Many things are easy to believe. It’s easy for me to believe that I just finished counseling a couple who are getting married next week. Why? Because I just experienced it. It’s easy for me to believe that I am writing on my computer right now. Though I don’t have the first clue as to how computers work, the experience is enough to persuade me of the reality of my actions. I believe it. So many things in life that we have faith about are easy to believe. But some things are harder to believe.

One thing that we have to keep in mind about the Christian faith is that it often does take faith. I spend a good deal of time trying to help people understand that belief in Christ is not irrational. In fact, I believe that, when we understand things well, it is the most rational thing that we can do. Some things that God calls on us to believe are simple and self-evident. Very often, many aspects of our faith are easy and require about as much effort as belief in the reality of my present action of writing this message. Sometimes faith seems to take very little faith.

However, there are things that are not quite so easy to believe. Just because something is rational does not mean it is always easy to believe.  There are times in our lives (often extended times) when belief is hard to come by. There are things that cause us to doubt and slip into a mire of uncertainty. When faith does not come so easy, we often panic, making the situation much worse as we sink deeper into a pit of despair.

It is easy to believe God loves me when things are going well in my life – when the kids are obedient, when my marriage is going well, and when there is enough in the bank to pay the bills. It is easy to believe because we often think that these are the things we should experience if our faith was true. However, when things are not going so well, faith takes a little more faith.

Pain and suffering, meaninglessness, depression, and lack of hope can quickly rob you of your faith and send you into a time of debilitating sorrow. Belief in God’s goodness takes more faith when you have a wayward son or daughter. Belief in God’s providence takes more faith when bill collectors are after you. Belief in God’s mercy takes more faith when a sinful fall is close in your rear-view mirror. Belief in God’s concern takes more faith when in the storm of depression.

When our faith begins to walk with such a limp, all things of God become suspect. Reading the Bible becomes a laborious task, seemingly only adding to our doubt and fear. Standing on his promises is not as easy as singing the song.

But I think we often forget that sometimes faith does take faith. I know that sounds odd. I am not trying to advocate some type of blind irrationalism. What I am saying is that God will sometimes put our faith on trial, not to watch us fall, but to build us up.

There may be things right now that you are called upon to believe about God that you are finding hard to believe. Maybe you have never doubted them before, but the problem is you are doubting them now. It might be an intellectual struggle, an experiential struggle, or an emotional struggle. The intellectual side of you says, “It is not rational to believe in such and such that the Bible says.” The experiential side of you says, “I am not experiencing God’s action in such and such situation and am doubting his presence.” The emotional side of you says, “I don’t feel as if such and such it true.”

It is at these times that we must remember that faith does take faith.

I think that sometimes we spend so much time trying to take the faith out of faith—we spend so much time trying to make our belief easy—that we are in danger of losing what it means to believe.

When God calls on us to believe something, he is calling on us to trust him. It is pretty simple. No, he is not calling on us to trust our own intellect, emotions, or experience (though he often works through these). He is calling on us to trust him. He is saying, “Just trust me. I am God and I know what I am talking about. I do know what I am doing. Just trust me. Just trust me. No, no, no. I am not going to answer that. Just trust me.”

I write this because I fear that we (myself included) sometimes try to take all the faith out of faith. We try to make faith easy. Sometimes our faith is hard to believe. But this does not mean it is unwarranted. God knows what he is talking about. God knows more than you or me. Just trust him.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    8 replies to "Sometimes Faith Does Take Faith"

    • Sheryl

      Great post, Michael. And a nice counter-balance to the book I am reading right now, In Search of a Confident Faith, by JP Moreland and Klaus Issler. You introduced me to JP’s book, Love Your God With All Your Mind, several years ago as part of the recommended reading when I first took Intro to Theology. The class plus the book kicked off a significant and new spiritual growth trajectory in my life that has involved devoting myself to study so I can know the foundations of my faith. But how vital it is to balance that with this what you have written about here. Faith does indeed take faith, or as JP is calling it in the book I am reading, God-confidence. Thanks for your continued diligence.

    • John Metz

      Posts like these are a big reason I like your blog. I find it refreshing that you admit struggles and weaknesses. We simply cannot answer all the questions or deal with all the situations that arise without a living faith. The Christian life is a life of faith. Faith makes living the Christian life reasonable.

      Romans 12:1 talks of presenting our bodies as living sacrifices and that to do so is our reasonable, intelligent, rational, logical service. Without faith, I doubt that many would consider doing so to be reasonable. With faith, to do otherwise is irrational.

    • Chris

      good stuff. Faith in a vacuum is an easy target for critics. It’s easy to believe and have faith in whatever you want, so long as it is not tested. But how much more valuable and meaningful is faith that is tested and found to remain because the the author of our faith is continually perfecting it in us who believe.

    • Tim

      Bless you for this desperately-needed reminder! Lately I’ve found myself in just the place you’ve described, tempted to doubt things I’ve always believed about God, not so much because I have evidence that they’re false, as because they’re so big and glorious that I can’t wrap my mind around them. In my sinful pride, I can attempt to set myself up as omniscient, coolly evaluating God’s claims and telling Him which are rational to my infinite wisdom, and which are not. God is slowly, painfully, and oh-so-faithfully teaching me that I am not the All-Knowing, All-Powerful, All-Wise One: He is, and it’s my privilege to bow to him and let Him carry the burden of omniscience. And that takes faith.

      Thanks, brother, for allowing God to use you.

    • patriciazell

      I find hope in the passage in Mark 9 where the father of a little boy who had seizures brought the child to Christ to be healed. When Christ told him that if he believed, all things would be possible, the father replied, “I believe, help my unbelief.” There are forces against our faith, but we can overcome them by asking God’s help. God has the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom we need to stand firm in our faith. After all, when we seek God, we are exercising our faith. We are not in this alone–God has set in place the help we need.

    • ruben

      Tim Keller says that the best response to the question “if God exists then why is there unecessary suffering” is “how do you know that the suffering is not necessary?”. I guess the places of hardship and emptioness that we go through are from God as well and part of our call.

    • Rob Fowler

      Michael, thank you so much for this series of posts, and for your blog. I have been a Christian for 20+ years, yet recently began struggling with doubt leading to exactly the type of depression, despair and panic you so vividly describe in several of your articles. I’m so grateful to have found this blog; it gives me faith God is using it to help me through a challenging time.

    • ounbbl

      It seems we are taking ‘faith’ as something abstract.

      Why not use a verbal phrase instead of a noun? The same goes for other abstract nouns/concepts, like love, hope, righteousness, mercy, etc., etc.

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