There are a lot of things I would do differently if I could see the future. I have a collection of cassette tapes that are useless. Had I known that cassettes would only be in vogue for just a few years, I would have waited. We want to invest in things that are going to last.

What does this have to do with Logos Bible Study Software? In short, you will never have buyers remorse. Your investment will never go bad.

I have been a Logos user (and fan) since the nineties. In fact, I have used just about every Bible study software out there. Some are like the cassette. Useful. Around for a while. But now gone. Logos is the real deal. It has not only been around since the beginning (relatively speaking). Its not going anywhere. No, not because they are marketing and business sharks. I know the guys at Logos and their heart is for the Lord. It is going to be around because they know what they are doing. They are making Bible study more accessible. Its that simple.

I recently upgraded to Logos 4. There were a lot of things I “put up with” in the prior versions simply because, even with all the hangups, Logos was the best way to build an digital library. However, the programmers of Logos 4 must have been reading my mind. Version 4 is absolutely incredible. Why?

Faster: I can search my library of thousands of books for a word or phase in seconds. For example, I just searched for the phase “semper reformanda” (meaning “always reforming”). In .20 sec I got 89 results in 51 resources. Amazing.

Cleaner: This comes with efficiency. With every release, Logos become immensely more powerful, yet they are able to make the experience cleaner and more efficient.

Study area: This is my favorite (okay, second favorite—the “faster” is my favorite). The environment for study is hard to critique in any negative way. They have done a tremendous job with the tabbing system, personalization, and memories of my studies. I can have ten Bibles, six commentaries, three lexicons, cross references, as well as sermons available online about the passage open all at once (and that is not even the limit). The key thing is that I never lose my focus in the study. Everything just builds efficiently around the passage.

Here is a picture of my study on Eph.

(Yeah, hard to see, I know)

Resources: There is simply no one who comes close or will ever come close. Logos has more resources than you will know what to do with. They can come with the bundle you purchase or you can get the them “on-demand”—yes, that is right, on-demand books. Get rid of the Kindle. At least don’t get books on Kindle that you can get on Logos. Kindle is a reader. Logos is so much more. Wait a minute…can you get Logos for Kindle?

Most importantly, last year they made a deal with Zondervan and most of this mega publishers works are now available. (Oh, how I want the Zondervan Bundle. “Dear God, please get me the Zondervan bundle for Christmas.” Did I just pray that out loud?)

In every way Logos for deserves commendation. Truly. As always, they are pioneering the effort at making the Bible accessible and are to be commended. They show how Christians can do things with great excellence.


Should I get Logos or Bibleworks?

Don’t make me choose for you! It is like asking should I get a Phillips or a flathead screwdriver. You need them both. They both are the best of their kind for the purpose for which they were created.

But Logos is too expensive.

Be careful here: it can get expensive, but this is only due to the amount of books you are getting! The great thing about Logos is that you can get the platform for very cheap and then build your library one book at a time or by buying whole collections. Don’t think you have to do everything at once. But remember, your library is an investment. It is much more valuable then that new car you are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars for. It’s about perspective.

But can’t I get E-Sword for free?

Now you have hit my pet-peeve. If at all possible, don’t get the free versions of Bible software that are out there. They may have some great features, but you need to get Logos. The free versions are free for a reason. You get what you pay for. They don’t have good high quality titles available and they never will. Matthew Henry’s Commentary is nice, but very out of date. It does not compare to NICNT. John Gill’s tome is interesting and has lots to say, but you need to engage in modern works and commentaries. Free Bible study software is only going to have a few out-of-date titles that have outlived copyright laws. In my opinion, it is misleading (bordering on irresponsible) to hand people books on theology that are outdated, cumbersome, and hard to understand. They will judge all theological studies upon such regard. In short, you will be sorry down the road when you realize how much time you have wasted without Logos.

My message to you is to invest in this product. I know it can be expensive, but collect a few at a time. Think of the cassettes, CDs, DVDs, MP3s. You did not buy them all at once did you?

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    36 replies to "Review: Logos 4, Bible Study Software"

    • EricW


      I am in awe of Logos 4. I upgraded to Platinum from Gold at their pre-pub special and couldn’t believe the improvements in the interface. I’m embarrassed to say how much I’ve bought since then, and still have over $1,000 in my pre-pub orders – there is just so much amazing stuff coming. I really need to spend more time using and learning it. My PC is several years old and runs it acceptably, though not as fast as it could. When I can, though, I need to get a fast laptop so I can read/study on my commute, as well as bring it instead of my bag of books to church every Sunday. (I’d use the Logos iPhone app, but the screen is of course small and it’s a battery killer!) The downside, of course, is that Logos really benefits from a 24″ screen, but that would defeat the purpose of a laptop.

      The books, the training videos, the language resources – AWESOME. (Now, I’ve never really compared it to things like BibleWorks or Accordance, but I suspect that Logos 4 clearly differentiated itself from all its competition for the first time.)

    • John A. Taylor

      Agreed! Like you I’ve been a Logos user since it’s early days, and I’ve never been disappointed.

      Over time, I’ve been able to build a quality library, and it’s an essential tool in my daily study.

      The value of this investment will have eternal consequences. Far better than the many cars I purchased in the ’90s.

      They’re dead and dust, but my Logos never rusts!

    • steve moore

      A great tool, no doubt, as you and others have shared – greatly improved.

      Some security concerns about them storing your private info on public servers though so be sure to understand their new architecture, what’s stored where, etc.


    • Wilson Hines

      That Zondervan collection sure has a lot of repetition and fluff IMHO, but there are surely some great jewels. I’ve been digging in Logos since 1994’sh, since 1.5. When I went through Bible college the first time, I had Logos for 1 out of the 3 years and that one year made an incredible difference in my ability to dig out information, and that was using the Beta for Logos 2. L4 is just immensely nuts wonderful. I can’t speak enough good about it. The Mac version is in late Beta and will be going RTM in six weeks, if all goes according to plan. Don’t fret it if you are a Mac user, jump right in, the water is fine.

    • Steve

      I have been using Logos since the early days. I also have Logos 4 (with a library of 2,239 resources). By the way, it took me many years to build this size of a library. This program is totally awesome! It doesn’t really save you “time”–since with all the resources I have it makes me just want to dig deeper and deeper. I’ve tried virtually ALL of the Bible Study software programs. LOGOS WINS HANDS DOWN!!! I wish I had HAD Logos back in my Bible college and seminary days. The folks at Logos are top-notch. Logos 4 IS the program to those I teach and mentor.

    • EricW


      I wrote my comment before fully reading your post, including this:

      Should I get Logos or Bibleworks?

      Don’t make me choose for you! It is like asking should I get a Phillips or a flathead screwdriver. You need them both. They both are the best of their kind for the purpose for which they were created.

      So in what ways is Bibleworks still better than Logos 4? Can it do things that Logos 4 can’t do? Or does it just do them faster and more easily since its programming is more focused on fewer types of tasks and resources? Or what?

    • […] Prayer of Agreement Posted on August 23, 2010 by Nick Norelli In his review of Logos 4 C. Michael Patton […]

    • Nick Norelli

      EricW: BW8 is geared toward doing exegesis and little else. L4 can do that (although not as fast or easily as BW8) and much more. If all you need is software for working through the Biblical text then I’d say spend your money on BW8. If you’re interested in building a digital library then L4 is second to none.

    • EricW


      I’m already too heavily invested in Logos 4 to consider another Bible program. As I mentioned, I have Platinum plus several purchases since then plus $1,000+ in my pre-pub orders. 🙂

      But thanks for the remarks re: BW8. I consider the digital library as important as the language tools, though most of the things I access in the library are for purposes of interpreting and translating the text – e.g., exegetical dictionaries and commentaries. There are probably hundreds of books in Logos 4 that I’ll likely never read or use.

    • Ed Kratz

      I am so acclimated to Biblework for the language stuff that I have not become efficient on Logos for the same. Bibleworks is very focused and efficient. I would think Bibleworks is for those who are VERY serious about the original languages. I use both for exegesis. In fact, have them both open right now!

    • alexey

      i like Libronix , u can get it for free if you know how to search internet right and there are many unlockers out there!

      Bible is free and everything in it and out of it!

      if you spending 1000s of dollard on it , i guess u dont know the Gospel then!

    • EricW

      if you spending 1000s of dollard on it , i guess u dont know the Gospel then!

      Uh, yeah, sure, er…right.


      And as for it being free, if you don’t have an account with Logos as a purchaser of the software, it’s pretty hard to use all the resources and features and get updates. We’re not talking Libronix; we’re talking Logos 4. 🙂

    • Ben S

      “I am so acclimated to Biblework for the language stuff that I have not become efficient on Logos for the same.”

      Ditto. Plus, can’t afford to duplicate BDAG and HALOT, etc. in Logos when I already have them in BW.

    • Kat

      I’ve used Logos software in the past, and it truly is an excellent resource! Unfortunately, I find that it’s not very good for me for two reasons:

      1) For the past several years, I’ve been using the Linux Ubuntu operating system rather than Micro$oft or Apple, and Logos doesn’t (as least not that I could find) have a version for Linux. Not really a ping against them at all: Linux users are a very small segment of the population.

      Although, there is a Windows emulator called WINE; I wonder if Logos would run under that… [pondering]

      2) The second reason is actually the more important one for me: When I’m studying, I *MUST* get completely off the computer or risk getting very distracted! I think I might be a little bit (hah! try VERY) computer ADHD, because it’s very difficult for me to keep myself focused with one in front of me.

      So, if I’m to get any study done, I have to turn off the laptop and leave it in a different room so I can concentrate.

      But, that’s the way I seem to work, and as I said: having used Logos in the past, I am glad to hear that it continues to be such an excellent resource for those who have the self discipline NOT to surf off on rabbit trails while using it! 😉

    • alexey

      do u want links for free downloading all Logos books ???

    • Norm Eddy

      Michael, I couldn’t agree more. I made the switch from Quick Verse to Logos in 1999 when I went to a Camp Logos with Morris Proctor. After 4 hours of seeing what Logos could do in the hands of an expert I purchased the best package they had at the time (Scholars Library). I now have Scholars Gold plus a lot of individual books and collections added over the years. I have never regretted it for a minute. I don’t know anything about BibleWorks except I hear Seminary grads talk about it occasionally, so I’m not sure what it adds that Logos doesn’t have. I’m a lay person who teaches home Bible studies and Adult Sunday School and I couldn’t live without Logos (uh oh, I’m getting perilously close to idolatry here so I’d better stop ;-). Without any formal original language schooling (except Camp Logos) I can do amazing things with Logos 4.0. However, I can’t stress too much that you need to get some quality instruction to get the most out of the tool, so I highly recommend attending Camp Logos when it comes to your area of the country for anyone who makes the investment to buy Logos Bible Software. Like Michael says it is an investment you will never regret because it will never be out of date.

    • Ed Kratz

      Alexey, no.

    • EricW

      do u want links for free downloading all Logos books ???

      “free downloading” = pirating/thievery/theft.

      What part of “Do not steal” do you not understand, alexey?

      (FYI, this prohibition is repeated in the NT; i.e., it’s not for Jews only.)

    • Joe

      Thanks for the review.

      After going to their website (and Before reading your blog post) I was confused about how it would work in terms of purchasing additional ‘books’ for the ‘library’ contained in Logos.

      Sounds like it could be a good investment, and a space saver.

    • Ed Kratz

      As nice as it may be, Paul did not give away his tents for free. We all have to work and make a living. Paul accepted donations for his ministry. Logos could have been a not-for-profit like Paul (and our ministry) and accept donations, but they chose a different route which is just a biblical. Either way, don’t work (i.e. countless hours of putting thousands of books in digital format), don’t eat. I am glad Logos is choosing to work for a living like Paul.

      Enough of that silly talk. No more comment please about the legitimacy of working for a living.

    • alexey

      im waitin for this to come out , it’s like better commentary on the Bible than most evangelicals put together!

      whats so special abt zondervan bundle?

    • Andrew Mckenzie

      Encourage to see you are using Logos 4 Michael. I too have been using it since 90’s after switching from Quick Verse. A couple of points:

      On cost issue there is payment plan options allowing payments to be spread over a period of up to 12 months.

      Logos 4 is also mobile with iPhone an iPad apps:

      For users of other mobile device there is: and a new site in beta that can be accessed either from a computer or mobile browser.

      And Logos hasn’t forgot the MAC. Logos 4 MAC is shipping in October. Check out

    • Josh Parsley


      You guys just provoked me to throw down some serious cash and get one of their packages!

      And I can’t wait until it downloads! I’ve been using a free version on my iDevices but hadn’t thought much about it until seeing this post and looking over their website again.. it’s been years since I’ve looked at their software and put much thought into it.

      Thanks… I think 😉

      I’m sure I’ll love it. I like that the license is per user and if I get another computer I can install it on there too.

    • Michael T.

      Which version of Logos do you actually have?

    • JJ

      Logos 4 is so much more than a piece of software to replace your printed Bibles and books… Logos 4 is a new paradigm in Bible Study.

      For starters, think about how we did printed book studies… we first had to acquire the things (remember book stores?), pay for them, shelve them, organize them, and then be able to know how best to use them, access them at the right time, find the RIGHT PLACE in that work(s) to the passage or topic we are studying, and then READ them. Don’t forget to put them all away… and remember your wife says, “Absolutely no more Green books, you are turning our den into a moss-like cave!” 🙂

      Now, Logos 4: I launch program. Do a passage search, and open up scores of information on the topic and passage I want. I can access new tools such as The Discourse Greek New Testament ( to visually see the “markers” that the author has used to emphasize and focus the message of his text. Seeing them helps anyone to understand the author’s words and his message/point in a matter of a few minutes.

      I find that I read MUCH more and take much less time to do so. My preparation quality goes up by factors of tens, not 1’s or 2’s. How valuable is that?

      You can get other software, and that is fine. But nothing comes close to building a usable library in Logos.

    • Amy Jo Garner

      When I was required to purchase Logos for school, it seemed like a huge investment to ask of a student. Now I’m glad I have it and can’t imagine going without it.

      I have the “gold” package but add books regularly as I need them or as they are released. It really is a product that you can customize to suit your particular study interests.

      Someone mentioned the payment plan — that is how I made my original purchase as a student.

    • Robert Pavich

      I’ve been using Libronix, and now Logos 4 for a few years….currently I’m using the beta, and it’s just AMAZING!

      I’m continually surprised at the strides this thing keeps hitting!

      I don’t know how I ever sat at my kitchen table with a paper copy of the McArthur Study bible, a Strong’s concordance, and a Hally’s bible dictionary and was satisfied!

      It’s like going from black and white TV to color…if you’ve never seen it…you don’t get it but once you’ve seen color TV….you can never go back!

    • Wilson Hines

      Talking about pre-pubs and collections, I am utterely at the edge of my seat for Robertson Nicoll’s Expositor’s Greek Testament – It is one of the few resources I still frequently yank off my shelf and use, even though it’s paper. I’ve been using it since 1994.

    • Michael L

      I concur… Logos 4 is awesome. I started with Libronix years ago for very cheap and have slowly built up. You can actually find the “Bible Study edition”. the green one, for not too expensive at local Christian bookstores. It’s a great starter and you can slowly add over time.

      EricW… I concur with the iPhone limited real estate, but you can alleviate some of that by getting an iPad.

      For those that don’t know, here’s the awesome part ! When you download the Logos4 app for iPhone / iPad, you can set up your account on the device. It then will allow you to use those books that you have in your collection on the iPhone/iPad (at least if they are available for the app). I now use that instead of carrying my Bible around. I can make notes, highlight, etc.. on my iPhone and follow along with my preferred version and/or do some quick references to commentaries or lexicons.

      I know.. the iPhone screen is limited, but getting the iPad with the 3G and being able to access your entire library pretty much anywhere from something the size of a notepad ? Now THAT’s awesome ! And I can’t think of any other Bible software that comes even close to that.

      And CMP… “we don’t need to stinkin’ kindles ” 😉 iPad will do the trick way better ! Although at a higher cost I admit.. and with some glare in bright light…

      Drawback of using Logos on iPhone/iPad ? If you’re used to a keyboard / mouse combination the navigation within Logos on the iPhone/iPad is a little more difficult. It takes some getting used to.


    • EricW

      Michael L:

      I use the Logos app on my antiquated 3G iPhone – and it seems to suck the battery quickly on WiFi. Which is why I rarely use the Logos app unless I just have to access a resource other than the Bible, for which I use the Blue Letter Bible app. I’m wanting to get a fast laptop for my Logos for church/commute use, and would only get the iPad after the next generation (hopefully with Retina Screen) and if it allows one to do a lot more than the iPhone app does. Can you do full word studies and multiple windows on the iPad?

    • […] C. Michael Patton reviews Logos 4. Also, he shares his view on Christians being prohibited to drink alcohol. It made me want to go […]

    • Michael L


      Unfortunately I don’t have an iPad myself. Only the iPhone. Can’t afford the iPad right now.

      However, a guy here at work does. I introduced him to Logos and he’s been playing with it. I’ll ask him or I’ll try myself to see how it performs.

      Will let you know as soon as I have a chance.


    • EricW

      The new page seems to do for the Internet what the Logos iPhone/iPad app does. And if you have a Logos 4 package, you can similarly access much of your library via when you sign in with your Logos id and pw.

      But if you’re accessing it from a computer and you have Logos 4, why not just load Logos 4 on that computer and use that instead of I guess it’s for those times when you have access to someone else’s computer but need or want to look at your resources.

    • Andrew Mckenzie

      Eric a good question. Biblia has a mobile and a Comptuer base interface, but in terms of using on a PC it can be useful it is is not your PC. For instance you might be on the road travelling with a company laptop and not allowed to install personal software. When your stuck in your hotel room at night I am sure Biblia would come in handy. For more info on the direction of Biblia take a look at the latest Logos Blog Post


    • Alfred

      please how u help me in getting the logos 4 software. Am in a bible school in Ghana.
      Please do help me to get this software to help in my studies God bless you

    • Mar Joe

      Just awesome topic! Thanks for the info, you made it easy to understand. BTW, there is an online service through which you can merge any PDF files, the link is here

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