News broke in early March that well-known and highly influential Christian leader Ulf Ekman had converted to Roman Catholicism (hereafter RC). Ekman had served for many years as pastor of the charismatic church, Word of Life, in Uppsala, Sweden. My interest was stirred not only because of the impact Ekman’s “conversion” will have on others but also because he cites his son’s “conversion” to Catholicism as exerting an influence on his own thinking. Benjamin Ekman was a student of mine when I taught at Wheaton College, an exceptionally bright one at that.

But all of this raises yet again the question of why certain Protestants turn to Rome. Ekman himself cites his deep yearning for unity in the body of Christ as one of the principal factors. Some time ago I posted a blog article that addresses this issue, and I want to revisit it again today.

It’s important to understand why most Protestants remain suspicious of Roman Catholicism. The following are merely observations. I make no attempt to determine whether or not these evangelical fears are justified or misguided.

(1) Many Protestant evangelicals are energized by the Protestant martyrs of the reformation and post-reformation period: Hus, Cranmer, Tyndale, Hugh Latimer, Ridley, etc. They fear that dialogue with the RCC is a disservice and dishonor to those who gave their lives for their convictions. They were tortured and died for their refusal to embrace the RC Mass or bow to papal authority. Attempts such as Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT) represent for many evangelicals a tacit dismissal of such heroes of the faith: “Are we selling out those who sacrificed so much? Why are we willing to compromise so easily on matters that were to them a question of life and death?”

(2) Evangelicals also fear the loss of theological integrity. They believe that the only way to enter a dialogue with Rome is by compromising on several key theological issues. Most evangelicals believe that unity is theologically based. Cooperative efforts must be grounded in theological consensus. Is this biblical? Is it feasible?

(3) Many evangelicals are afraid of liturgy and ritual. They are put off by the external trappings of the RCC and believe them to be a threat to the simplicity, genuineness, freedom and spontaneity of faith in Jesus. Perhaps they grew up Catholic or know someone who is Catholic and are personally aware of the potential of relying on a religious ritual devoid of spiritual substance. A biblically based theology of symbol and sacrament would go a long way in diminishing such fears.

(4) Evangelicals often fear that RC theology and practice detract from a single-minded focus on Jesus. Devotion to Mary, praying the rosary, penance, confession, etc., strike them as distractions from and perhaps substitutions for the worship of the Son of God alone. Associated with this is their belief that Catholics are obsessed with the pope, a mere man (as evidenced by the deference shown him, the honorific titles given him, and the habit of bowing in his presence or the kissing of his hand, foot, ring, etc.).

(5) Evangelicals are concerned that the RC concept of justification, doing penance, and the Mass, etc., detract from, and perhaps even deny, the centrality and sufficiency of divine grace. This raises the question of whether or not Sola Fide (“by faith alone”) is itself the gospel.

(6) Evangelicals tend to be individualistic in their faith. Thus they do not like being told what to do and what not to do. They fear that papal authority and the magisterium of the church would rob them of their freedom as Christians. In other words, evangelicals are quite serious about the doctrine of the priesthood of the believer and the concept of “soul competency” (a favorite term among Baptists).

(7) The single most basic reason for evangelical reluctance to ECT and other forms of dialogue or ecumenical activity is their suspicion that Catholics are not saved. The question they ask themselves is: “How can someone be born again who denies Sola Scriptura, who puts their trust in the sacrifice of the mass, who grants such high privilege and power to both the Pope on earth and Mary in heaven, who believes that salvation is, at minimum, a cooperative effort of God and man?” This suspicion casts a long shadow over all efforts at dialogue between evangelical and Catholic. [But do Catholics, in fact, believe what evangelicals think they believe? It would appear that open and honest and prolonged dialogue is at this point absolutely essential.]

There are multiple reasons people cite to explain why they have “converted” to Roman Catholicism.

1) Aesthetic – Many appeal to the experience of being moved by the architecture of RC church structures, the incense, the beauty of liturgy, the mystery, the solemnity, the drama, the vestments of the clergy, the church calendar, the sense of transcendence, religious symbolism, etc.

2) Historical – Some appeal to the belief that the reformation was a rebellion and that Protestantism is a deviation from the historic stream of the true church. They also point to a desire for unity with the past and the appeal of tradition.

3) Theological – Some convert for strictly theological reasons. They insist that sola scriptura, sola fide, etc. are wrong. Many have become persuaded of a sacramental/sacerdotal approach to God’s mechanism for dispensing grace together with a belief that Protestantism is Gnostic and fails to embrace the incarnational principle of scripture.

4) Social – The growing secularization of society, together with the diminishing influence of the evangelical church, have led many to Rome. They often find in the RCC a stabilizing anchor and unified front to fight the battle against the paganizing of culture.

5) Personal – Many Protestants point to their bad experience in the church, often citing an oppressive and legalistic fundamentalism.

6) Authority – The appeal of papal infallibility, as over against the theological schisms in Protestantism, offers a stability in which their souls/minds might find rest in an uncertain and irrational age. Ekman himself cites the appeal of the magisterium, the official teaching office of the Roman Catholic Church. He, among others who likewise have converted, believe there is a great need for a single, authoritative voice that under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in conformity with the tradition of the church can interpret and apply God’s Word uniformly.

7) Denominational – By this (and in keeping with the previous point) I have in mind the disdain many feel toward the divisions and denominations in Protestantism that they believe are the direct result of the disparate theological views so rampant in the non-Catholic world. They are offended by the obvious disunity that exists and what they perceive as the failure to take seriously the prayer of Jesus in John 17 that we all be one.

Perhaps a follow-up article needs to be written on why so many Catholics convert to Protestantism! Perhaps . . .

    43 replies to "Another Protestant Converts to Catholicism – Why?"

    • Aaron

      for people that want to sin yet still make Heaven all they now need to do is go to Confessional and say ‘sorry’ and go back out and do the same thing. Even the Godfather knew that was not the way to truly confess. Just sayin.

      • Sebastian

        You are saying this because of your ignorance about confession

    • Flyaway

      I had heard what a good book “Orthodoxy” by G.K. Chesterton was, and so I attempted to read it. Then I discovered he was Catholic. I believe another writer Peter Kreeft is Catholic. So why are all these top protestant thinkers reading books by Catholics? Why would they read books by people who pray to saints and to Mary?

      • Ron Zell

        Hi Flyaway,

        When you say “Why would they read books by people who pray to saints and to Mary?” I hope you are also thinking and feeling that “people” are your separated Brethern in Christ. Catholics don’t pray TO Saints or pray to Mary. There is something known as the “communion of saints” which is the entire Mystical Body of Christ. These include those of us living In Christ, and those that have passed away and in either Purgatory (if you believe in it) or in Heaven, awaiting the bodily resurrection at the end of time.

        Jesus answers the questions presented by the SADDUCEES found in the following gospels:
        a MATT. 22:23-33; b MARK 12:18-27; c LUKE 20:27-39. Jesus states that God is the God of the living and not the dead. Don’t we ask others to pray for us? Just because they have passed onto the Lord, does that mean we can’t ask for them to pray for us? Correct me if I’m wrong.

        My understanding of the Catholic devotion to Mary has to do, and I’m sure there are other reasons as well, with the Wedding at Cana. At this Wedding, Mary intercedes intercedes for the Bride and Bridegroom. With this said, I believe that NOTHING in SCRIPTURE IS ACCIDENTAL OR MEANINGLESS. There may be several layers of understanding to each parable or story, but everything has meaning. Even the reference to the particular garment that Jesus was wearing prior to the crucification.

        Please go to the 2014 Evangelication Theological Society Conference found at and navigate to this Section and listen to the talk given a theologian and historian by the name of Timothy George. It’s about Christian Unity. Also look at an article at by Timothy George about what Evangelicals and Catholics can do together. One other important diolague between Dr. George and Francis Bectwith would be very helpful to this conversation. Here Dr. George suggests that both Evangelicals and Catholics can explore Mary. He states that Protestants have missed a great deal about Mary. She appears at the incarnation, the Wedding at Cana, and she is under the Cross. She is at Pentecost……she received the Holy Spirit. She has been both the Mother of God and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.

        There are only 6 sects in Islam. How many denominations do we have in Protestism? The Catholic Church is comprised of 22 churches and add to that the Orthodox, Coptic, Assyrian and several others who share a very close core of beliefs, and there is around 2 billion Christians who adore Mary and pray into the Communion of Saints.

        I pray and hope that we, as Christians, put away our differences and show the rest of the world, who do not believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Savior, a strong unity. You know who is coming to destroy Christianity.

        Lets be united in Christ,

        Ron Zell

        • Flyaway

          Hi Ron! I got my answer from R.C. Sproul, Jr. I wrote this in my blog—-I’ve been wondering why so many Protestants are reading “Orthodoxy” written by G.K. Chesterton, a Roman Catholic. Here is what R.C. Sproul, Jr. said, “ Why would a rabidly anti-Romanism Calvinist insist his teens read a rabidly anti-Calvinism Romanist? Why for all the biblical wisdom of course. That, and the writing. Chesterton was Lewis before Lewis, and clearly Lewis to Lewis. This book, rightly handled, is gold for the soul.”

        • Tolle Lege

          Flyaway, I’m glad Protestants, especially Calvinists, are encouraged to read Chesterton, and also, while we’re at it, St. Augustine – an archbishop who was carefully selected by the Roman Catholic Church to be a theological doctor of the Roman Catholic Church.

          St. Augustine, as would be expected, also had a public devotion to the Blessed Mother and an apologetic defense of her value and significance to any Christian – along with the full list of other “Romanist” things.

          But, then again, if Protestants have nothing to fear concerning their beliefs, they really ought to be reading such authors, since their very identity comes from a departure from the authors and authorities of this Mother Church.

        • C Michael Patton

          I am going to suggest that Webster’s dictionary use your statement above as an illustration of question begging. It’s perfect! 🙂

        • Tolle Lege

          Patton, Which part? Is it a thorough illustration of question begging or some of it? Augustine didn’t write this prayer?
          “O blessed Virgin Mary, who can worthily repay thee thy just dues of praise and thanksgiving, thou who by the wondrous assent of thy will didst rescue a fallen world? What songs of praise can our weak human nature recite in thy honor, since it is by thy intervention alone that it has found the way to restoration. Accept, then, such poor thanks as we have here to offer, though they be unequal to thy merits; and receiving our vows, obtain by thy prayers the remission of our offenses. Carry thou our prayers within the sanctuary of the heavenly audience, and bring forth from it the antidote of our reconciliation. May the sins we bring before Almighty God through thee, become pardonable through thee; may what we ask for with sure confidence, through thee be granted. Take our offering, grant us our requests, obtain pardon for what we fear, for thou art the sole hope of sinners. Through thee we hope for the remission of our sins, and in thee, O blessed Lady, is our hope of reward. Holy Mary, succour the miserable, help the fainthearted, comfort the sorrowful, pray for thy people, plead for the clergy, intercede for all women consecrated to God; may all who keep thy holy commemoration feel now thy help and protection. Be thou ever ready to assist us when we pray, and bring back to us the answers to our prayers. Make it thy continual care to pray for the people of God, thou who, blessed by God, didst merit to bear the Redeemer of the world, who liveth and reigneth, world without end. Amen”

          Or this?

          I could go on and on with excerpts of explicit defense of the Roman Papacy, too, if you’d like. Sorry, as much as Calvinists would like to appropriate him as their own, he was no where within a universe close to Protestantism.

          Have you read his On Christian Doctrine? Or his homilies/letters regarding Mary’s status, or penance? or Apostolic Succession?

        • Ron

          Hi Tolle,

          Some of the Catholic theologians I follow, do suggest reading books from Protestant authors. I’m reading N. T. Wright’s, The New Testament and the People of God, right now. We are so lucky to be able to do research and exchange information so quickly because of the Internet and computers. I have access to all the extant works of Augustine at my finger tips. I can form my own judgments and read endless commentary on any of his or other Church Fathers works.

          There are some prominent Protestant theologians that do want to take a closer look at Mary, the Mother if God and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit.

          It will be interesting to see what our Protestant brethren come away with after an in depth study of Mary. One of the ways I study our rich Christian faith is to read about conversion stories of RC converting to Protestantism and visa versa. One of the obstacles encountered by Protestant theologians who have converted to RC, is Mary. Yet once they see the theology and history of how Catholics and EO came to see Mary’s role in the church, they then are confident of joining the RC church.

          In Christ,


    • alaskazimm


      As differentiated from all the Protestants who live like hell all week then “rededicate” their lives at church (while repeating 1 Jn 1:9) and go back and do it all again. Just sayn.

    • Jay Saldana

      It is so interesting as a x-RC member who studied or the priesthood in the RC church and is now called to Word and Service in a Protestant denomination to read this. After the years of time and the theological training started here at Credo House I can now peel the skins of the onion and see how one can go back and forth. Strangely, enough I can see the error on both sides, the code words we use to maintain the wall between us. While I think the wall is real and not likely to be town down, the height of the wall is no where near as high as the emotions and fears suggest from either side.
      I think the times of persecutions are over from either side, but, the religious hysteria still plagues us all. WE as a culture have a hard time separating faith and religiosity.
      As people of faith we see it everywhere. A perfect example of what I mean is the Hobby Lobby case of religious freedom. We attach emotionally to the case only to find that the flag bearer is flawed and invested over 7 millions in the pharmaceuticals He claims to hate. Now, what was a principled argument about morality is simply a base argument about political one-ups-man-ship. This simple lesson from the political world is an example of many of the pitfalls that await us in our un-examined beliefs about our brother and sisters in different faiths.

      Thank you for a wonderful and thoughtful blog.

      Jay Saldana

    • david carlson

      Ritual and Pagentry – much of the Prot. Church has abandoned (intentionally) the ritual and pagentry of the RC. Yet Ritual and Pagentry is important to people (think all of the Jewish festivals) They establish a place for people

    • Jim Zeirke

      As Ulf Ekman was a charismatic, I wonder how he now believes in the Gifts of the Spirit? Is he now considering them heretical? Are they now only for the priests? Does he now consider those who practice the gifts to be anathema?

    • Brad

      I converted in 2004 to the RC for many of the reasons you sited. I also had several prophecies that played a role. I loved how beauty and truth came together.

      There are plenty of examples of bad Catholics but what ultimately drew me to the RC was the holiness of its saints. As Thomas DuBay has said, “The saints make the best teachers.”

    • Steve Martin

      Some people just can’t handle the freedom of a pure gospel.

      They need instructions and a clear path of ascendancy.

      Luther fought hard against that sort of thing. But many (maybe most) still cling to that sort of Christianism.

    • Most of the Protestants do not agree with catholic church rules and Ritual and Pagentry then they converted to Roman Catholicism its their own decision no body can do much about it.

    • RDavid

      Why RCC? Why not Anglicanism or Eastern Orthdoxy?

    • LamontGoodling

      Why the scare quotes around “conversion”?

    • Jeff Ayers

      Why do some depart from the faith, like the Ekman’s?
      They give heed to seducing spirits (the popery and priesthood) rather than the more sure word of prophecy (the written word)

      And they give heed to doctrines of devils (like forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meat – eat only fish on Friday etc.)

      1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall DEPART FROM THE FAITH, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

      2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

      3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

    • mindaugas

      “Why RCC? Why not Anglicanism or Eastern Orthdoxy?”

      I think I’m converting to one of these after 20 yrs of evangelicalism. EO was the option for Ekmans.

    • Micael Gustavsson

      To Jim Zeirke: There are roman catholic charismatics, and Ekman has cooperated with them for many years, and egen invited them to speak at conferences.

    • John

      “Some people just can’t handle the freedom of a pure gospel.”

      What is the freedom of a pure gospel? Fundamentally, what freedom do you have as a Protestant you don’t have as a catholic? You’re free not to follow the pope of course, but you’re not free to not follow the bible, and I don’t see how that is fundamentally more free.

    • Pete again


      Becoming Anglican is not a option for most serious-minded people looking to convert:

      Going from Protestant to RC is much easier than going to EO. Many of the foundations of western Christianity are the same and come from Augustine.

    • Jared

      @Pete again,

      As an evangelical protestant, I am in a place where I have agreements and disagreements with both the RCC and the EO. A lot of the differences between Protestants and RC’s are over Augustine, but at least it’s coming from a shared history of the importance and emphasis of his writings. As I understand it, the EO don’t give Augustine the same weight. So given that I agree with Augustine (at least in my Protestant way), it would prevent me from going EO.

      However, I’m in agreement with the EO that the RCC goes way too far with its Marian and Eucharstic dogmas, in addition to the rejection of the RCC’s claims about the Papacy. That would prevent me from going RC.

      So it seems that there’s no place for me except to stay Protestant if I want to retain the traditions of Western Christianity while rejecting the excesses of Rome.

      It also seems to me that there’s the differences between the EO and RCC are far greater than what some would characterize them as. I’ve heard the EO characterize RC’s and Protestants as “two sides of the same coin”. That may be true, but then that means the EO are a different coin.

      • Ron Zell

        Hi Jared,

        I think one of the reasons the EO don’t put much weight on Augustine is because Augustine didn’t speak or write in Greek. The EO have now, in the past 100 years or so, been studing Augustine.

        Have you heard of Mt. Athos. It’s a region in Greece filled with monestaries. I believe there is one that is Catholic, but the rest are EO. It would be wonderful if some of those Monks would reveal some of the writings and ancient texts they possess out into the Christian world. Those monestaries must have a treasure trove of manuscripts, revealed teaching, mysticism, and texts never before seen. The Copts have given us much over the past 100 years or so.

        One other thing I’ve noticed about Orthodoxy and it’s that they read the New Testament in its original language. Many of the words aren’t used, but they know what they mean. It’s one of the reasons, and it’s my own opinion, there is very little difference between the Orthodox churches.

        In Christ,

        Ron Zell

    • Pete again


      I cannot disagree with anything that you wrote!

      Position well stated, sir.

    • Steve Smith

      Sections of this article and most of the comments remind me of the words of Fulton J. Sheen:

      “There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.”

      Ulf Ekman clearly discovered something that he hadn’t quite understood before.

    • Molly

      While there are undeniably Catholics who are truly saved, I think it is vitally important to point out that Catholicism itself does not hold to the true gospel of grace. In the true Gospel, sinners are saved because Christ saved them through His perfect sacrifice on the cross. The Bible is clear that we can do nothing to merit or work toward our salvation.

      “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8,9)

      “yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.” (Galatians 2:16)

      In Catholicism, people do work towards their salvation, but say that it is by Christ’s merits and with God’s help. When they say they are “saved by grace” it means that God’s grace enabled them to do the works needed for salvation… but this is still trusting in works!

      “…Moved by the Holy Spirit and by charity, we can then merit for ourselves and for others the graces needed for our sanctification, for the increase of grace and charity, and for the attainment of eternal life.” (CCC 2010)

      “The Council of Trent teaches that the Ten Commandments are obligatory for Christians and that the justified man is still bound to keep them; the Second Vatican Council confirms: “The bishops, successors of the apostles, receive from the Lord . . . the mission of teaching all peoples, and of preaching the Gospel to every creature, so that all men may attain salvation through faith, Baptism and the observance of the Commandments.” (CCC 2068)

      “Reading Sacred Scripture, praying the Liturgy of the Hours and the Our Father – every sincere act of worship or devotion revives the spirit of conversion and repentance within us and contributes to the forgiveness…

      • Sebastian

        “If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” – If what you are saying is right then Jesus is wrong

        “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” If you are right James also is wrong

        • Molly

          Hi Sebastian,

          I’m not sure that I understand what your comment is addressing from my post. Do you disagree that salvation is through Christ?

        • Mike


          I don’t want to speak for Sebastian, but I wanted to comment on the first passage that he brought up. I have been a Protestant all my life, but it was only a few years ago that I came across this passage starting in John 20:19. Jesus breathes on the disciples, and tells them they are now able to forgive sins.

          I think is is significant that this passage has never been read in any Bible church I have ever attended.

          So perhaps Sebastian is arguing that the passage clearly teaches that representatives of Christ were given the ability to forgive sins, and that this power has been handed down since then. Salvation is through Christ. But perhaps confession can be through a representative of Christ, a priest.

      • Paul

        This is why I became a catholic. A priest showed me several quotes from the bible that took a heavy catholic slant, like”faith without works is dead” Mathew 2:24, etc. there were quite a few, but it’s not the point. The point was who’s interpretation do we take when there seem to be contradictions in scripture. It began my journey to the Catholic Church. I began reading the church fathers(poly carp was my personal favorite). Holy cow, these guys were taking the Eucharist seriously, as in it was the real body and blood of Christ, not a symbol. And they were confessing their sins to priests. These were guys who knew guys who knew Jesus. Crazy!! I’m just being honest, and don’t want to offend you Molly, but Protestantism was incomplete for me.

    • Molly

      …of our sins,” (CCC 1437)

    • Mike

      Re: Mr. Ayers’ treatment of I Timothy:

      Your interp. of these passages is a little off. First, it’s “latter times.” Surely you’re not saying that Constantine was around after Luther. I am assuming you think the church went awry with Constantine. And I am pointing out that if we are to categorize “latter times”, the Protestant Reformation fits the bill much better.

      Second, the RCC does not forbid marriage. Never has. It only recently (“recently” in terms of a church that has existed for two thousand years) mandated that priests were to be unmarried. But if a married man joins the RCC, guess what? He can be a priest.

    • MIla

      They are converting because they did their homework.
      Plain and simple.

    • Ron Iacone

      John 17:20-21

      20 “I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

      Please brothers and sisters, as Christians all, lets pray for unity as Jesus prayed to the Father that we all be one. Separation and hate among Christians continues to pierce the body of Christ. Christ We can do better…..we must.

      In Christ

    • Ron Zell

      John 17:20-21

      20 “I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

      Please brothers and sisters, as Christians all, lets pray for unity as Jesus prayed to the Father that we all be one. Separation and hate among Christians continues to pierce the body of Christ. Christ We can do better…..we must.

      In Christ,


    • tecla

      My advice to all protestants…read the whole bible…don’t just cherry pick bible verses out of their contexts, for example Romans is used by many Protestants to defend sola fide and hence making saint Paul to seemingly go contrary to and in that sense oppose saint James. This is not true because the bible being inspired by the Holy Ghost can not contradict itself… at least I think we don’t disagree on that…
      You see, the beauty of the Catholic church is that we read the entire bible and all the verses are harmonised in a sense that they don’t contradict each other. Scripture is not a matter of personal interpretation otherwise 30000+ denominations is what we get from personal interpretation all claiming to be led by the same spirit, who is right?
      It is then clear that we need an infallible authority to interpreted for us where issues seem to contradict and to me the magisterium and papal authority are all I need in such situations for the church ,not scripture, is the foundation of truth…take note I mean the Catholic church here…
      That said I wish you all a safe journey in your discovery of truth and for those who are wondering if Ulf Erkman has gone apostate I would advice you not to judge him. For it took him a long time, a lot of pain and for that matter courage to leave the faith he so loved, at least respect that. Speaking from much reading it is not usually easy for converts to convert. It takes a lot but all is nothing compared to the joy they get in becoming a full member of Christ’s mystical body which is the church.

      with charity

    • tecla


      Man I join you in your prayer for christian unity. Whenever I hear about Christian persecutions I always rejoice for I know those Christians are heroes of the faith I so treasure…I would give anything and everything too for this faith even if it means giving up my life.

      Having said that ,to me ‘ it is an honour to die for Christ, it is a disgrace not to have unity in Christ’… That is why I join in your prayer for unity at least in hopes that this embarrassment and disgrace due Christians before non-Christians will soon be overcome by God’s grace.

      with love

    • ron

      Hi Tecla,

      Sola Scripture just holds scripture to hold premacy, not the to be the end all and be all of protestantism. Their individual churches hold another place and believe me, they all have a magisterium. The magisterium can be the Dallas Theological Seminary or the Southern Baptist Convention, but it’s there. We all had a tradition we follow. If they say they don’t, well, their tradition is not to have a tradition; that’s their tradition.

      In Christ,

    • Tecla

      Hi Ron,

      I see your point. So at the end of the day, we all have a tradition to follow. It shocks me though how the Protestants will always use Scripture to discredit tradition ( forgetting that they too, have tradition) while there are dozens of verses defending tradition. They forget that what Christ condemned was the tradition of men. However, sacred tradition (simply tradition) is what helped the early Christians in knowing how to behave in the Church of God which is the Pillar and foundation of truth 1 Tim 3:15. They didn’t have bibles.

      I think logic can help to reason out such matters. Coming to existence as late as the 16th century and you think you have it all right while those who existed before you have it all wrong is the most ridiculous thing I have heard. Anyways, all things work for good for all who believe in God through Christ.

      God bless you

    • Casimir Kukielka

      Catholics generally become protestants for 3 reasons. First, they do not understand their faith, often as a result of poor shepherds who have failed their flock. They become prey to strange doctrine. Second, divorce. In the OT God states he hates divorce and Jesus states that Moses allowed it because of hard hearts. The Catholic church does not allow remarriage, so they gravitate to denominations that do. Third, their faith is unimportant to them and become the religion of their spouse.

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