New Programs in 2010

We’re excited to share the new programs under development at Reclaiming the Mind Ministries. Many of you are familiar with our acclaimed theology program. While The Theology Program will always remain our flagship program, we are excited to have a few new programs come alongside it this year. The three large projects we’re looking forward to developing this year are: Boot Camp; The Discipleship Program; and The Church History Program. Would you pray for us to develop these programs in a way that brings honor to our Savior? Would you consider partnering with us in developing these new programs?

Boot Camp is a one-day equipping event geared toward church leaders. Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Small-Group leaders, Children Ministry leaders will all benefit from Boot Camp. Our objective is to make theology accessible at an intensive level. As we talk to pastors around the country many are afraid what the people in their church really believe. They may be godly people in love with Jesus, yet they have not been grounded in the foundations of our faith. Our first boot-camp will teach those foundations in an intensive 6-hour time period. Imagine churches around the country and world being equipped in the foundations of the faith from 9am-3pm on a Saturday. Boot Camp will be in Digital and DVD formats for churches to use at their convenience… KEEP READING