I have had a few people ask me if they were Calvinists. So . . . considering my weekend of creating quizes on Facebook, I thought I should make a quiz so you could find out for certian. So, here it is. (Note: I know this does not cover all the options, but just answer the best you can). BTW: I will soon start a series on understanding and defending Calvinism. Oh yeah . . . get ready.


You can also take my theology quiz. It is pretty hard, but if you get just a few right, you will pass (that is the limitations of this quiz).


And you can find out what Apostle you are!


And, if you don’t already know:


C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    26 replies to "Are You A Calvinist?"

    • Chuck Thomas

      Rats, in order to take the tests you have to be a member in good standing of Facebook, Satan’s favorite tool of man’s self-expression. I am holding out from doing that, although I am sure I am the last person I know to do so. 🙂

    • Kalyn

      I took both tests — I passed the theology test much to my utter shock and disbelief since the test was, in my opinion or according to my limited knowledge base, very difficult. I just picked myself up off the floor. I was unable to determine what questions I got right or wrong as I was only give a title after the results were calculated. LOL – the title made me sound smart and full of theological knowledge.

      Re the Calvinist test- I already knew that I would fall into that category. I have been in that camp for about 4 years now. I still remember the day that I finally came to that side of the fence.

    • Kara Kittle

      Pelagianism?…and the questions were decidedly stacked in favor of Calvinism…

      Great, another evening of Wikipedia….

    • Kara Kittle

      The Theology Quiz…I am a Theologue….on my profile page

      Kara Kittle….Facebook profile

      It took me 10 minutes to do the test…I almost choked on the U2 one….whew the sweat running off my brow…

      So this confessing, professing Pentecostal…it says I can teach at TTP….LOL. I left it on my profile page, thank you very much and go and look at it everyone…

    • Kalyn

      Kara — UH OH — U2 — I think I flunked that question LOL. I left it on my profile page and my friends are going to wonder about me. I too can teach at TTP but based on my knowledge base, I think that I only got a few right and because I got a few right, I am a theological wiz … HA! I would love to know what I got right and what ones I got wrong.

    • Kara Kittle

      I still say…U2? We have got to help this poor man….

    • Kara Kittle

      It proves one thing…we are suckers for Facebook quizzes…now back to FarmTown…

    • havoc

      Michael, I just finished Book 4, Chapter 16 of the Institutes.

      Must one be a paedobaptist to be a Calvinist? Calvin certainly thought so….. Calvin seems to have believed that one must be a paedobaptist to be a Christian.

      I would really enjoy your thoughts on paedobaptism.


    • Kalyn

      Kara — re the U2 — I recall, while in college, a question on a math test for extra credit “Name the 7 dwarfs.” I did not get the extra credit though I spent a considerable amount of time on that question. The U2 question brought up that memory.

      Hey, I’m new to facebook — only joined a few weeks ago at the urging of a friend so I did not know about the quizzes.

      Me too — back to what I should be doing instead of what I want to be doing!

    • Alden

      I think the quiz is flawed, creating a false dichotomy (I think the Calvinist-Arminian debate is flawed as well). As someone who is predominantly Lutheran, I didn’t agree with any of the responses to numbers 9 or 10.

      But, I am excited about your upcoming series on understanding Calvinism. I’ve been trying to do that for years… 😉

    • Alden

      btw, according to your Theology Quiz, I am a “Theological Master.” Thanks! Can I add this to my resume?

    • Jason C

      I’m an Armenian apparently.

      Oh well.

    • C Michael Patton

      Havoc, no, one does not have to be a padeobaptist to be a Calvinist. I am not. Neither is John Piper. Padeobaptism would be more broadly reformed. Calvinism normally describes the reformed view of matters pertaining to salvation.

      For example, I am Reformed in my soteriology (salvation), therefore I am a Calvinist.

      But I am not Reformed in my eschatology or ecclesiology (relatively speaking). But I still consider myself Reformed because issues of soteriology are of first importance when identifying yourself here.

      Hope that does not confuse more!

    • C Michael Patton

      LOL. You all are cute.

      The stupid quiz was not really a quiz. It just judges what you are based on what you chose most often. So if you got the right answer more than 5 times, you are a Theologue. That means you could have scored a F, and still been congratulated!

      Oh well. Wish there was a way for it to work better.

    • Michael

      You really need to stop making these quizzes and giving me excuses to put off studying for my jurisprudence final. BTW I retook the Calvinism quiz a few times just to see what the different possible outcomes were. I’m an Arminian (I knew this), but I nearly fell on the floor laughing when I saw the Pelagian one – You are a heretic….Congratulations!!!!

    • Kara Kittle

      But how do you know we didn’t get them all right? We could have gotten an A all along…LOL.

      And Michael…I am a heretic apparently also…and Jason C, welcome to the Arminian club….(perhaps we all get to wear the trendy brand name). It’s not so bad over here on this side, now all you got to do is cleverly learn how to duck….LOL.

    • Michael Herrick

      I scored Theologue: A Theological Master on the quiz. I guess that’s why I couldn’t pick any of the Calvinist/Armenian answers. I’m damned if I’ll be either one because I’m a Catholic.

    • EricW

      Okay, I caved in. I am, in fact, a Cavinist.

      (Can I buy a consonant?)

    • JohnO

      Arminian, theologue and akin to Paul apparently.

      You said your soteriology was Reformed, therefore you are a Calvinist. Surely there are Reformed doctrines of salvation that do not require one to be a Calvinist? Or do I too need to wait for your explanation of Calvinism to make sense of that comment?

      btw – what’s a “Cavinist”? 😉

    • EricW


      As I said, a “Cavinist” is someone who caves in, like I did. 🙂

      (Now, a Cauvinist I would understand. But that requires buying a vowel.)

    • Cannie

      I came out Arminian. No surprise here!

    • JohnO

      Yes, it occurred to me this morning that a “Cavinist” was a 4-pointer who didn’t accept the “L”.

    • Russ

      The theology test was good. The Calvinist presupposes there are only two answers–Calvinist and Arminian–when, in reality, there are other answers out there. It’s never a good thing to force people into either/or options based on predefined camps about truth, rather than the Truth itself. The final result on the fundamentalist one was off base, IMHO…. The common misperception/twisting of the word to mean something it doesn’t mean. “Fundamentalist” doesn’t mean “self righteous,” nor “without joy.”



    • Kara Kittle

      LOL Michael,
      You could be Charismatic Catholic? Couldn’t you?

    • Debra Goudy

      Would you please consider posting each quiz here so people who will not sign up for facebook can take advantage of this great infomation.

    • M M

      I don’t consider myself as anything but a solitary scholar. I saw the Calvin Text on the Dutch site and scored Calvinist.. 81%. I was intrigued but the Dutch test was more a personality quiz than a theological analysis so I found the tests listed here.
      I took the Calvinist test and am a Calvinist.
      I took the Theology Test and was rated Master.
      I took the Disciple Test and was rated Paul.
      I took the Fundamentalist Test and was rated Undecided and Boring.

      It is enlightening to know that I have a theological identity. Perhaps that is why I don’t have a denomination. Theologically, I differ in certain respects from Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, Muslims, Buddist and other denominations I have encountered.

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