Here is the trailer for the new Intelligent Design (ID) movie with Ben Stein. It looks like it is well done with a bit of humor that is going to drive many people mad. Get...
If you live in the Dallas area or you can be in the Dallas area in late October, you won’t want to miss the Jesus in Prime Time conference. The subject couldn’t be...
Concerning the discussion on the blogs recently, I have corresponded with James White I spoke with James White on his show The Dividing Line tonight. You can listen here. I...
It was brought to my attention that James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries has devoted one of his “Dividing Line” broadcasts to these issues concerning Roman...
I’ve been generous to the Catholics this week on matters of Salvation by faith and works, and now what do I get? Pope Benedict XVII kicks me in the face by approving a...
Well Dan, you have certainly caused a stir. I think this conversation concerning the relationship of modern Catholicism and Protestantism is needed. I just have one initial...
ETS Papers on RMM Reclaiming the Mind Ministries is now the official host for the Evangelical Theological Society’s (ETS)Â annual meeting papers. We have posted hundreds...
“It is better than Disney World.” Those are not my words, but the words of my two daughters, Katelynn, age 8, and Kylee, age 7. I am sure that Will, age 3, would...
Will large evangelistic “crusade” type events finally come to a conclusion as our hunger for depth and drama increase? Does the postmodern demands for...
 Brought to you on Connection Gate  Join us as we discuss the seeker sensitive movement. Mentioned on Broadcast: Desiring God STAND Conference Purpose Driven Church...