by Tim Kimberley, Executive Director, Credo House Ministries

Over the last two days we have been overwhelmed by the response to the “Future of the Credo House” email and blog post. It has been exciting to say the least. From Bucharest, Romania to Birmingham, Alabama (I think we have had the most requests for Orlando!), we have received so many pleas from people suggesting the location for the next Credo House (I think Michael has receive well over a dozen applications for those wanting to be a Credo House “Fellow”). We are so glad you caught our vision and are as enthusiastic as we are about it. You have seen how big we dream but we also want you to know we are doing all we can to be faithfully strategic in each step we take. For this reason, we have decided that I should follow up Michael’s vision casting with a “How to” about getting a Credo House near you. 

When is the next Credo House being “planted”? 

A few weeks ago our board met and discussed this extensively. We all believed the first Credo House in Edmond, OK first needs to be fully operational before we look elsewhere. If you remember, when this Credo House was built, it was to be the headquarters of Reclaiming the Mind Ministries (now Credo House Ministries). Our dream for a “Theological Coffee Shop/Evangelical Hub” was certainly a part of the vision, but it was the “second phase” of a two step process. First we needed a place to office, film, and hold special events and continue in our curriculum development to the thousands of churches that are offering The Theology Program. All of this to say we are moving to the second phase of the Credo House Coffee Shop. There are some quick upgrades to be done in the second phase (described more below). 

In short, the board said by this time next year, we need to have the Credo House here in Edmond finished and the ministry more stable financially to plant our second Credo House. We also agreed at this time next year we should have plans to place a definite proposal on the table for the next Credo House (including the who, what, when, where, why, how). So our hopes are by this time next year the next Credo House will be well on its way. 

Where is the next Credo House being “planted”? 

We have not decided on a location. As Michael said in the vision casting, we are looking at college towns and urban areas. We have a few in mind, but community support and funding are really the biggest issues. Each Credo House is estimated to be a 1.5 to 3 million dollar project. Certainly it is a worthy project in conception, but it is not possible without serious donations and commitments. Each Credo House will eventually need to support itself through both the Coffee Shop and local constituency donations. So pray that people with the means in your city come forward with such a sacrifice for the kingdom. So get the word out. Start a “we want a Credo House” campaign! 

How many Credo Houses will there be? 

We believe the concept and effect of the Credo House is so strong that the sky (i.e. metonymy for “the Lord”) is the limit. Michael’s original vision casting two years ago said that we want a Credo House in every major city in America. That is a lot of Credo Houses and a lot of qualified “Fellows”. But this is our dream. We will stop when the Lord stops in front of us. International Credo Houses? A real possibility. 

What Can You Do? 

If you believe in our vision, spread the word. We need financial backing for your city. We need local churches to catch the vision. And right now, we need to get something so mundane as a $15,000 four-hour fire wall (to replace the current two-hour fire wall that does not meet code) built here at the Credo House OKC. The more you can make the Credo House OKC successful, the greater the possibility for there to be one in your town or in the college town of a beloved young student of yours getting ready to head off to college. 

Here are some detailed suggestions: 

  • Support the Credo House(s) financially. We are a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization, all donations are tax deductible.
  • Get together a group of people you think can significantly contribute to the Credo House movement. We will send Michael out there to cast the vision. He is good at that!
  • Tell your local churches about what we are doing for the discipleship of the Bride of Christ. Credo House Ministries cannot exist without the support of local churches.
  • Above all, pray earnestly. Visions like this do not move forward without the attack of the enemy. 

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me or Michael. We would love to discuss this with you further. 

Thanks for all your support and for the Credo House Fever!

Tim Kimberley
Executive Director, Credo House Ministries

Read “What is a Credo House Fellow?”

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry