Hey everyone…we just got a rough draft of the Syllabus from Dr. Wallace regarding our new Credo Courses Kickstarter Project. Here it is!
39 Lectures on NTTC (each 22–28 minutes long):
- Introduction: Definition of NTTC, need, primary objective. Definition of ‘original text’ and discussion on problems.
- Number of variants
- Nature of variants
- Recent attempts to change the goals: Parker, Ehrman, Epp.
- A Brief History of the Transmission of the Text: scribal changes (briefly), canon, major text-forms, disruptions in the transmission (Islam, Diocletian, Constantine and the shrinking influence of Greek)
- How and why scribes corrupted the text (intentional, unintentional, theologically motivated, liturgically motivated, canon and changes, motive toward orthodoxy with Gospel parallels)
- Illustrations of scribal corruption: Part 1 (unintentional errors)
Illustrations of scribal corruption: Part 2 (intentional changes)
- Materials and methods used in making ancient books: Part 1 [papyri, parchment, paper; codex, ink, quires, palimpsests]
- Materials and methods used in making ancient books: Part 2 [helps for readers and writers (Eusebian canons, leaf numbers, ekthesis, prickings)]
- The Greek text behind the KJV: Part 1 (general on Erasmus)
- The Greek text behind the KJV: Part 2 (1 John 5.7–8; end of Rev)
- The Textus Receptus and the Doctrine of Preservation
- History of NTTC since the TR (Lachmann, Tischendorf, Westcott-Hort, Zuntz, modern-day)
- Tischendorf and the Discovery of Codex Sinaiticus
- Westcott-Hort and the Dethroning of the TR
- Reasoned Eclecticism principles: Part 1 (internal evidence)
- Reasoned Eclecticism principles: Part 2 (external evidence)
- Reasoned Eclecticism principles: Part 3 (putting it all together)
- Some Famous MSS: Part 1 (Chester Beatty Papyri)
- Some Famous MSS: Part 2 (Bodmer Papyri)
- Some Famous MSS: Part 3 (Vaticanus and Sinaiticus)
- Some Famous MSS: Part 4 (Alexandrinus and Ephraemi Rescriptus)
- Some Famous MSS: Part 5 (Codex W)
- Some Famous MSS: Part 6 (Codex 33 and 1739)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 1 (1 Tim 3.16 and John 1.18)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 2 (Matt 24.36)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 3 (Mark 1.41)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 4 (Matt 27.16–17)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 5 (Romans 5.1 and Romans 8.1)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 6 (Luke 22.43–44)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 7 (Luke 23.34a)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 8 (John 5.3b–4)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 9 (1 Thess 2.7)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 10 (Jude 5)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 11 (Rev 13.18)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 12 (Mark 16.9–20)
- Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 13 (John 7.53–8.11)
- Is what we have now what they wrote then? How can we be sure?
As you can see on our Kickstarter page we will professionally produce this class, once you help us kickstart it through your backing (wink-wink), and depending on your backing level we will get it into your hands either digitally or through physical media for you to use to deepen yourself and others for Jesus and His Word.
1 Response to "Kickstarter Syllabus Release!"
I’m sorry, but I am using this comment as a “test” to see if the commenting problems are across the board or just on one thread.