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Join us as we discuss the subject of healing and review J.P. Morland’s presentation of Converse with Scholars last night.


Mentioned on Broadcast:
Internet Monk
Coffee Cup Apologetics #11: Do Christians Make the World Better?

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C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    2 replies to "First Things Blogcast#2: Does God Still Heal?"

    • vangelicmonk


      I appreciate the blogcast and of course the discussion with Dr. Moreland
      the other night. I knew about Dr. Moreland and I had read some articles
      by him, but not any books. I really didn’t expect the conversation or ideas
      to go where they went about the Spirit’s Work today. I thought it was
      an interesting development no matter the standpoint.

      There are a few thoughts I had on the discussion that night and your
      blogcast here:

      1. I think we had a great discussion that night and after discussion dialouge
      about the issues and others involved. Specifically, I thought it was interesting
      and important that one who has seen and deeply believes the Spirits evident
      movement in their life and the life of others not become prideful in it in the
      sense that they have something that others do not have and thus a fuller or
      “better” Christian walk. We correlated this with some Reformists view of
      their veiw on Grace as opposed to others or in my experience those of the
      Emerging Movement’s condescending view of Evangelicals or “traditional”

      2. I thought it was interesting that shortly after that nights discussion with
      J.P. Moreland I happened to get to an interesting chapter in a book I am reading
      “Augustine of Hippo: A Biography” by Peter Brown. I hit the part where they
      talk about Augustine’s views on Miracles in his old age as opposed to his
      younger years.

      I quote: Augustine had the “assumption, that with the rapid
      Christianization of the Roman world, men in general had in some way
      advanced beyond the incredulity of pagan times, and so did not have to be
      moved by the force of miracle.” (421) “Now, Augustine is less sure: the human
      race had remained much the same, always frail, always in need of compelling

      I thought it was interesting that the Younger Augustine was probably a strict
      cessationists, but at an older Theologian who gained much Biblical insight and
      life insight he saw not only the need, but also the reality of it around him. Although
      he did send people to gain evidence about it to make sure and have a record.

      This isn’t to promote a Continuationist view (as I am), but just to say it was interesting
      to see this dichatomy in Augustine’s life. Additionally, it went with my other
      thought that maybe there should be a Christian ministry that looks at the
      Miracle claims just as Catholics have such an examination. I’m always afraid
      though that sometimes miracles are not so easily recorded with vast evidence.

      3. Finally, Michael I can really empathize with your view. Although I have
      seen some miracles in my life that I cannot explain away at all. I am thankful
      for that witness, I know that it has been few and far between. I think we
      should expect a miracle and it will be given in God’s good grace and for His
      glory. Not to glorify our faith, not to glorify our expectations, but to give as a
      witness of Him when He sees fit. I think Dr. Moreland wasn’t saying that we
      should expect it, but that we should be more open to it happening and seeking
      it and allowing God to do so in His Good Will.

      I have a friend right now who is dealing with some physical problems and
      expects God to heal him someday. I struggle talking to him at times. I have
      that same hope that he has, but I also know and see that God is doing so
      much in his life as he struggles with this. I see miracles coming from the
      non-miracle. If that makes sense.

      Thanks again for the blogcast. God bless you in all your doing here.

      e-vangelicmonk aka Ted.

    • C Michael Patton

      Thanks Ted. Good words of advice. I am certianly trying to be more open to a miracle in my life. I often think that it might be selfish of me to focus only on what God can provide for me. I just can’t help it. The need is so great, especially when sickness is in view.

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