1. Do not use the blog to promote yourself, as your surrogate blog, or as an advertisement. I am sure you are interesting and have some really nice things to say, but you can get your own blog.

2. Do not call authors out for debate. You must count the cost (Lk. 14:31). You don’t want to get whipped up on anyway.

3. Keep your comments short. Like when your comments are longer than the blog, that is too long. Try to keep them to 100 words.

4. In everything, be courteous and respectful. This does not mean that you agree, but take the extra time to write with tact, making the most of the opportunity.

5. Do not spam a post with comments one right after the other. Stay focused . . . one comment at a time is helpful.

6. Try not use this blog as a forum. While I don’t mind you engaging each other soon, there is a fine line between this and the post turning into a forum thread. You can use the forum at Theologica (http://theologica.ning.com) for these type of conversations.

7. Keep things on topic!!

If you need more information read this post:

“What if God Read Your Posts: A Reminder About Christian Conduct on the Internet”

If anyone violates these rules, the blog administrators will be forced to suspend your privileges. While this has no effect on your salvation, we will send you a t-shirt that says “I got suspended from Parchment and Pen . . . Oh yeah baby.”

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    13 replies to "Blog Rules"

    • rick


    • Dan G

      Adriotly handled. I believe you have hi tthe balance between comic book language and arrogant post-seminary dryness.

      One common challenge is that Christianity is dumb, blind and non-scholastic. No, really. Skeptics make that ill-founded criticism all the time.

      The strategic insertion of theological jargon elevates the learning of the audience. For the unschooled, it establishes theology as a legitimate school of rational discourse.

      What I like about your blog is that you gave the caveat: define what you mean. Just rolling out “sanctification” or “propitiation” is not helping without definitions. When we witness to a newbie, we translate the terms . . . but when we graduate from milk to meat, it is time for the real vocabulary.

      Christianity is an exercise of the mind AND the Spirit. Let us feed both.

    • Cynthia

      I come to this blog to be challenged and am never disappointed.

      I have two faithful and insightful followers who often leave comments much longer than my own posts. But for their excellence I would find it excessive. But as it is, I really do consider them sub-bloggers on my site.

      But all the other points I fully agree .

    • JohnO

      Good rules, but I so want one of those t-shirts.

      Only one comment though – 100 words is pretty tight in the midst of a debate. It’s barely half the comment text box. So that would be more a guideline than a rule, would it?

    • Susan

      How many have earned the T-shirt?

    • Dr. G.

      I’m tempted to try to earn it; sounds like a good shirt!

    • […] Blog Rules Blog Rules: Read them Before Posting […]

    • J.R.

      Limiting it to 100 words,………I understand Michael, you want us to use big words to cover more ground,…….Gotcha! 🙂

    • Douglas McIntire

      Wow! Too much information…My head can’t handle all of it!

      Why do we try to anylize or find a deeper meaning or interpretation?

      Christ symplified life and understanding comes from God and God leads those who come to a relationship with Christ.

      So why not let God do His work and share the Gospel of Christ which is love without judgment. Stop the cemantics! Find time to sit with a stranger.

      Since God is in control…What is our duty? Is it to waist the time trying to figure out things only God knows? No! If you know the Heart of Christ, it’s not about our knowledge…It’s about those without knowledge.

      We try to come up with some sort of profound information that might help us understand. Yet, the only profound understanding comes from God when someone finds Christ…

      God dose the work! History is an example we draw truth from. so stop complicating things and touch someones heart with love. God gives understanding, we are to share His love not to prove He excists.

      The evolution of change and understanding is good. But, if you know Christ what is there to prove? It’s time to show what we know through our actions and not by trying to understand the mystries of the universe or God. God will give the information needed and it wont be complicated.

      If you feel there is a personal need for understanding…take the time. But if you have understanding give your time for the sake of Christ and the eternal salvation of others.

      So now there are two measurements of time: One; your time for finding understanding for yourself. Two; Time to love those who come into your path.

    • Paul Leonard

      I just found this site and hope to be stimulated and challenged by it.

    • Carl D'Agostino

      I am so happy I chanced upon this site. I spent 34 years high school history teacher. I’m 60 and it has been decades since I have found a place to discuss theology, faith, and understanding with such learned scholars.Still got over 100 books for BA and MA Religion from my younger days and have dusted them off and am so delighted. I have learned and re- learned and un- learned so much in the last few days.

    • Bill Moore

      To Parchment & Pen:
      Great piece by M Patton on intellectual doubt. I’d like to ask if what
      he is talking about here is “systematic indubabilty” or ‘systematic

    • Bill Moore

      I’m going thru your Theology program online. Currently I began the
      section on Eschatology and the Church. In understanding the Davidic
      covenant, I pause to consider the following verses Hosea 3:5, Ezk 37:
      23, 24 & Ezk 34: 23, 24 How do these verses apply to the Davidic
      covenant & do these also apply to there being a David (or prophet) in
      the End Times?
      Thank you

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