Look the word up. Good word.

This will represent our new “side blog” which will contain plugs, announcements, and other things that don’t deserve a formal blog post.

  • -Please pray for my friend Michael Spencer. My heart breaks for him.
  • -Parchment and Pen is #4 in religious blogs on Technorati.
  • -I am down this evening with serious tailbone (?) pain. I don’t know where this has come from. It has been six or seven weeks sense it started and is progressively getting worse. It is so bad tonight that I can hardly think. The only thing that gets rid of the pain are pain pills, but they keep my mind messed up. Any thoughts?
  • -Have you noticed the changes on the site? Things are getting much more accessible every day. Check it out: www.reclaimingthemind.org.
  • Dan Kimball is going to be on Converse with Scholars live this Thursday evening (yes, you heard right—CWS is back!). You can join us live and talk to Dan. More to come.
  • -Looking for the best Bible commentaries out there? Look no further than here.
  • -Did you know that you can support Reclaiming the Mind Ministries by buying Amazon through us? Look on the lower right of this blog and you will find out link through.
  • -Fitness tip: You cannot spot reduce. Sit-ups do not reduce stomach size.
  • -Been watching Alias. On season 5. Not bad if you can get past how this 110 pound girl knocks out 300 pound guys with one (roundhouse) kick.
  • -You know you can follow me on Twitter here. I have been voted “The Most Profound Tweeter” by my kids.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    15 replies to "New to Parchment and Pen: Michael’s Hapax Legomenon"

    • Brett

      These are hard times. But in times like these, even with the need for flexibility, we need to keep a stiff backbone – or we might get sciatica; slipped discs.

    • cherylu


      I am sorry to hear about your back pain. And I have been sorry to hear about Michael Spencer and all that family is dealing with too.

      Do you suppose maybe your back pain is from grief and associated stress? Those two things can do very strange things to a human body.

      Are you feeling any better today?

    • John Bailey


      I have had severe back pain since for many years including the tail bone. I have found great relief by practice yoga three times a week. I go months without reoccurring pain. And when it comes back, I have some yoga exercises that ease or eliminate the pain.
      Hope your back gets better.

    • Susan

      Tailbone pain…. I have it because I fell straight down on my butt while talking with a salesman at Lowes. I rolled off the side of my platform flip-flop. It was not pretty. That was months ago. Since then a friend told me his wife had a similar poolside fall. Her doctor said that a cracked tailbone can take seven years to heal…..and there’s nothing they can do about it. Michael, did you fall on your bum recently?

      See an orthopedist!! Get it x-rayed. Buy an inflatable donut-shaped cushion, or something of the sort. I just saw one at Walmart. I will pray for you!

      I’m bummed that Dan Kimball will be on tomorrow. My son’s school open house is tomorrow and we also meet with our Life-group tomorrow evening. I’ve chatted with Dan on FB a bit lately about things related to the book he is writing. I like the way he thinks!

    • Susan

      Spot reducing…..you mean I can’t make my post-three-pregnancies middle look better than it does now by doing exercises? I was going to try working on that!

      Alias. I don’t watch it but there’s a model who goes to our church who everyone thinks looks like Jennifer Garner.

      “Most Profound Tweeter” Your kids said THAT? How would they know? They are too little to evaluate something as being ‘profound’. That must have come from your oldest. Isn’t she sort of your ‘mini-me’ in feminine form?

      Number 4 is awesome, Michael! Good job!

    • mbaker

      Re: Michael Spencer,

      To lose a fellow brother in Christ who has been so devoted to the cause of Christianity is a hard thing, no matter whether we always agree with their opinions or not.

      That is hard for me, because I do not think that Michael’s life is being cut short because he is being judged for his sins. Nor do I think that it is the case with any Christian’s health problems. Scripture says it rains on the just and the unjust. Are we as Christians really able to accept that?

      It is about what God chooses in the end, not our personal knowledge or our wisdom or whatever.

    • John English

      I went to the doctor with back pain. Ended up, after many tests and x-rays that the doctor determined that I’m old and fat. I already knew that!

      I have to do a bunch of stretching exercises, after which I feel like the rubber legged man – almost can’t walk. But it feels great. I hope your problem turns out to be as simple as this was for me.

      God be with you.

    • eric

      COCCYGODYNIA Michael is what it sound like. Dont mean to insult you but this generally occur in women such as after childbirth. Most cases occur from trauma.
      Pain almost always is well localized in the midline of gluteal crease ie in between your buttock cheek. Sometimes it radiates “shoot” into the lateral gluteal (side of your buttock) or down your legs which can be confuse with sciatica.
      My recommendations: Find a good orthopod. as he will need to differentiate between pain/tenderness coming from sacrococcygeal joint or from adjacent bones or colorectal area not good. In addition neurologic testing of the perineum if he/she suspect lower back pathology. Xray unnecessary generally and required if clinical findings arenondiagnostic. Special test like MRI, bone scan again generally not required unless pain extend beyond the joint.
      Diagnosis is mostly from clinical exam, history taking.
      Treatment is what you really want: !! From almost non history in your statement with lots of assumption on my part –your case is persistent — Goal: 1) Reduce local inflammation 2) Protect coccyx from further irritation. The bottom line Use hemorrhoidal donut pad to reduce pressure; local corticosteroid injection which aids in persistent inflammation of the saccrococcygeal joint. Worst scenario surgery– coccygectomy !! Side effect: persistent perineal pain !! 🙁

      Will pray for your condition.

    • Susan

      Oooh, there’s a doctor in the house! I’m only a doctor’s kid 😉

    • Ed Kratz

      My orthopedic took exrays and mri’s. He mentioned this diagnosis, but seems to think that it is referred pain from my lower back. I have a severely pinched nerve there that often gives me trouble. This pain is just so severe and so different than anything that I have ever had in my lower back. It primarily hurts not so much when I sit, but when I get up from sitting. I can’t get up when I sit down. The muscles connected to the tailbone hurt so bad when I try to stand, I have to use alternate means of standing. Don’t get me wrong, it does hurt when I sit, but most acutely when I stand.

      I don’t know. He is done and has nothing but a direct epidural to offer me. I told him no. Should I do somewhere else or just continue to wait for it to heal on its own. That MRI cost me a lot of money for nothing so financial concerns become a factor.

    • cherylu


      I certainly don’t have any medical advice to offer. But one thing we can all do is pray for you. Please keep us updated on how you are doing and as a reminder so we won’t forget to do that, OK?



    • eric

      Hi Michael,

      I would be happy to discuss this further if you think I can be of help. My email is [email protected].

    • Ed Kratz

      Thanks Eric. R U a doctor?

    • Ed Kratz

      On a sidenote, we have a contract on our house! Two years on the market with almost nothing and now a contract!!! Thanks for your prayers all.

    • Gary Simmons

      Michael, two notes on back pain. My friend Allen has a tumor in his butt — I don’t know a better way to put it. It started out as tailbone pain, also. I hope such is not the case for you.

      Also, I think I can understand about the pinched nerve thing. My mother also had a pinched nerve in her spine (L5, I believe). Not a fun thing, for sure. Fortunately a few surgeries made it a lil better.

      I will pray.

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