A Warning to Young Apologists: Take Breaks from the Battle
I remember when Jurassic Park first came out. I think it was in 94′. Great movie. It was the first movie that was really able to capture new Hollywood special effects...
C Michael Patton
Not “Something on a Stick”
Sometimes I have to laugh a bit at human endeavors into knowledge and understanding. Sometimes I have to laugh at myself as I attempt to learn and, of all things, teach people...
C Michael Patton
Why is There Something Rather than Nothing? The Only Six Options
Someone has once rightly said that this is the most basic philosophical question that there is: “Why is there something rather than nothing?” As far as I can tell,...
C Michael Patton
Richard Dawkins: A Philosophical and Theological Lightweight? Responding to Dawkins, Part II
by Paul Copan In my last post, I mentioned my brief interaction with Richard Dawkins when he came to Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale last month. A week later, I...
C Michael Patton
Why the Santa/God Parallel Does Not Work for Atheists (But Does For Theists)
One of my all-time favorite movies is “Elf.” Our family probably watches it three or four times every Christmas season. The child-like naivety of...
C Michael Patton
Difference Between Christianity and Other Religions in a Nutshell
Is it really that hard of a decision?
C Michael Patton
Questions I Hope No One Asks: Why Is God So Silent?
One of the most irritating things in the world is to be ignored. My kids are in the “ignoring phase” of their lives. They have discovered its power of...
C Michael Patton
Credo Clip: Should a Christian Believe in Hell?
Credo Clips: Theology in Three Minutes
C Michael Patton
My Recent Interaction with Richard Dawkins
by Paul Copan Last week, Richard Dawkins spoke here in Ft. Lauderdale at Nova Southeastern University on “The Fact of Evolution.” The following week, I spoke on “The Fact of...
C Michael Patton