1. “Battle of Wits”: Princess Bride 2. “No its not, where is the snow?”: Elf Could not embed this so here is the link. The best is his face after he...
Last week I blogged here about the recent controversy over evangelical views of TV political commentator and culture warrior Glenn Beck, who is a member of the Church of Jesus...
I don’t think the decision on whether we watch a movie is as simple as asking whether it has drugs, alcohol, sex, cursing, or evil behavior in it. But I am already...
Occasionally, I will get asked by one of my fellow African-americans what race do I think Jesus was. Typically, what goes along with that question is the reflection of how...
Most certainly, there are many more things I love about Christianity than what I hate. However, I thought I would spend a bit of time here and open up the conversation in a...
A friend and regular commentor here, Scott Lenke, posted this on Theologica. I thought it raised some interesting questions. I would love to hear your thoughts
Fear is a powerful motivator and detractor. Fear can distort our perception of reality and cause us to see situations, circumstances, people in a completely different light. ...
I don’t know about you, but over the last few years I have had some bad experiences with Christians in the business world. This may get me in hot water, but I have come...
My wife, Kay, was born in the jungles of the Amazon in Peru, her parents were missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators where she lived on a compound with nearly 100...
As many of you know, my family and I moved to Norman, Oklahoma, a year and a half ago primarily due to my mother’s illness. Previously, we lived in Frisco, Texas, where...