The following is a play-by-play overview of Holy Week with application questions for each day. This is part of a more full sermon by the same title preached by our Executive...
(Lisa Robinson) Well, it’s that time of year, the most celebrated and revered day in Christianity. The death, burial and resurrection of Christ commemorates the crucial...
(Lisa Robinson) This third installment kind of touches on Tim’s post, The Crazy Worship Lady. But it is not to discuss what is or is not appropriate in a worship...
I love movies. Probably too much. Definitely too much. I always think about whether something is beneficial or not. I am continually asking if such and such movie is...
My family and I attend a church where ear plugs are available at the entrance to our worship center. I’ve never used the earplugs at church but I probably should to preserve...
(by Lisa Robinson) I recall my Trinitarianism class in Spring 2009, and when we got to the discussion regarding the Holy Spirit, my professor made some comical remark about...
“The Christian life is a life of starting over every day.” -Unknown I remember hearing the story about the Christian farmer who acquired two new cows. He took his...
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was ditching a class in high school. It was third hour, I think. That is the hour we always ditched. We were in my friend’s jeep....
Last night I went to pick Zach, my three-year-old, up from his class at church. When I dropped him off, the sign-in sheet asked, “Any special instructions?” I...
Go into any Christian bookstore and you will find a host of Christian living books. Basically, these are books that provide assistance in the Christian walk through 1)...