Roman Catholicism
Letter to Pope Benedict
Dear Pope Benedict, You are cramping my style. Don’t you read Parchment and Pen. Don’t you know that I have been making the argument that things had changed since...
C Michael Patton
Are You Orthodox or Heretic?
Well, this is quite a question. Are you orthodox or a heretic? Let me offer you my thoughts and then open this up for some discussion. The term orthodox can be defined in a...
C Michael Patton
James White and Myself on Dividing Line Discuss the Roman Catholic Protestant Issues
Concerning the discussion on the blogs recently, I have corresponded with James White I spoke with James White on his show The Dividing Line tonight. You can listen here. I...
C Michael Patton
Advice to Christian Apologists
I am going to offer advice to a field of ministry that I am both a part of and respect very much. This advice is to apologists of all Christian traditions (Protestant,...
C Michael Patton
Short Response to James White and About the Pope’s Declaration
It was brought to my attention that James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries has devoted one of his “Dividing Line” broadcasts to these issues concerning Roman...
C Michael Patton
Paul and Justification by Faith
The key passage on justification by faith is Romans 3.21-26. Some have even called this the most important paragraph ever written. I don’t know if I would go that far, but I...
Dan Wallace
Salvation by Faith Alone: Was Luther Right?
Where did Catholics get the hair-brained notion that we are saved by faith plus works? Have you ever wondered about that? Well, duuuhhh. Maybe they got it out of the Bible.
Ruth Tucker
Can Catholics Affirm Sola Scriptura?
Yes, we are continuing this dialogue. It has been a valuable dialogue and I wish to further elaborate where my thoughts are at as of 9:17 Sunday evening. I am not a Catholic....
C Michael Patton
Roman Catholicism and Evangelicalism: Has the Battle Ground Begun to Change?
Well Dan, you have certainly caused a stir. I think this conversation concerning the relationship of modern Catholicism and Protestantism is needed. I just have one initial...
C Michael Patton