Top 25 Most Popular Theology Blog Posts from 20142014 was an amazing year for the Parchment and Pen. To wrap it up with a nice bow we’ve curated a list of the 25 most popular theology blog posts from 2014.

Theology blogs are a curious thing. They have to strike the right balance between advocacy and disinterested reporting. But when you hit this balance you risk drawing fire from all sides which makes it an interesting pursuit.

We’re always fascinated to see what piques the interest of our readers. This year was no different.

In any case, we’re very excited about what we have planned for 2015 but please check out this list to see if you missed any of the popular gems from 2014.

Top 25 Theology Blog Posts from 2014

  1. Taking the Lord’s Name in Van – What Does it Really Mean?
  2. 21 Things Christians Say That Hurt Their Credibility
  3. Eight Diagnostic Questions I Ask of those Who Are Doubting their Faith
  4. 5 Ways to Be a Better Atheist
  5. Six Factors that Do Not Affect Inerrancy
  6. The Creation Debate in a Nutshell
  7. How Jesus Became God—or How God Became Jesus? A Review of Bart Ehrman’s New Book and a Concurrent Response
  8. Avoid Every Appearance of Evil
  9. Can I Reject an Eternal Hell and Still Be Saved?
  10. How Not to Debate a Christian Apologist
  11. Are We Really Held Guilty for the Sin of Another?
  12. Why I Am Not Completely Certain Christianity is True
  13. Another Protestant Converts to Catholicism – Why?
  14. Scared
  15. More Young Foolish Leaders Please
  16. Seven Reasons Why Christians Doubt
  17. How to Blow Any Theological Conversation?
  18. My Second Round with Depression
  19. Can Homosexuals Be Saved?
  20. Suicidal Thoughts on Suicide
  21. 3 Mistakes Our Definition of God Must Address to Avoid Atheism
  22. Will God Protect My Children?
  23. When We Misinterpret God
  24. Five Views of Tradition’s Role in the Christian Life
  25. Theism, Atheism, and Rationality: Some Reflections