Join Michael Patton, Tim Kimberley and Sam Storms as they discuss Calvinism.
Summary: During this broadcasts the hosts discuss issues surrounding misconceptions of Calvinism.
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Join Michael Patton, Tim Kimberley and Sam Storms as they discuss Calvinism.
Summary: During this broadcasts the hosts discuss issues surrounding misconceptions of Calvinism.
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3 replies to "Theology Unplugged: Invitation to Calvinism – Part 15"
I’m loving this series! I’m a Calvinist myself and when I found this series, it was not only awesome, but it definitely strengthened me in the Christian faith. One thing I would like to see in following Unplugged conversations is the topic of Substitutionary Atonement since the Calvinist clings to this idea of atonement and you all had mentioned it several times throughout the series, would you mind discussing this concept. I believe not many people can discuss this issue, and I myself am just getting involved with this concept since I did not grow up a Christian and only have been for about 5 and a half years.
Thank you for your encouragement, keep strong in the faith, Soli Deo Gloria!
Thoroughly enjoyed the series.
The Presbyterian church is now ordaining gay clergy.
Its a natural move considering that Presbyterians are Calvinists. Calvinists and homosexuals have a lot in common: they both think they were “born that way.”
I refer to the moronic doctrine of “total inability.” The Calvinists say they are born unable to do anything but sin, just like homosexuals say they are born unable to do anything but defile their bodies with the same sex. Seriously, then, how could anyone have not seen an alliance between these two coming? They both claim God created them to sin.
Furthermore, it turns out, Calvin was excommunicated from the Catholic church for the crime of Sodomy. The archives of Noyon, Calvin’s birthplace, recorded that he was condemned on that ground, and it was also confirmed by a Catholic named Bolsec. I guess the Presbyterian church thought it was time to imitate their founder who was “born that way” as his doctrine of “total inability” teaches.