The app is currently available for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. The Android version is in development with a planned summer release.

The Theology App60 Hours of Theological Training Now Available in One APP for just $6.99!

Yes, you heard it correctly. We’re putting more than $699 worth of theological training into one app for 1% of the regular price!

The Theology Program has been used in more than 1,000 churches. We’re now excited to see this training utilized in coffee shops, living rooms and ahem… offices all over the world

The App Includes:

1. All 60 Video sessions covering our 6 courses (Introduction to Theology; Bibliology & Hermeneutics; Trinitarianism; Soteriology; Humanity & Sin; Ecclesiology & Eschatology)

2. More than 2,000 powerpoint slides that can be flipped through while watching the videos.

3. All 6 Workbooks. More than 1,200 pages of workbooks that can be flipped through while also watching the videos and slides.

4. A "More" section with updating articles that add to your learning experience.

To start using The Theology App on your iPod, iPhone or iPad please Click Here


C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    34 replies to "Introducing The Theology App!"

    • Scott

      Very Nice…looking forward to the Android app!

    • J Kanz

      You all rock. thank you for this great offering!

    • Ace

      Awesome! I wish there was a version specifically for iPad but for now I’ll just enjoy it on my phone 😀

    • Grady Patterson

      Like Scott – looking forward to the Android version …

    • Paul

      Nice job and great price point!

    • […] most recent addition the slew of RCC resources is their Theology App which is compatible with the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad and they are working on an Android […]

    • david carlson

      the perfect excuse to buy an IPad

    • Ben

      Looks great! I only wish there were a way to download the content for offline viewing…my iPod Touch is not usually connected to the internet when I’m away from home. 🙁

      • Ed Kratz


        We’re planning to add this functionality to a future update. Your iPod would fill up if you downloaded all of them, but I could see the ability to download a few at a time for offline use.

        thanks for the great feedback,

    • Tom

      Then there are those of us who don’t have these snazzy gadgets (smart phones, iPads) but still have our *hopelessly* rudimentary computers. Are we definitively out of the picture?

    • chin

      Is it universal app or do i need to click 2x on ipad?

    • Ed Kratz

      Tom, you are not left out at all. You can still access it all for free here:

    • Ed Kratz

      The iPad app is coming soon. For now, you can X2 it on the iPad. But the iPad release will have some increadible features that could not work on iPhone/iTouch.

    • […] A new app featuring good content for a low price. […]

    • Jeremy

      I’m very excited about this. I have one question though, does it support video-out? We have a cord that allows us to play video from the ipod to our tv and some apps support it (netflix, streamtome) and others don’t.

    • Griffin

      Any chance you’d get the app into the Mac APP store for computers as well?

    • John

      Awesome, definitely looking forward to an Android based version.

    • 925

      Why not download all the content onto the device, except drop the video and keep the audio so that the entire thing is on my device? And then allow video to be downloaded in chunks by the user. The time I have to listen and study is when I’m on the road for weeks at a time. That is when I can’t connect to the Internet for days at a time.

      And the iPad version… Is it less than three months away? Or 4+ months away?

      • Ed Kratz


        Thanks for the feedback. We’ve had this functionality in mind since the beginning. We decided to get the app out the door and then add this more complicated functionality in future updates. Future updates will include the ability to download audio and/or video so you can play it on the road.

        We’re developing the Android version now (with a planned release within the next month) then we’re anticipating an iPad release within the next 3 months (hopefully before the end of July).

        thanks again,

    • Travis

      Do you know if this app is accessible for the blind using VoiceOver in IOS devices?

      • Ed Kratz


        I’m not sure, I haven’t been able to test this feature. Do you know of a way to be able to make sure our app is accessible in this way? I definitely want to make sure we update it to be fully accessible if it is not.


    • Mike

      The app is off to a great start.

      One major issue is with the Slides and Workbooks. Instead of taking up the whole screen, there is a red ribbon across the top of the screen as well as a black menu ribbon across the bottom of the screen at all time. Almost a third of the screen is wasted displaying this graphics which serve no purpose during reading.

      Have you looked at the ESV Bible app? The menus fade leaving only a full screen of text. This is a much preferable solution to the currently cramped usage of screen real estate.

      Again, this app is off to a great start!

    • JP

      Am glad to have this app – it will be a very good resource. One problem: I only get audio (no video) for the video sessions. Using an IPod. Any ideas?

    • Jeff

      Any chance of a WP7 app? App development for these devices has been shown to be much easier compared to the other platforms. I would be willing to port it if you are unable to do it in house. I would love to have access to this on my phone and I know several other Christians with WP7 devices who would be interested as well.

    • Patrick

      I downloaded the app recently and do enjoy it. I do have to restate what some others have mentioned though. There should definitely be a way to watch the videos (or just listen to audio) without having to connect to the internet. The videos keep stopping on me and I have to push the play button from time to time to keep them going. I am connected through my work’s wi-fi, which is a very fast internet connection, but still the videos tend to hang up. Also, like already mentioned, the screen real-estate could be better utilized by removing the header when viewing pdfs. It would be nice if there were a way to print the pdfs from the iphone. If this is not an option, would it be possible to not have the screen rotate horizontally when reading pdfs? Keeping the phone vertical while reading would be a great help, although being able to print the pdfs would be the best option.

      The app is very good, don’t me wrong, I just think these things mentioned will make it even better.

    • Donny

      Hey guys, so It’s October already. Any news on the Android version?

    • andy troyer

      Curious. I received an email from Tim Kimberly Credo House Executive Director back the first week of August. He said the Android version was expected to be completed within the next 2 weeks and that the iPad version would most likely come out by the end of October. I sent another email about when the iPad version was coming out but haven’t yet got a reply. Was curious if there is any new update? I love the iPhone version but with the larger screen of the iPad it would be so much better! Thanks.

    • John

      Any update on the The Android version?


    • Jon

      Looks great Looking forward to Android version!

    • nick

      Have there been problems with the app with an ipod touch? I have not been able to use the new app or he old one. Any suggestions?

    • […] for several years. Now is the time to stop making excuses and start learning. They now have an iOS app to make it easier to go through the […]

    • david carlson

      still waiting for the android version….

    • Ryan

      Any idea where the app went? About to start The Theology Program and would love to have it!

      • Ed Kratz

        Sorry… we’re no longer supporting the Theology Program App at this time.

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