Michael and Tim have given you their ultimate Top Ten list, so now it’s my turn. 1) Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist (Multnomah Press), by John Piper. On a...
If election were solely based on what God wanted and not anything in us that might differentiate the chosen from the un-chosen and thus account for why this one and not...
Of the writing of books on Calvinism and Arminianism there appears to be no end! So where shall we begin? Since we have started a series at Theology Unplugged entitled “An...
by Sam Storms The release of my top ten books for the year has now become an annual ritual. The decisions this year were especially difficult, given the number of high quality...
Everyone has their favorite Bible verse, that one text that has exerted on them the greatest and most life-changing influence. Mine is Psalm 16:11, followed closely by...