This is part of a series of blogs called “The Univited: An Allegory of Evil.” Behind? Start at the beginning here. After the inviting of the Uninvited by the first...
As I reflect upon this year, one thing is more evident than ever: God does not hot sync to PDAs. It is odd but true. God has not ever gotten up in the morning, gone to His...
How many of us can actually approach life as those who evaluate things outside our experience? I know that growing up in a conservative anti-charismatic tradition, I was...
What are the options Christians are taking when it comes to engaging our postmodern culture? The question is: How do we lead a horse to water? The horse is the postmodern and...
February 18, 2007 Dr. Bruce Metzger was unquestionably one of the greatest New Testament scholars of the 20th century. He was also a friend. I am never prepared for any...
I thought that this was a great article by Piper. Point number two is especially interesting. What a sad state that our Christian culture must be in to where we don’t...
What are the differences and similarities between Old Testament and New Testament believers? Did God dwell in Old Testament believers as he does in New Testament believers?...
In my house, there are many uninvited guests. These guests show up from time to time and really disturb the comfortable situation that I attempt to make the norm for my day to...
I was talking to a good friend not too long ago as she shared the events of her life that were troubling and discouraging her. I found myself disconnected from her stories,...
“Yahoo! Answers” has posted their year end best questions list. Stephen Hawking took first place with his meta-anthropological/eschatological question “How can the human race...