I love biographies. I usually, however, don’t read biographies of living people. I don’t think enough time has passed to appropriately vet an individual. When a certain blogger on Parchment & Pen with the initials CMP asked me to write a review on the book Tim Tebow, I was both interested and not interested.

I was not interested because Tim Tebow is in his 20’s. How deep can someone in their 20’s really go when discussing their life? Yeah, he’s become a pop culture icon. Yes, he had six great football games in a row. Yes, he causes people to scream uncontrollably when he makes a public appearance (see youtube video after turning down speakers).

Although Peyton Manning has officially taken over as the Broncos quarterback, I’m sure there will be a lot more Tebow headlines to come over the next year. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Tebow. I was still not that interested in reading this book.

There were some things, however, that made me want to read this book. I’ve watched almost every play of Tebow since his Senior year of High School. One of my best friends ended up marrying one of Tebow’s sisters, so it’s been fun to follow his career. Although I know Tebow from a distance, I was interested to get inside his head for a while and learn about the last several years from his perspective.

This book did surprise me. Yes, there are all sorts of great details you’ll love if you’re already a fan of Tebow or a fan of American Football. The book, however, led me to a place I did not expect. I spent less time thinking about Tebow and more time thinking about his parents.

Here’s a guy who wasn’t supposed to survive and then thrived after birth. Here’s a guy who has some significant learning disabilities but ended up graduating from a university with a great GPA. Here’s a guy who rejects his generation’s entitlement mindset and works really hard to reach his goals. Here’s a guy who is outspoken about his faith but seen by outsiders as the “real deal.”

How did Tim Tebow become Tim Tebow? How did his parents raise this kid to become the young man we know today? Tebow reminds me a little bit of Daniel from the Bible. A young kid thrown into the most powerful of positions. Some years Daniel is seen as a rock star. Other years Daniel is in the lion’s den. Through it all he remains close to the Lord. He doesn’t compromise.

Here is my main take-away. Two areas:

First, I will probably re-read this book again just to observe Tebow’s parents. Not trying to copy everything they did verbatim (that doesn’t work), but trying to find nuggets that will lead me to become a better parent to my three children. Although you may think Tebow has the worst throwing motion of all-time, doesn’t deserve to be in the NFL, is overrated, etc… I think you will agree with me on one point. If Tebow was your son wouldn’t you be proud of him? Don’t you want children with an authentic faith, strong work ethic, and ability to win the admiration of those around them? Tebow definitely isn’t perfect, but this book should encourage many parents to seek greatness in their children.

Second, this book has led me to pray for Tim Tebow. A large part of me could care less if he ever scores another touchdown in the NFL. Sure, I’d love to see him be the ultimate underdog who goes on to win many Superbowl championships. I believe, however, because Jesus is Somebody we are all now free to be a nobody. If Tim Tebow drifts into obscurity and becomes a nobody, that’s fine if Jesus remains His somebody. I’m sure there are many people who hope he’ll give in to temptation. I pray the Lord would lead him to a godly wife and allow Him to do what all of us should. Abide each day in the risen Christ.

    9 replies to "Book Review: Tim Tebow"

    • Steve Martin

      “I’m sure there are many people who hope he’ll give in to temptation.”

      I can assure you that he already has, and does…just as we all have, and do.

      • Timothy Payne


        Yes, in one sense you are definitely correct. Even Tebow frequently admits his sinfulness and need for his Savior. The point I was seeking to make is regarding those public sins that can discredit an individual and tarnish the name of the Lord. For instance, I heard from a credible source about a time when people tried to discredit the name and ministry of Billy Graham. They hired a woman to try to aggressively seduce Billy Graham while he was staying at a hotel. Fortunately Billy Graham resisted and the plot was discovered. Likewise, I am sure there are people who hope with all the stress Tebow will fall into drugs, women, etc… I pray he will not fall to those types of sins and remain near to the Lord.


        • Riley

          Do some heavy research on Billy Graham. Your eyes will be opened to the false gospel of the last days. The man sold out a long time ago. Trust in the Lord, not in man. We are in the great apostasy brother.

      • Riley

        Can’t give into temptation if the flesh is dead! It’s called overcoming by faith. Nowhere in the Bible does it say we are to continue to fail, on the contrary it says we will be more righteous than anyone before Christ Died. The Gospel is the revelation that God can now live in us and through us. We walk in the spirit! The Holy Spirit cannot and does not sin! Man is tempted when he is carried away by his own lusts……I’d be glad to help you understand. But your statement tells me maybe you don’t. Sounds like doctrines of men and demons.

    • […] the article here: Book Review: Tim Tebow | Parchment and Pen This entry was posted in Books and tagged cmp, initials, parchment, read-biographies, […]

    • […] Tim Kimberley reviews Tim Tebow’s autobiography: […]

    • […] Tim Tebow’s biography Through My Eyes is reviewed by Tim Kimberley at Credo House Ministries. […]

    • Lindsay

      This is such a fantastic review.
      I loved that you compared him to Daniel from the Bible. He is such a great example that even though we are sinners living in a fallen world we can choose to live passionately for our Lord without compromise.
      Thank you also for praying for him.

    • Ananya

      I agree with your comment about not really reading biographical pieces in one’s own lifetime as I feel the same way; however, it does give me joy to see media being produced that is positive. Wish we had more of it.

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