
Zondervan has graciously offered the readers of Parchment and Pen the opportunity to win some great stuff. What you see here is a full box set of Theological Trading Cards by Norman Jeune. There are nearly 300 cards (think baseball cards without the gum) of theologians and heretics. These are a blast, and a great way to keep up on who’s who in church history. The only problem I have with these cards is that there is not one of me! Second edition come soon…

Here is the deal. Listen up. You are not going to believe this:

  • We are giving away one full boxed set.
  • We are giving away another boxed set that includes one card signed by N.T. Wright.
  • We are giving away another boxed set that includes one card signed by Kevin Vanhoozer.

How to Enter:

Just make a comment below and you are entered. Wait, make a comment telling who your favorite theologian is.

We will announce the winner in a few days so hurry up and give it a swing.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    160 replies to "Theological Trading Cards Giveaway"

    • Tyler Taber

      My favorite theologian is probably Athanasius.

    • Timothy Fancher

      Please do enter me into this drawing! These would be invaluable in my final semester of Seminary. To narrow down my favorite theologian is daunting, and my answer could well vary day by day. For now I will say that I enjoy Karl Barth and I have certainly referenced him numerous times in various papers. Thank you for sharing these cards and setting up this fun drawing!

    • Craig Hurst

      So far Calvin.

      This would be a great way to teach about these guys to my kids!

    • Laura

      Wow, these would be great in the school library. I’ve learned a lot by reading C.S. Lewis, so I’m going with him as my favorite. Thanks!

    • John

      Yeah, I’m disappointed there is no giveaway with a card signed by my pick, John Chrysostom. Michael, please rectify.

    • David

      Deitrich Bonhoeffer

    • Jason

      John Calvin

    • Rodney Chad Flowers


    • Scott

      Mine always seems to change but Luther tends to stay consistently at the top.

    • Paul Bruggink

      Peter Enns, because he is making a valiant effort to deal with one of Christianity’s most difficult issues: how to integrate biological evolution and the Bible.

    • Dan

      That is a tough one. But I would say Calvin at this point.

    • Stuart Harsevoort

      There are so many good theologians to choose from! Right now, I would have to say Bruce Ware for making theology so accessible in his book “Big Truths for Young Hearts.” Although the Dutch background I have is also shouting “Abraham Kuyper” and “Klaas Schilder”!

    • Jacob Prahlow

      So many excellent men and women of God to choose from, but I must go with St. Athanasius…

    • KWilson

      It is hard to choose but I will go with Calvin.

    • buz323

      I just found your site site tonight.
      Nice work!

    • Nick AK

      That is a difficult question. I’ll go with C.S. Lewis because he started me down the road of intellectually fulfilling Christianity, not to mention the impact he made and continues to make on modern secular thinkers.


    • 'Guerite ~ BoldLion

      John Owen

    • buz323

      Kind a remedial question: How exactly do you define theologian? Would Francis Schaffer be considered one?

    • Kevin Thompson

      My favorite theologian is R.C. Sproul.

    • Nathan

      Considering we are all theologians, I’m going to say that my favorite theologian is me! Though I think I need to work a little more on that whole humility thing…

    • Keith Gray

      I believe I would have to go with Augustine.

    • Jerry Minor

      Jonathan Edwards.

    • Chad Miller

      I’m gonna stir it up and say Molina. 😉

    • William Huget

      Charles Grandison Finney (don’t tar and feather me).

    • Laura M.

      Thanks for the giveaway. So hard to choose a favorite theologian – ancient, modern, etc. Maybe Augustine or NT Wright.

    • Brice


    • Andrew Tatum

      Martin Luther.

    • Mike

      Sam Storms.

    • Mike

      Sam Storms

    • Gaines Redd

      Calvin, although I always enjoy reading N.T. Wright (even when I don’t agree)

    • David Holland

      Love Calvin, Augustine, Anselm, but have to go with Luther!

    • Tim Drushal

      The Apostle Paul.

    • Jim

      I’m going to reveal more than I should, but I’ll name Matthew Henry.

    • Greg

      Bonhoeffer is probably my favorite theologian. I’ve entered several of these giveaways for the trading cards, but I’ve not won yet. Thanks for giving me a chance!

    • Doug Davis

      My favorite living theologian is D.A. Carson.

    • Alan Jones

      Dr. John C. Whitcomb

    • Brian

      C Michael Patton.

      • C Michael Patton

        Brian gets an extra complimentary copy whether he wins or not.

    • Vinton

      Calvin or C. S. Lewis probably.

      I actually bought these for a friend for Christmas, they’re amazing!

    • David Lovi

      I suppose for me it would be either Jonathan Edwards or Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

    • Buks van Ellewee

      Charles Haddon Spurgeon – I know, probably not classified as a theologian – but as far as far as loving and serving God, he’s up there with Paul 🙂

    • Rodrigo Puebla

      My favorite theologian from old is John Calvin. My favorite contemporary theologian is Tim Keller.. Both are my favorites so far! 🙂

    • Michael Karpf

      The Systematic Theology faculty at Dallas Theological Seminary; particularly Dr. John F. Walvoord

    • Spence

      Sounds neat!

    • Spence

      Looks neat!

    • Sean Tarr

      Lewis. 🙂

    • James McAdams

      For his life: Athanasius.
      For his thoughts: Jonathan Edwards
      For his writing: C. S. Lewis

      Edwards gives me headaches after a while, but he probably wins on aggregate.

    • Robert Whitaker

      Gonna go with living theologians and say Stanley Hauerwas. Or Greg Boyd.

    • Ben Thorp

      Wow. So hard to choose. And, as mentioned above, sometimes it’s difficult to distinguish between theologians and churchmen. I have a soft spot for Spurgeon, but he’s already been mentioned, so I think I’d probably aim for J C Ryle.

      Contemporarily I currently really enjoy reading Andrew Wilson.

    • Adam C

      My favorite is John Owen. His work on the Holy Spirit will blow your mind.

    • Dariu Dumitru

      Spurgeon and Jonathan Edwards come to mind first!

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