“Someday, maybe.” Such was the perpetual attitude of a doctor that I was doing my best to win to Christ. I was a young, enthusiastic Christian and thought I had all the...
Many things are easy to believe. It’s easy for me to believe that I just finished counseling a couple who are getting married next week. Why? Because I just experienced...
Give me enough slack and I can get out of anything. I am a master of manipulation. Before you get too smug, let me say this: you are too. It’s called sin. Manipulation...
One of the most difficult and rewarding experiences I have had in my journey with the Lord is having my beliefs challenged by my friends at undergraduate Bible School. Yes, I...
I remember when Jurassic Park first came out. I think it was in 94′. Great movie. It was the first movie that was really able to capture new Hollywood special effects...
Editors Note: In addition to all of our online ministries and curriculum we spend time every day answering questions through email. A man contacted our ministry last week...
“Where did you come up with that Ben? I thought I taught you better than this,” Fred says to his son being disturbed by the new way of thinking that he has never...
Last night I went to pick Zach, my three-year-old, up from his class at church. When I dropped him off, the sign-in sheet asked, “Any special instructions?” I...