No, I don’t have a list. I don’t even know of many out there. I am interested in what you listen to.

What are the best theology podcasts out there on the web.


  • Have to be consistant…at least once every two weeks.
  • Can’t be just a web version of a radio broadcast. (i.e. Renewing Your Mind does not count).

That’s it. What are your favorites? Let me and others know.

I’ll try to put together a list of those that “made the cut” in a new post.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    19 replies to "Best Theology Podcasts on the Web"

    • Daniel

      I’ve been really liking the apologetics interviews posted Apologetics315. They’re in iTunes and also available on Brian Auten’s site,

      He does some really great interviews. His questions are very well thought out and framed to get the maximum input from whomever he’s interviewing. Really good stuff!

      Also, William Lane Craig’s Defenders and Reasonable Faith podcasts are really good.

      If you’re into Young Earth Creationism, Ken Ham does a 90 second podcast several times a week from Answers in Genesis, too.

      Of course, there’s the Theology Unplugged. Obviously a favorite/must-have/mandatory podcast. 🙂

    • Samson

      Well, I listen to TUP of course. (I mean who doesn’t?)

      The Theology Pit doesn’t really count yet since I’m not Podcasting it. I only stream live and record the video stream on the website.

    • Rick

      Oops- not sure Godpod would make it in regards to the “consistent” rule. It is more sporadic.

    • Chad Winters

      STR (Stand To Reason)
      James White’s Dividing Line
      Reasons to Believe

    • Steelwheels

      I agree with Daniel on the Apologetics 315 Interviews. They also have the Audio Junkie Feed which can be interesting. I like Rick’s choice with White Horse Inn and Unbelievable. WLC is good but a little hard for me to listen to at length. Craig can be a little dry at times. These podcasts are more apologetic focused, which is okay. For more Theology directed sites I like Maxie Burch’s History of Theology. I also like the options available at Biblical Training for straight out teaching. At Biblical Training you can also download an outline of the lectures. I get a lot of time to listen so I also enjoy American Scientific Affiliation, At the Intersection of East and West (no I’m not orthodox), Come Let Us Reason, Cross Examined, Please Convince Me, Sound Rezn, Stand to Reason, Straight Thinking, and World’s with Marvin Olasky. I know I’m kind of all over the place and there are more, but I like clarity which I get with differing ecumenical views. It’s kind of like eating fish…just spit out the bones. I look forward to finding some new podcasts from some other posts.

    • rusty leonard

      Sam Storms at Bridgeway Church Podcast:

      Mike Reeves at Theology Network:


      Theology Unplugged of course.

    • Michael

      James Whites Dividing line. I only have a couple hours a week to listen tobpodcast and Dr Whites is at the top of the list.

    • drew

      I’m a regular listener of the following:

      ReformedForum – (podcast feed:

      Krista Tippett on Being – – usually very interesting covering religion/theology of all stripes; talk about listening broadly

      BBC Radio 4’s Beyond Belief – – love it; also listen to listen broadly

      Stand to Reason –

      These aren’t always strictly theology, but almost always very insightful.

    • wm tanksley

      Fighting For the Faith — 2+ hours per episode, but GOOD. It’s about repentance and the forgiveness of sin, and how to listen to sermons, and current events, and modern heresies, sometimes with interviews with the heresiarchs… It’s long because every episode includes the “sermon review”, a complete sermon with commentary — the good, the bad, and the ugly.

      PleaseConvinceMe is incredibly well researched, produced, and presented; TONS of auxiliary downloads (for example, he did a many-part study of the gnostic gospels, explaining why they’re less reliable; what they actually say; and why they don’t help the people who cite them — and he posted all the available gospels on his site). And did I mention that he NEVER asks for money?

      I agree about Dividing Line and Stand to Reason. Excellent in different ways, complimentary to each other. (STR is technically a radio show — but you can’t dismiss it!)

      Institute For Nouthetic Studies Podcast — not all theology is theoretical; this stuff is _applied_. (It’s counseling.) — when they do historical studies they’re REALLY good. (Radio show… But come on, it airs after midnight.)


    • Michael T.

      I second pretty much everything on William Lane Craig’s site, Reasonable Faith, including the podcasts. The guy is spectacularly brilliant and has expertise in areas where one wouldn’t neccessarily expect anyone to have expertise (i.e. the philosophy of time, the philosophy of quantam mechanics, etc.).

    • bzentis

      This is a great topic because there is so much good stuff out there that is available these days. Here’s some I can’t go without.

      Dallas Seminary Chapel Podcasts
      It’s great to listen to what the students at DTS get to hear. You don’t want to miss when Chuck Swindoll speaks before this audience.

      Stand to Reason…
      Although it is a radio show it’s not carried in my area so I know it as a podcast. Some of the best instruction on how to think and how to present a reasoned view of our faith. Excellent! Should not be missed.

    • Michael T.

      I highly recommend the podcasts and other materials on William Lane Craigs site, Reasonable Faith.

    • lurking thinker

      Weekly DCBC Podcast


    • John B

      Issues, Etc. is a radio program, but also a daily podcast. The host is a Lutheran minister. Some of the programming is of specific interest to LCMS Lutherans, but most would interest all Christians. The show frequently has evangelical guests.

      Another fine podcast is Speaking the Truth in Love by Fr. Tom Hopko, an Eastern Orthodox priest. Hopko is a fascinating speaker who provides great insight into the Orthodox faith. He also does The Names of Jesus, another excellent podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.

    • JRoach
    • SPP

      I have recently enjoyed some of the Fixed-Point foundation podcast named Pensees. They just started the podcast a couple months ago but seem intent on doing a couple podcasts per month. These are the guys that have put together some of the terrific debates between Dawkins and Lennox, among others.

      Also, as has been mentioned, I like the DTS chapel podcasts.

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