Here we are, just five days left to go to join our movement and strengthen minds through understanding.

Reason #5: Daniel B. Wallace is a Modern Indiana Jones

Normally, we have to read about discoveries or watch them dramatized on the big screen. The Indiana Jones movies are among the most successful of all time because people love adventure. People love discovery. People love the possibility of possibilities. However, life does not have to be lived “normally.”

Dr. Daniel Wallace is a real life adventure/scholar. He may not be swinging on a whip fighting Nazis, but he is traveling to old monasteries, being lifted over walls in baskets, and spending long hours in dusty basements looking at treasure that no one has laid eyes on in many years. By day he is a professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. By night, he is an adventurer traveling the world photographing ancient New Testament manuscripts with his organization The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (

During this class on textual criticism, you will hear amazing stories of how manuscripts are discovered, catalogued, and photographed from a real Indiana Jones.

Join us by contributing to the campaign and you will join the adventure.

Keep the Faith. It is a cross to bear, but it is true.

Michael Patton
President, Credo House Ministries

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