
Zondervan has graciously offered the readers of Parchment and Pen the opportunity to win some great stuff. What you see here is a full box set of Theological Trading Cards by Norman Jeune. There are nearly 300 cards (think baseball cards without the gum) of theologians and heretics. These are a blast, and a great way to keep up on who’s who in church history. The only problem I have with these cards is that there is not one of me! Second edition come soon…

Here is the deal. Listen up. You are not going to believe this:

  • We are giving away one full boxed set.
  • We are giving away another boxed set that includes one card signed by N.T. Wright.
  • We are giving away another boxed set that includes one card signed by Kevin Vanhoozer.

How to Enter:

Just make a comment below and you are entered. Wait, make a comment telling who your favorite theologian is.

We will announce the winner in a few days so hurry up and give it a swing.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    160 replies to "Theological Trading Cards Giveaway"

    • Debi Martin

      Goodness, I have to choose a favorite? I don’t know if I would pick Martin Luther or John Calvin. or modern day maybe Michael Horton.

    • Shaun Sells

      Favorite Theologian of all time – Jesus.
      Favorite living Theologian – Jesus.
      Favorite practical Theologian – Jesus.

      You get the idea 😉

    • Nate


    • jonathan jarvis

      Got to be C.S. Lewis!

    • Kendall Sholtess

      I’ll pick a physically living theologian as my favorite.

      His name is Don Carson.

    • Tracy

      My favorite theologian would be Paul, since I don’t know many others.

    • Terrie van Baarsel

      Jonathan Edwards!

    • Ric Schopke

      Please enter my name in the drawing. Among my favorite theologians are N. T. Wright, Thomas Oden, John Wesley,
      J. I. Packer, and Alister McGrath.

      Ric Schopke

    • Neal

      so many vessels for God’s use:
      Athanasius – we never read that he ever “missed it”
      Augustine – the great ecumencial doctor
      Luther – the bold reformer
      Calvin – the thinker
      Edwards – greatest American mind
      Spurgeon – prince of preachers
      Bonhoeffer – pastor, martyr, spy

      but I’m going to have to go with Mom. She loves the Lord and taught me to do the same.

    • My favorite Theologian is John Calvin.

    • Jim Kinnebrew

      Looking for a leg up, I’ll have to say C. Michael Patton.

    • Jim Kinnebrew

      Looking for a leg up, I’ll have to say C. Michael Patton

    • C Michael Patton

      Drawing is today!

    • G John

      My Favorite Theologian is John Calvin.

    • C Michael Patton

      Here are the winners:

      James Kirchner: Full-set
      Scott: Full-set & N.T. Wright Card
      Jerry Minor: Full-set & Kevin Vanhoozer Card


      Zondervan should be getting in contact with you soon. God bless and enjoy.

    • Brian

      John Wesley

    • JZ

      Calvin or Luther.

    • Rich Morgan

      I am intrigued by Origen, a brilliant mind exploring uncharted waters. It’s not surprising that he swam headlong into a few rocks.

    • Todd F

      Bill Watterson, creator of Calvin and Hobbes

    • Arthur

      My favorite theologian would have to be John Calvin. From what I’ve learned about him, Calvin had the same personal issues that I do. Apparently, we both were very aware of our own personal sinfulness, which manifested itself sometimes as insecurities and wondering if we could ever measure up to God’s standards in our lives.

      It still amazes me, that if God could use Calvin, not only to help restore the Gospel to God’s people, but to open people’s eyes to his grace, love and sovereignty (which are the complete opposite of his own insecurities) then God, in his grace, could use me similarly.

    • Gord Pratt

      I’m gonna go Athanasius. Hopefully he’s good luck because that trading card set would make quite the conversation piece.

    • Robert B

      I am going to say Augustine since his City of God is the only theologian’s writing that I actually own, from those before the 20th century that is.

    • Ben

      My favorite modern theologian is Tim Keller.

    • Charles Hadden

      My favorite living theologian is Thomas Oden.

      My favorite dead theologian is Cyril of Jerusalem

    • Clinton

      “Who Needs Theology?: An Invitation to the Study of God by Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson” it teaches that “Everyone is a Theologian.

      Thus my favorite theologian is my wife Sheila.

    • David

      George Eldon Ladd

    • Joshua Kim

      C.S. Lewis

    • Ken M

      Well, this week it is probably Athanasius.

    • Jeff H

      My favorite theologian is – wait for it…
      You are of course! Does that make me an instant winner?

    • Nate Perkins

      A.W. Pink, as of right now.

    • Timothy Lee

      Am I too late? My favourite is Jonathan Edwards.

    • Howard J

      No favorites, but Tozer is up there.

    • madludwig

      It’s a tough choice trying to pick my favorite theologian, the finalist are Saint Augustine and of course Saint John… and the winner is Saint John!

    • Sue Smith

      Being a Methodist for many year I would say John Wesley but I also love CS Lewis and Tozer.

    • Eliot


    • david carlson

      fav theologian?

      Myself, natch

      (are we not all theologians?)

    • Lynn Vogel

      I would have to say Tertullian right now. I’ve been studying him during my Church History classes at SNU, and his attention to detail coupled with superb snarkiness makes him a fun read.

    • Zack

      Probably Edwards, Warfield, or Machen.

    • Rusty Leonard

      I’m going to say Sam Storms, Tim Keller, Warren Gage, and John Piper. My favorite dead guys would be CS Lewis, Jonathan Edwards, Martin Luther


      my favorite is j. p. moreland, but greg koukl, ravi zacharias are right up there

    • Derrick Hildebrant

      George Whitefield!!!

    • Indhira P.


    • Bryan Arnett

      I’ll go with Barth!

    • Mike Hare

      Hmmm?’s Michael Patton..(Does that gain me an extra entry?)

    • Melina Vasquez

      This would be great as I go through seminary. If the drawing is still open. My favorite theologian is Luther.

    • Caleb Hegg

      My favorite theologian is William Tyndale. In fact I just named my son Benjamin Tyndale.

    • Charles Hancock

      My Favorite theologian is Augustus Strong.

    • Wehaf

      I like William of Ockham.

    • Andy Collins

      Balthasar Hubmaier

    • Gary Shankman

      Anselm!! He has grasped sin, and its consequences as no one else.

Comments are closed.