The question, “Should I buy a lottery ticket?” will probably cross the mind of almost every American today (unless you already purchased one!). The Mega Millions...
Do not read this book! Yes, there are many reasons why many of you should strongly consider never reading this book. The Driscolls say this at the beginning of chapter 10: If...
Why Doesn’t Everyone Agree with Me? I am a Calvinist; others are Arminian. I believe in a premillenial eschatology; others are amillenial. I am a traducianist with...
Last night I was talking to a hungry young “seeker” who has been coming to “Coffee and Theology” for four weeks now. After class each week he patiently...
To pray to someone is an act of worship. Most essentially, prayer is transcendent communication with someone who does not, during the communication, share your “plane of...
Why do you believe in God? “Because I know deep in my heart that he exists.” Why do you believe Christ rose from the grave? “Because I have experienced the...
There have been so many times in my life when God has not shown up. So many times when I am at my wits end, when it is forth and long, ninth inning, I put up a last hope three...
(Lisa Robinson) Last year, an opportunity opened up for me to teach a group of very-young-in-the-faith believers. This is not the first time I have worked with new believers...
I was recently asked to participate in a group that is creating a curriculum in the area of “spiritual formation.” I have never really written or spoken much on this, but my...
In the portfolio of my Christian life, there are a few events, lessons, and people who stand out and deserve a page in my “book.” There are many things that stand...