Can we know what makes for good art? Should Christians even worry about such things? Isn’t art a worldly pursuit anyway? Listen in to this special episode of Theology...
Those darn Buzzfeed Christians are at it again; putting us wholly uncool, manifestly square Christians in our place. Since I have an affinity for Socrates I thought, instead...
Equality is a defining concern of our age. If there’s one thing people today never tire of saying, it is that everyone should be treated equally, and not just in the old...
There is hardly a more popular genre of religious literature today than that of Near-Death Experience (NDEs). I often tell people that if they want to become a millionaire,...
It’s time to take a closer look at a phrase you’re probably tired of hearing by now. Words and phrases come into and go out of style just like everything else. I remember when...
In 1837 Hans Christian Andersen published a Danish fairy tale called The Emperor’s New Clothes (originally known as Keiserens Nye Klaeder). Here’s how the story...
As Ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20) each Christian is called to reflect Jesus to our culture. Imploring people to be reconciled to God. Spoken word poet, David Bowden,...
Several months ago the NY Times ran an article entitled “Publishers Revel in Youthful Cruelty,” describing how the topic of bullying has ignited a book bonanza on the subject...
“For a long time now, I’ve been convinced that what happens in New York (finances), Hollywood (entertainment), Silicon Valley (technology), and Miami (fashion) has a far...
Recently there was a stir about something in the newest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. A...