Christian Leaders and the Gray Areas of Godly Life When Christian leaders talk about how to live a godly life, they eventually turn to the gray areas those things that are...
In the beginning, God created man. When he was created, he was pure and holy. He was created for a purpose. God, the one true sovereign and benevolent being, created man in...
How does one determine if someone is a heretic? Is this a word that should be used today when Christianity seems to be so pluralistic with regards to levels of commitment,...
Here is an mp3 of the sermon I preached this Sunday at Crossroads Grace Community Church (what a great church!). I will follow up with the lesson that I taught during the...
I received this email today. It is a story about a Christian, named Virginia who left the faith after 23 years. Here it is along with my comments: “Christianity thrives...
I received this email late last night from a man we will call Greg. Greg is an ex-Christian who gives his reasons why he left Christianity. Since I deal with this on an...
If you happen to be in Manteca CA this coming weekend (Aug. 16-17), I will be speaking at Crossroads Grace Community Church both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday, from 9-12 I...
In the last blog in this series, I talked about how to engage in theological conversation or controversy, especially on the internet. In this blog post I want to take this one...
Warning, long post ahead: Download as PDF How does one define the emerging church? This is not an easy question to answer. Are you emerging? Maybe you are and you just...
Last week when the box office reports came back and said that Batman: The Dark Knight not only had the largest grossing opening weekend of all time (just over $158 million)...