Credo Clips: Theology in three minutes.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    12 replies to "Credo Clip: Can Christians Doubt?"

    • crollwitz

      I don’t know if it is just me or not, but I absolutely love when my RSS feeder has another Credo Clip link. The Theology in 3 Minutes is absolutely the best! Thank you so much for this.

      As for the topic today, as a Christian counselor, this is a remarkable topic and one that SHOULD have (as you note) a more positive angle to doubt. Doubt is not something we should fear, but seek out the root cause for the doubt, study it, meditate upon it, and watch as our faith grows even more.

      Some of the things I have doubted in the past I am the most confident of now. This confidence enables me to engage current and future doubts without fear of “losing my religion” (sorry R.E.M.).

      Again, great post…and I love all the new angles of videos that “show off” all the awesome features of the Credo House. Keep them up!!

      Houston, Texas

    • Rey Reynoso

      Nice touch pouring the coffee part-way through. Sorta’ like all the tv shows putting in car specs after they show the logo.

      But that’s what you missed. You didn’t put a Creedo House logo on the coffee pot.

    • skritches

      Great topic. As someone currently struggling through doubts about some things myself, it’s good to know that we’re not forbidden to doubt, but that we can and should bring it up honestly to God and others.

      Just a question though: at the end of the video, you mention that we need to deal with our doubts, and I was wondering what exactly can or should someone do if they’re facing doubts in their lives. What steps do we take to address them?

    • Steve Martin

      I believe it’s ok to have doubts.

      If you didn’t then you wouldn’t need faith.

      Surity requires no faith.

    • crollwitz

      Hi Steve and Skritches,

      As Michael noted, doubts are okay. And, a good question to ask (which skritches raised) is, “then how do I deal with them?”

      One of the greatest characteristics of the church is the fellowship and unity of the brethren. So, if doubts arise, we, as those in Christ and part of his bride, should be able to have the confidence to go to another brother or sister and share those doubts in an honest way – seeking to find answers and the hope that is within us.

      One thing I have found true of my own doubts is that they seem to always drive me deeper into God’s Word. If I doubt God’s presence in my life, I dive deep into the historical narratives, prophetic works, and Acts to see how God interacts with man. Then, I look at my own life to see if my actions might be a hindrance to his presence. So, in the end, I find those doubts not to be true doubts, but frustrations due mostly in part to my own fallen sin nature.

      Hope that helps,


    • Steve Martin

      “Then, I look at my own life to see if my actions might be a hindrance to his presence. So, in the end, I find those doubts not to be true doubts, but frustrations due mostly in part to my own fallen sin nature.”

      Hope that helps,


      Well said, Chris!

      That is THE problem. We are sinful. We don’t always trust our Lord. We wander off.

      Going to our brethren is great advice. Taking up the tools of piety, bible reading, bible study, prayer, good works, are things that will help us keep that faith burning, and doubt at bay.

    • James S

      “Surity requires no faith.”
      Maybe so, but faith requires surity.

      I am of the personal belief that doubt is unbelief and unbelief is sin. I’m pretty sure I read that somewhere.

      While someone has doubts, he is unbelieving. Whether you like it or not, that is the truth. So that would mean that if you are doubting, you have nothing more important to do but to get straightened out on your unbelief and dig and dig and dig until you get it right.
      Time is of essence here.

      I don’t have any doubts, and I have always been sure. (farthest back I can remember is the age of almost 3 in 1967, and repeatedly asking my mother “How can God always have been? Who made God? How did He get here?” and her answering me that “He has always existed, nobody made Him, He has always been” and me believing and being satisfied with that answer.)

      My sympathy goes out to those of you who claim to struggle with doubt, but to me that is simply absurd.

    • Steve Martin

      James S.,

      Then you need no faith.

      We are believers and unbelievers at the same time.

      Jesus told us that our”faith didn’t amount to the size of a mustard seed”

      “Lord I believe, help me in my unbelief.”

      Whenever we sin, we are unbelievers (un-trusters).

      Hey, if you can go through life never sinning…then good for you! (I think). Maybe not.

    • Kirsty

      James S: There is a difference between doubt and unbelief.

      Unbelief is saying ‘I don’t believe this’. It is definite, just as belief is.

      Doubt is saying ‘I’m unsure of this’, ‘I find it hard to believe this’. It is not the same thing. As the video says, it can lead to unbelief, but it is not in itself unbelief.

      I’m glad you have not suffered doubt yourself. However, many people do. They need to be built up by their brothers and sisters, not knocked down by being told their doubts are absurd. How will that help?

    • James S

      You are a wild and crazy guy.

    • Steve Martin

      A ‘jerk’ is more like it! 😀

    • Steve Martin

      When the bible speaks of belief (as it relates to faith) it is speaking of ‘trust’. (even the devil believes – so what?)

      So do Christians lose or waver in their trust?

      All the time!

      Has anyone here ever worried about anything? That is a lack of trust in God. He knows how we are though, and keeps us in faith through the hearing of His Word and the receiving of the Sacraments . It happens over and over and over and over. “We live (as the Bible says) from faith to faith.”

      Doubting is normal. We all do it…unless we can find someone who has never worried about anything, for a moment in their life.


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