[N.B. – For a more in-depth treatment of Dr Wallace’s views on this subject, see “The Righteousness of God and N.T. Wright.”] N. T. Wright has written...
Acts 16:31, after Paul and Silas are miraculously released from prison, the jailer obviously impressed with fantastic occurrences that freed them asks the simple question...
I have heard this since I was a very young Christian. It seemed somewhat reasonable as it was explained to me by pastors in sermons and by Christians as they explained the...
According to N.T. Wright, justification is a subset of election, which, in turn, is an issue of ecclesiology. Justification therefore is intrinsically tied to being a part of...
John Piper has proven once again that underneath his passionate commitment to exposition and inspiration, his thinking, judgment, and exegetical rigor is not...
My view of what I call “progressive orthodoxy” allows for maturation and development in our understanding of orthodoxy. Here is the definition I gave in the last...
Since the blog “The Day I Became a Calvinist” is way too long, I thought that I would take a very good question concerning the tension that Calvinism allows...
There are a few things that people never forget. The details of certain tragedies and trials stay by your side and the vivid details remind you of their significance. People...
Provided by  D.A. LaGue [display_podcast] In 1734, Jonathan Edwards, theologian and colonial pastor in Northampton Massachusetts, found his congregation in an ‘unusual...
First Things is brought to you live on Connection Gate Join us today as week seek to understand why Paul and James seem to be at odds concerning justification.