I engage with skeptics all the time, as you can imagine. The mass majority of the ones I deal with are from America and have a Christian upbringing. All of these ridicule the...
The belief that God can “concede” to common worldviews and practices for a time in order to make a point or advance his perfect will one step at a time. For example: (although...
I’ve been thinking a lot on the theological implications of Critical Race Theory. Philosophically, there are gnostic components to CRT in that it entails a belief there is a...
Memory is unreliable when recounting old wounds, but I do know that the beginning of the end started with an email to an old professor in which I expressed: “I...
Earlier today, I read through Michael Patton’s post “On Leaving My First Love” and found similarities between where he was years ago and where I find myself...
One of the most discouraging (and blindsiding) things in life is to be one who has followed the Lord for some time, felt to be on the right track, been involved in the His...
He asked His disciples, “13Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” 14And they said, “Some say John the Baptist; others, Elijah; still others, Jeremiah or...
1. “Heads bowed, eyes closed . . .”: During a church service, you may hear a preacher abruptly break into this unexpected dialogue with the audience: “Heads bowed, eyes...
Handling a Depressed Christian As many of you know, I’ve been through the ringer of depression (more like a black hole). I had a major breakdown in March of 2010. It came out...