No, I Don’t Do Morning Devotionals — So Quit Asking
I remember my 2001 seminary graduation retreat. At least, I think that is what it was. I was an insecure seminarian about to graduate and go into full-time ministry and teach...
I remember my 2001 seminary graduation retreat. At least, I think that is what it was. I was an insecure seminarian about to graduate and go into full-time ministry and teach...
Sometimes, there’s no easy answer—or an answer at all!—for life’s hardest questions, especially for a Christian. I doubt no one really wants to know the reason...
Here is an email question that I received with the response to follow: Good Afternoon: I am writing to you under emotional pangs, as I wrestle with the Scriptures, and what I...
On a Facebook thread I’m currently following concerning the need for good apologetics, as nonexistent apologetics and intellectual doubts are contributing to many...
I know that may come as a shock to most Word by Faith communities and Pentecostals, but just stay with me a while. I recently read a post in a Christian apologetics group on...
I know I might accumulate a lot of hate for this post; or perhaps, no one will even notice my words on this page, but for those who choose to see this to the end, just stay...
As many of you know, the late Billy Graham and the late Charles Templeton were evangelists who rose to fame in the 40s. Early in their careers they were friends – close...
R. C. Sproul died today. He was 78 years old. I did not know R. C. Sproul. I never shook his hand. I never even personally saw him from a distance. But I did sit under him....
My Introduction to the Pills The first time I took a pain pill was when I was 19 years old and had just had a root canal. I remember the feeling that came along with the pain...