Since we have so many people who not only frequent this blog, but also post, I thought it would be good for us to take an oppertunity to get familiar with each other. I know...
There are a few things that people never forget. The details of certain tragedies and trials stay by your side and the vivid details remind you of their significance. People...
My daughter Katelynn has always been as sharp as a whip. She loves to learn. At church, people used to get kicks out of her understanding of theological issues. When she was...
“It is better than Disney World.” Those are not my words, but the words of my two daughters, Katelynn, age 8, and Kylee, age 7. I am sure that Will, age 3, would...
I thought that I would take some time to share with you some observations that I have learned over the years in reference to my testimony I have posted over the last week. 1....
Continued from an earlier post Kristie was different than other girls. I know, I know, everyone says this. But the night we met, I still remember where I was standing and...
I wish that I could say that change is easy. I wish that I could say that once you truly desire ridding yourself of sin that God would immediately come to the aid and provide...
Martin Luther spoke about the doctrine of justification saying that Christians are simul iustus et peccator, “The same time righteous and sinner.” I think this...
Well, I just thought that I would update you on the office/library situation. Since it seems that we will be staying in Frisco for the foreseeable future, I have kicked . ....
Just thought that I would let you all know that my mother seems to be improving!! It really comes as a surprise as we look at her seemingly deteriorating condition over the...