Friends of the blog and ministry,

The Credo House, as you may know, exists only because of your kind donations. With the Credo House, Credo Courses, The Theology Program, and all the curriculum we produce, it may look like we are doing fine without any donor support, but this is very far from the truth. We simply cannot exist without your support. match3In fact, we are experiencing a significant shortfall this Spring. We must have this shortfall filled immediately or there is going to be some real trouble with this ministry. Please join us in this campaign. Though it does not represent all our needs, it will provide much to help us get over our immediate troubles.

Will you please help Credo House Ministries continue to do all that we do?

If so, you can give your tax-deducible donations by clicking here.

Thank you so much for your support and may the Lord’s name be magnified.


C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry