Over at Patheos, a website I often contribute to, they have a post which many people tell about the books that most influenced them. You can see it here. Scroll over to page six to see mine.
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Over at Patheos, a website I often contribute to, they have a post which many people tell about the books that most influenced them. You can see it here. Scroll over to page six to see mine.
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1 Response to "Book that Changed My Life"
Coming from a nominal Christian home, and not knowing how to really live the Christian life, I too was steeped in legalism. It was indeed providential that I got a copy of The Grace Awakening. It was like seeing new-found land … the concept of grace. I should admit that I did not immediately “settle” in the “land of grace”. I could not; the shackles of legalism was so strong. But I am glad I did learn that grace IS the way to live. And I am still learning, and learning to splash it on others as well.