What Is Philosophy? Why Is It Important? Paul Copan I recently led a discussion on these questions with a group of philosophically-curious people—including atheists/skeptics,...
This past November in Atlanta, I was attending a panel discussion on just war and pacifism in an age of terror at the Evangelical Philosophical Society meeting this past...
Jonathan Edwards, the Intellectual Magpie: Introducing Oliver Crisp’s Jonathan Edwards Among the Theologians (Eerdmans) Paul Copan Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) is one of my...
As we approach Good Friday, it would be good to reflect on what did and didn’t happen while Jesus was on the cross. Some modern theologians (e.g., Jürgen Moltmann in his...
“Our doctrines are not shameful, according to sober judgment, but are indeed more lofty than all human philosophy.” -Justin Martyr, Second Apology 15 NOTE: I have...
“The Little Lord Jesus Some Crying He Makes”: What Really Happened at Christmas (Told in Dr. Seussian Fashion) By Paul Copan **Before reading the poem, you may want to read...
Alvin Plantinga was recently interviewed for an article that appeared in the New York Times on the question, “Is Atheism Irrational?”[1] The following Tuesday, a National...
We’re familiar with relativism’s slogan, “That’s true for you but not for me.” Well, in the worldview neighborhood, emotivism is just around the corner. This philosophy of...
You may not remember the Phil Donahue Show. I myself didn’t really pay attention to it. Besides having other things to do, I found Donahue’s political correctness too...
In a First Things editorial entitled “What Should We Do About the Poor?”[1], the editors discuss alternatives to addressing poverty. Though this essay is about twenty years...