(Lisa Robinson) While in seminary, I became fascinated with the study of revelation. God’s disclosure of his actions and character took on heightened meaning in...
(Lisa Robinson) I often hear this distinction being made typically by Christians who hold the sovereignty of God and the Bible in high esteem, God-centered vs. man-centered....
(Lisa Robinson) It’s comfortable for Christians to read inside our denomination/tradition. People who think like us, who draw the same conclusions make learning fun. But...
(Lisa Robinson) I’m not a pastor. I have no intentions of being a pastor even if I were affiliated with a denomination or church structure that would allow it. Yet, I...
(Lisa Robinson) Increasingly, I am encountering a definition of the priesthood of the believer to mean a rejection of structured leadership in our local assemblies. Because we...
(Lisa Robinson) The title is more of a rhetorical question. In fact, its a question posed with an increasing chagrin as I see love fought against in the quest to avoid the...
(Lisa Robinson) In case you missed it, the internet has been abuzz the past few days over this article posted by Dr. Anthony Bradley. In it, Bradley’s asserts that...
(Lisa Robinson) As a follow up to my last post On Shai Linne and Judging False Teachers, I’ve been reflecting on the underlying problem with the teachers represented in...
(Lisa Robinson) In case you haven’t heard yet, Christian hip-hop artist Shai Linne has released a single through Lamp Mode Recordings called Fal$e Teacher$. The track...
(Lisa Robinson) In a nutshell, my hope for the resurrection is that it be prioritized, remembered, embraced and identified for what it truly is – our Christian hope. I...