Do you wish you could be heading to seminary this Fall? Let’s face it, God will not lead most people to seminary. What if you could still get great theological training right from your home?

Theology Program

The Theology Program was designed just for you. Learn from passionate theological teachers while interacting with fellow students. Each week you will participate in a seminary-level lecture and then come together LIVE online for discussion with your professors and fellow students.

We have had thousands go through The Theology Program. It is for you. The teaching is not watered down, but it is accessible. Our goal is for you to learn the great truths about our God, as you engage your heart as well as your mind. We invite you to join The Theology Program today!

We’re offering 4 courses this Fall. Tuesday nights we’ll be offering: Introduction to Theology; Bibliology and Hermeneutics (study of the Bible and it’s interpretation); and Soteriology (the study of salvation). We’re excited to be offering, for the first time, a course over the lunch hour! We’ll be studying Trinitarianism (study of the Trinity) over lunch every Tuesday. All our courses kick-off Tuesday, September 14th.

Click Here to Enroll In TTP Today

Discipleship Program


Elective: Critical Thinking

Discipleship Program

Want to have a great time this Fall while also growing in your walk with Christ?  We’re kicking off a brand new class called The Discipleship Program.  It’s a 10-week Bible study on Wednesday nights which covers the foundational beliefs and practices of a growing disciple of Jesus.  The study time will be from 7-7:45pm CST.  The program kicks-off in just a few weeks on Sept. 15th.  You’ll love the LIVE online classroom where you can chat with others and participate by asking questions and commenting each week. Space is limited so please register today. The cost for the entire program is $25 per person. 

Learn more and Register Here Today


Discipleship Program

Join Robert Bowman this Fall as he takes you through issues in critical thinking in 8 weeks. You can expect a clearer understanding of what logical fallacies entail, common mistakes people make when presenting arguments, and how to avoid these mistakes yourself.

Rob is a well know apologist and author of several books. His teaching approach is thorough and informative yet tangible.

To get the gears turning in your head enroll now.

Learn more and Register Here Today