As I look forward to 2013, I’m excited and concerned. First, the concern. I can’t believe it’s been almost 500 years since Martin Luther courageously nailed those 95 theses to the Wittenburg doors. In the 1500’s many things about the church needed to change. One example:

No one read the Bible for themselves. It wasn’t available. Luther, however, knew people would only live free lives if they continually fed themselves the rich nutrition of Scripture. He led a movement to bring the Bible back to the people. As we enter 2013 the church has once again lost the Bible. Oh yes, it’s available everywhere. Most people even have one on their phone. But it’s not in the hearts of God’s people. Most Christians today do not regularly read the Bible for themselves.

Here’s another concern… Over the last few decades thousands of churches have become very “attractional.” The youth programs feel like Disney world. The worship set rivals any rock venue. The cool atmosphere rivals any Starbucks. Yes, I go to a church that fits this description. I think there’s a place for attracting people. The light show during worship draws in many. But here’s the concern, then my excitement. I’m concerned if we give people a bright lightshow, they might not ever see the Light of the World. They’ll come for the attraction, stay for the attraction, and not live for Jesus.

Now my excitement, I think there’s a massive change happening today in the church. Words like doctrine, theology and church history are becoming very popular. People who grew up with all the “attractional” church stuff are yearning for more! They’re yearning for the fullness of their God. They don’t want spiritual junk food, they want the steak and potatoes. Michael and I teach a lot at the Credo House. We’ve had many sessions over the last 6 months that were totally packed out. People were furiously taking notes as we went deep into discipleship. What drew these people? The depths of their God and Savior! Sessions on Doctrine, Theology and Church History filled the Credo House. Who were these people? Most of the people in all our classes are in their teens and twenties! These people coming to the Credo House for theological depth have consumed more than 1,000 pounds of coffee in 2012!

We are also seeing this movement toward deep discipleship online. Our web analytics show us people have spent more than 2 million minutes in 2012 being discipled by the online portion of our ministry. Wow! When I think of Jesus’ last words to us, a lump rises in my throat. In Matthew 28 he tells us to go and make disciples, teaching believers to live for the Savior. What a worthy pursuit for us all.

Our passion is discipleship. Helping people live obedient lives for Jesus. Abiding in Him. Growing in Him. Learning more about Him.

Our God is huge and our vision is huge. We want to be on the front lines of this theological movement among the next generation. Would you help us? The need for discipleship is great. The excitement toward what God is doing is greater.

We’re excited nearly $10,000 of our $75,000 year-end goal has already been given. Thank you. Would you help us be on the front lines of discipleship? Would you make an end-of-year donation today? Please click here to make a donation.

Tim Kimberley
Executive Director, Credo House Ministries

    4 replies to "Two Million Minutes and a Thousand Pounds"

    • Btw, for those that like other languages in/for the Bible, see Luther’s German Text and Translation!

    • Josh Pratt

      I grew up in the church, went to a christian college, and continue to go to church regularly until I was about 27. At that point, I realized that I had ultimately been faking my faith. I decided to be real with myself and how I felt, and found out that I really wasn’t sure if I actually believed it all. I stopped going to church for about 4 years. I grew very critical of the church, and of christians. Wanted nothing to do with christianity with everything I remember, and everything I continued to see. After leaving the church (of which had over 6000 members), nobody came after me. Nobody even noticed. And, I was a member, and had gone there for over 8 years.

      The last 4 years have been extremely discontent for me. Being basically an agnostic, I did nothing at all for my spiritual life. I kept thinking though, from what I remembered, that there is something good about the Bible and its message, though I am not at all impressed with the church and with christians. So I started reading. I decided I wanted to read through the gospels. It’s been really good. I’m drawn to it, and have been really enjoying it. I feel drawn to it on a similar level as us being drawn towards food. Like you said in your post, it feels like rich nutrition.

      So I connect with your post. I have a yearning for the Bible, and for much more than the church these days is providing. I never felt encouraged to ask questions, especially the tough questions, but I’m asking them constantly now (you can check out my blog – I ask a lot of them there). I’m having a lot of conversations with people, and loving it.

      I still am not necessarily at a point yet where I feel like I believe it’s all true. I’m skeptical, but there is something good about it. I’ve finished Matthew and Mark, and have moved on to Luke now. It’s been really good.

      I’ll definitely have to keep checking your blog here. You guys seem to post about topics that definitely interest me. Keep it up!…

    • Indeed Josh, “Christ Jesus”, Risen & Ascended..on the Throne above, alone, can give us that full Christian assurance! The fulness of the biblical revelation is all about Christ! But always remember too that the “hiddeness of God” is part of His revelation, even ‘In Christ’! In a fallen and broken world, and ourselves still attached in our constant sinful nature (even as Christians), we will never know God “exhaustively” (in this life)! Faith is the gift of God, in the “face of Christ”, and this will always be existential on our part of being and living. (2 Cor. 4: 6)

    • Sue M.

      Totally agree with your post. This has quietly happened in my own life recently. Entertainment in church does not equal spiritual depth or growth. Left the Word of Faith movement a few years ago (which we were unaware we were in until recently – that was an eye-opener!), we’ve started seriously looking for a church that is doctrinally sound, that will feed us the Truth as presented in the Word, not some strange interpretation that doesn’t match up. My bible has now become my favorite book, and I read/study it every day. Though a christian for over 30 years, I was amazed by what I found in there. Shame on me for not reading it like I should. No wonder I was an immature, disobedient, carnal, rebellious believer!
      Josh, I too was a disillusioned christian for many years. Keep reading it. Combine it with faith, an ear to hear and an open heart to really see what it’s saying; it will TRANSFORM your thinking and your life, just as it has mine. THANK GOD for His faithfulness and loving kindness in bearing with me all these years, and for continually drawing me nearer, even though I was quite unaware of it many times. I am now Absolutely Convinced of the Truth presented in the Bible, perhaps really for the first time. And it is setting me Free from all kinds of things, especially Wrong thinking, expectations, perceptions, and attitudes– and revealing the sin in my life that I didn’t even know was there. What a journey!
      HEBREWS 4:12 “For the WORD of God is LIVING and ACTIVE. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the THOUGHTS and ATTITUDES of the heart.”
      2 COR 10:5 “The weapons we fight with are Not the weapons of the World. On the contrary, they have Divine Power to demolish Strongholds. We Demolish arguments and every pretension that SETS IT’S SELF UP AGAINST the Knowledge of God, and WE take CAPTIVE EVERY THOUGHT to MAKE it OBEDIENT to CHRIST!”
      (Caps for emphasis, not…

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