

Join Michael Patton, Tim Kimberley, JJ Seid and Sam Storms as they begin a new series: Difficult Passage Of The Bible. Today we ask, “What is blasphemy of the holy spirit?”


    3 replies to "Theology Unplugged: Blasphemy Of The Holy Spirit – Part 1"

    • Dan

      So the series on Homosexuality in the Church is over? Without ever finishing?

      • Braden Downs

        Theology Unplugged was recently picked up on am 800 on Saturdays at 1pm. I would guess that they were asked to start with a less controversial topic and begin with something more attractive to the listeners as a way to build a base. I too was disappointed to see the sudden stop of “Homosexuality in the Church”. Some of the topics recently discussed on theology unplugged were discussed on podcasts way back in the day. So hopefully within a year or so they redo the podcasts on homosexuality or at least do a session 3.

        • Dan

          Ah, that probably explains it…and yeah, I noticed they were rehashing a lot of old topics. Hopefully they’ll return to the homosexuality series at some point, and hopefully they won’t avoid multipart series from here on out.

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