me about the story. But why would I make it up?!  As an aside, I obviously did not make my case well enough for him.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    7 replies to "The Day I Debated Obama – The Definitive Argument Against Abortion"

    • Ed Chapman

      C W McCall said:

      1. The Problem with a ‘Soul Storehouse’

      “Consider the implications. Is God still creating souls today, every time somebody is born? And if not, does He keep them in a giant storehouse somewhere because He created them all by the sixth day, and they’re just waiting to be placed in their assigned bodies? This idea introduces more questions than answers.”

      Well, THIS IS WHAT I BELIEVE, so if you GOT QUESTIONS, there, Michael, BRING IT! I find NO PROBLEM with #1 at all.

      Do you know what the GIANT STOREHOUSE is, Michael? Where does God DWELL? They are WITH GOD in the same place that he’s at. If that’s what a storehouse is, then there they are!

      Proving that from a GENESIS 2 slash GENESIS 1 standpoint is EASY to do.

      NUMBER 1:
      Genesis 1 is the CREATION OF SPIRITS, not the flesh. BOTH male and female.
      Animals on the 5th Day
      Man on the 6th Day

      NUMBER 2:
      Adam formed BEFORE animals. NOT AFTER.

      Plant #1 (spirit) in #2 (dirt), and MAN became a living THINKER.

      Now that we have that settled…ANIMALS WERE CREATED FIRST in Genesis 1.

      But ANIMALS were NOT “FORMED” FIRST in Genesis 2. Adam was.

      So, God STORES “PEOPLE WITHOUT BODIES”, known as spirits, in heaven with him, until it’s time to PLANT a spirit in dirt (mom’s egg), at conception when dad’s sperm fertilizes the egg, hence, LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION.

      I feel like no one taught the BREAKER ONE NINE guy the story of the birds and the bees!

      Ed Chapman

      • C Michael Patton

        I suppose there’s a lot to talk about, but first of all, how can you demonstrate that God places the soul in the body of the time of conception? Is that just your guess? Why not much later?

        • Ed Chapman

          Do you remember when i said that I can’t stand EXPOSITORY PREACHING? No offence, but you are a great example as to why!

          When the Bible states that God BREATHED the BREATH OF LIFE into ADAM…what do you suppose is that BREATH OF LIFE?

          It is your spirit.

          But that one word is TWOFOLD, just like all the other carnal WORDS in the bible. For every carnal, there is a spiritual equivelance.

          I think that the Jehovah’s Witnesses call it THE AIR THAT WE BREATHE.

          Still, others call it GOD himself as the HOLY SPIRIT when we are born again, as that is ETERNAL LIFE.

          But, in short, it’s just OUR OWN spirit, called THE BREATH OF LIFE.

          Oh, by the way, what is THE PROMISED LAND? Is it a small piece of real estate in the middle east? Or is it HEAVEN? Or both?

          They don’t teach this stuff in CEMETARY, huh? Too focused on Catholic church fathers, are they?

          Ed Chapman

        • Ed Chapman

          Also, consider how old John the Baptist was when he LEAPED FOR JOY. Oh, wait, he wasn’t born yet! THAT’S MY POINT. But he was alive. He was a living creature in the womb. Leaping for joy. And he hadn’t even taken one breath of the air that we breathe, either.

          Luke 1:44
          For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.

      • C Michael Patton

        By the way, thanks for answering. Good to hear from you.

        • Ed Chapman

          Always good to make some light comedy on serious matters. It’s all in good cheer.


    • Edward Chapman

      Bible Argument AGAINST ABORTION:

      Exodus 21:22
      If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
      The above verse is for the woman who bears the child EARLY, and NO HARM IS DONE. But the below verse is when the child also goes through the birth canal, but harm has been done, such as DEATH to the child.

      Exodus 21:23-25
      23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,

      Did we see that? LIFE FOR LIFE?

      24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

      25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

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