For those who are tired of today’s church being so anti-intellectual and adrift at sea with no anchor, we ask you to get involved in an opportunity to bring something different to reality. We are launching a project today aimed at turning the tides toward a new age of humble theological depth.

The Credo House is teaming up with some of the best biblical scholars to make available to you amazing biblical training usually reserved for elite Seminaries.

For our first course in this series we have selected Textual Criticism by Dr. Daniel B. Wallace. Dr. Wallace will devote more than 30 sessions taking you through the rock-solid reliability of the New Testament. The New Testament is heavily attacked in our culture today. Without the New Testament you don’t have a reliable message about Jesus. This topic is so crucial for every Christian. Would you please help us kickstart this crucial course?

Everything about this curriculum has involved “out-of-the-box” thinking. Including the production of the curriculum. We’re using a revolutionary way to fund this, it’s called crowdfunding. You might have heard about this on the news. Get a whole bunch of people to agree to fund something and everyone wins in the end. You get some great prizes in the process. Who knew funding a Textual Criticism project could be so much fun.

Get involved and watch a quick video HERE


    12 replies to "Help us Strengthen Christian Minds"

    • EricW

      Will this be a real class in TC – i.e., learn how to weigh and evaluate the different mss. families and be able to make decisions based on reading/using the Nestle-Aland and UBS textual apparatuses?

      The synopsis makes it sound like it’s more about proving the reliability of the NT than teaching the students/participants the elements/fundamentals of TC so they can not simply read the textual apparatuses but also do things like:

      – know and understand which mss. belong in which families;
      – know which families are the most reliable for which gospels, epistles, etc,;
      – use their newly-learned abilities to evaluate the textual variants in the apparatuses; and
      – make reasoned decisions re: agreeing or disagreeing with what the N-A and UBS editors chose

      That’s what I’d be interested in learning. Also, would this be a 30-session same-time-each-day/week-viewed lesson, or would people be able to watch the video anytime they wanted to so as to fit their work and home schedules?

    • Tim Kimberley


      Yes, this class has now grown to 40 sessions covering virtually all prevalent issues related to textual criticism. We have just received Dr. Wallace’s syllabus and we will post it on the Kickstarter page very soon.

      The course will be in a digital on-demand format/PDF workbook (every backer at $100 and above gets access to this format) and also in a DVD/Workbook format (every kickstarter backer at $150 and higher receives this format).

      I hope that helps.

      take care,

    • EricW

      Can you explain a bit more the access and physical media differences between the $100 and $150 options? Does the $150 option include the $100 features as well?

      E.g., does the DVD include the entire set of video lessons? Is the Workbook a full-color (if color) printout of the PDFs from the $100 option? Does the DVD allow the student to thus take the class off-line? Etc. Thanks!

    • Tim Kimberley

      The $100 option provides access for you to download the video to your computer and watch whenever you would like.

      The $150 level also gives you the download option but you also get a DVD set (it will be at least 8 DVDs) that you can take with you and watch whenever you like. DVD’s that you can put in a DVD player. The workbook at the $150 level will not be full-color but will be professionally published. So it will not be just printing out a PDF, but instead it will be like a book you get at a bookstore.

      I hope that helps,

    • EricW

      Thanks, Tim. Sorry to pester you with questions, but I do have 4 more, based on reading the packages descriptions:

      You wrote:

      The course will be in a digital on-demand format/PDF workbook (every backer at $100 and above gets access to this format) and also in a DVD/Workbook format (every kickstarter backer at $150 and higher receives this format).

      1. Does the $150 level include the same digital on-demand format/PDF workbook like the $100 course, or just a bound copy of the workbook + DVDs w/o always-on access to the PDFs of the workbook?

      2. Does the $200 level include just the DVDs from the $150 level but not the bound printed workbook? Also, does it include the full same-as-the-$100 digital on-demand format/PDF workbook?

      What I most want is the ability to access the full course and full materials online at my convenience, and I’d be willing to pay extra for DVDs of the course and a bound printed copy of the workbook. If that’s all included in the $150 price, then I’d probably go for that. But if the $200 price includes everything that’s in the $25, $50, $100, AND the $150 packages, then I might consider that.

      But it appears that the $200 packages does NOT include all that’s in the $150 package, just the DVDs but no bound printed workbook.

      3. Do the printable as PDFs (same as the bound printed workbook, I hope!) workbooks come with all $100-level-and-up purchase?

      4. For how long will digital access be available (to watch the course and download the videos and print the PDFs)?

      (Whew! Yes, I’m a bit O-C.)

    • Tim Kimberley

      No problem Eric…I definitely want you to know what you’re getting.

      1. Does the $150 level include the same digital on-demand format/PDF workbook like the $100 course, or just a bound copy of the workbook + DVDs w/o always-on access to the PDFs of the workbook?

      [Yes, you get both]

      2. Does the $200 level include just the DVDs from the $150 level but not the bound printed workbook? Also, does it include the full same-as-the-$100 digital on-demand format/PDF workbook?

      [This level includes the DVDs the bound Workbook plus the digital content]

      3. Do the printable as PDFs (same as the bound printed workbook, I hope!) workbooks come with all $100-level-and-up purchase?


      4. For how long will digital access be available (to watch the course and download the videos and print the PDFs)?

      [Until Jesus Returns 😉 ]

    • EricW

      Thanks, Tim. The $200 level seems like a good deal to me, EXCEPT – the newly-posted syllabus does not seem to address what I primarily desire from this course – i.e., learning how to evaluate the mss. listings in the N-A and UBS textual apparatuses by learning the text families, the relative values of the different families for the various parts of the NT, which mss. belong in which families, how to read and weigh the N-A/UBS text decisions based on the variants listed, etc., as I wrote in my first comment.

      I have a DVD of slides of Dr. Wallace’s elementary TC course. I’ve taken the “Snoopy” class. I saw him debate Bart Ehrman at SMU. I know the history of TC (I have Metzger’s books and Comfort’s books), etc.

      If Synopsis items 26.-38. do with the N-A/UBS apparatus what I’m wanting to work with and learn to do, then it might be a good course for me:

      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 1 (1 Tim 3.16 and John 1.18)
      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 2 (Matt 24.36)
      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 3 (Mark 1.41)
      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 4 (Matt 27.16–17)
      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 5 (Romans 5.1 and Romans 8.1)
      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 6 (Luke 22.43–44)
      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 7 (Luke 23.34a)
      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 8 (John 5.3b–4)
      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 9 (1 Thess 2.7)
      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 10 (Jude 5)
      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 11 (Rev 13.18)
      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 12 (Mark 16.9–20)
      Some Famous Textual Problems: Part 13 (John 7.53–8.11)

      But if not, then it looks to be mostly a rehash of what I already know or have heard/seen from Dr. Wallace, and probably not worth my $$ for resources and information I mostly already have.


    • EricW

      Tim: I want you to convince me 🙂 if you can.

    • Tim Kimberley

      I have a wife and three kids…Michael has a wife and 4 kids…we have 10 other employees and their families. We may all have to find new jobs or let our families go hungry if you do not back this project.

      How did I do?!?

    • EricW

      I’ll see you and raise you 27+ years left on my mortgage, having to support my daughter and granddaughter, being age-and-time eligible to retire but family obligations make that unlikely anytime soon, having aged parents who will likely have nothing left in their estate (I.e., no inheritance to look forward to), an IRA that was decimated by the stock market crash several years ago and which I’ve not been able to afford to rebuild, tempting offers from Logos every month, needing to replace my 8-year old computer and TV, etc., etc.

      So I really do need to know if this course will teach me what I most want/need/desire.

      Nice try, though. 😉

    • C Michael Patton

      Would it be morally objectionable for me to bring min my paraplegic mother that I take care of? 🙂

    • EricW

      6. Tim Kimberley says:
      May 10, 2013 at 11:47 am

      No problem Eric…I definitely want you to know what you’re getting.

      1. Does the $150 level include the same digital on-demand format/PDF workbook like the $100 course, or just a bound copy of the workbook + DVDs w/o always-on access to the PDFs of the workbook?

      [Yes, you get both]

      2. Does the $200 level include just the DVDs from the $150 level but not the bound printed workbook? Also, does it include the full same-as-the-$100 digital on-demand format/PDF workbook?

      [This level includes the DVDs the bound Workbook plus the digital content]

      3. Do the printable as PDFs (same as the bound printed workbook, I hope!) workbooks come with all $100-level-and-up purchase?


      4. For how long will digital access be available (to watch the course and download the videos and print the PDFs)?

      [Until Jesus Returns 😉 ]

      Well, I waited till nearly the last hour, but I think you had me at “Textual Criticism” and “Daniel Wallace.” So I’m in today for $200. 😉

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