Enter your favorite blog into the list for a chance that it gets added to the Reclaiming the Mind Theological Toolbar.

This toolbar, from what I understand, has become the most popular theological toolbar on the net, providing people with instant and easy access to what we believe to be the best theological resources, including blogs, websites, and podcasts.

There are many things to come, including a project that we have been working on for six months that will have links to hundreds of the best Christian scholars, connecting you with them and their resources instantly.

However, there have been so many request that other blogs be included in the “Christian Portal.” I understand that I don’t have exhaustive knowledge on the blogs that are out there, that is why I am opening it up to you. Get as many people as you can to vote for a blog of your choice, and there is a good chance we will add it!

Good qualifying factors:

1. Posts are frequently updated.
2. Posts are of good quality.
3. Brings up good issues.
4. Solid theological posts.
5. The blogger wants to increase visibility (remember, this will increase visibility significantly)

Help me out here. What blogs do you want to see in the toolbar?

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    32 replies to "Theological Toolbar Contest – Get a Blog Added"

    • Kevin S

      I would like to see Ephesians Online in your toolbar. Great resource for those doing exegetical work, preparing sermons, etc.


    • Alan Coughlin

      Steve Gregg is a gifted Bible teacher with a large body of work available for free.
      The most useful resources to me are:
      Topical Bible Studies (free MP3s)
      Verse by Verse Teaching (free MP3s)
      Radio Program (Streaming live 2PM–3PM PT, Monday–Friday)

    • Craig Hurst
    • Brian

      Apologetics 315. Daily apologetics resources!

    • Daniel

      I like Rey Reynoso’s http://biblearchive.com

    • Wolf Paul

      I will not suggest a blog because what I think the toolbar needs to be really useful is the option for each user to add the blogs and sites S/HE finds most useful.

    • bethyada

      Michael, is there space on the toolbar for sermons and podcasts? Many churches allow downloading of their sermons for free. A list of sites (direct to the sermon page) of good teaching seems a sensible idea.

    • C Michael Patton

      Yes, there is a podcast player with a lot of podcasts already available.

    • C Michael Patton


      Many people are sending me email requests and requests on Facebook. I will only take submissions here on the blog so keep them here.

    • Ryan

      You asked for blogs. I suppose people missed that. I would like to see this one added:

    • John C

      Of course I would love to see my blog on there. 🙂


      Just having this post on here is a great idea Michael. I am clicking away and finding some great blogs to follow!

      My Best,

    • Daniel

      I’d like to see Fallen and Flawed put on there – http://www.fallenandflawed.com/

    • Greg B

      Here is a really good blog. I would like to see Endued added.


      Greg B

    • Cory Howell

      I really like Pastor Paul McCain’s Lutheran blog at cyberbrethren.com.

      He’s really solid theologically, and very Internet savvy.

    • Mark C

      James White’s blog @ aomin.org

    • Luke

      Count this as a second vote for Apologetics 315.

    • terry

      I really like the tool bar and use it .. I would like to see this one added , and thanks for asking .. http://fightinwordsusa.wordpress.com/

    • ScottL

      Yeah, Rey Reynoso’s blog – http://biblearchive.com/blog.

    • Cameron

      Mm, I’ll nominate http://thri.ca/blog/theology

    • Bruno

      http://www.faithinterface.com.au/ is good.

      It would be good if toolbars in general didn’t include a search box. The web browser already has one.

    • dac

      I am about to remove the toolbar because of the increase in options – I really don’t care about a number of the blogs, and I ether have to go through the effort of deleting each of them, otherwise the indicator of new feeds is meaningless. The concept of having even more blogs I am not interested in would definitely put me to the point of deleting it.

      So, either let us choose who goes in the RSS feed, or turn of the indicator of new feeds

    • Rey Reynoso

      I do NOT like Rey Reynoso’s blog BibleArchive.Com/Blog. But I do like Jeremy Pierce’s ( http://parablemania.ektopos.com/ ) and Bill Mounce’s blog ( http://www.billmounce.com/blog )

    • Luke

      I saw that Bruno mentioned that the Search is not needed in the toolbar since other toolbars and browsers already have one. I found out that this feature can’t be removed, but Conduit allows you to edit the Search component. To avoid redundancy in my toolbar, I removed the existing search options and added RMM among other sites and blogs.

      Editing the Search component is the same as the others: hover over it and select Edit.

    • C Michael Patton

      Well, faithinterface looks like it has the most votes, but as I look at it, it does not really contain too much original content. I would rather spotlight a blog that contributes originally.

    • Tim Muse
    • Van Koster

      Christian Skepticism would be a good one.

    • Radio toolbar

      “THEOLOGICAL TOOLBAR CONTEST – GET A BLOG ADDED” is really a nice post that i had ever been read. thanks for the post.A++ to this.

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