I remember in seminary Dr. Frank Minirth covering my class on pastoral counseling. He was an internationally know Christian psychiatrist who had a successful ministry in healthcare and had published dozens of books including Happiness is a Choice. I was excited about the subject. I don’t remember whether it was instigated by a question or if it was the topic of the day, but the subject of demonology was our focus. Specifically, the question of whether in our pastoral care of those suffering from mental illness could be considered the victim of demonic possession or oppression.

Whether we like to admit it or not, this is an intensely difficult subject to navigate intellectually. What I mean is that with all the advancements in medicine and science it has become harder and harder to find any practical place for the supernatural, especially for demons. In fact, even mentioning “the demonic” or the possibility of demon “possession” can bring a red face even to the most conservative Christian. After all, we are intellectuals now. We rub shoulders with all those in the modern world of rationality. And while many aspects of spirituality may be making a comeback, demonology is still out of bounds. Any mention of the possibility that a person’s depression, anger, or suicidal thoughts may be demonically influenced will be immediately vetoed by looks similar to those of someone after you suggest that they discipline their children by locking them in a closet. Not only is it outdated and archaic, its just wrong . . . damn wrong! And you should be locked up for mentioning it.

This is kind of the way it felt in class that day; in seminary class that day.; in Dallas Theological Seminary class that day. How could the topic of demons have come up? After all, this was Dr. Frank Minirth, the psychiatrist who is renowned and respected around the world, by believers and unbelievers alike. What did he have to say about demonic possession? Well, the subject came up and here is how it went down:

(Dr. Minirth placing a CAT scan of a patient on the overhead, showing the parts of the brain that change when he was depressed)

Dr. Minirth: “The very chemistry of our brain changes when we experience depression.”

Student: “Dr. Minirth, do you think we could attribute any of this to demonic influence?”

Dr. Minirth: “Only if we grant that demons are scared of Zoloft!”

The entire class broke out in laughter, including me. Why? Well . . . because it was funny. With this laughter we demonstrated both relief (that we did not have to consider demonology when exploring mental illness) and our ability to advance with science.

Our Lack of Expertise

We have moved well beyond the Frank Peretti school of fiction. We have seen the hurt and abuses of well-meaning Christians as they find a devil around every corner. I suppose it is often the easy way out. Whenever someone is suffering from a mental illness, just blame it on the devil. The only tradition in the Protestant community that is even willing to touch Satan and demons are those wild-eyed fanatics. To them, everything is demonic. We take the long way around them.

Concerning demon possession (or, better, “demonization”), we don’t really know what to do. There is not much in Scripture about how to deal with demons. We saw how Jesus did it. We see how the Apostles tried to do it. We see Jesus rebuking the disciples for not being able to do it. The only instruction that Jesus gives them for future reference is to pray: “These kind can be cast out only by prayer” (Mark 9:14-29).

Wait . . . what “kind”? Is there a “kind” that can be cast out easier? If so, what do we do then? Do we follow your example or just wing it?

Catholic Exorcisms

At least the Catholic Church gives it the ol’ college try. They have a full program and are ramping up on training priests how to perform exorcisms. Here is what they say to a demon during one these exorcisms:

I command you, unclean spirit, whoever you are, along with all your minions now attacking this servant of God, by the mysteries of the incarnation, passion, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, by the descent of the Holy Spirit, by the coming of our Lord for judgment, that you tell me by some sign your name, and the day and hour of your departure. I command you, moreover, to obey me to the letter, I who am a minister of God despite my unworthiness; nor shall you be emboldened to harm in any way this creature of God, or the bystanders, or any of their possessions.


While there is nothing about Zoloft or any other specific medications, they only perform this ritual when “all other causes have been ruled out.”

The Day I Failed at an Exorcism

I remember when my sister was suffering from severe depression. After multiple attempts at suicide, trying every drug on the market (including Zoloft!), and 17 electric shock therapies, she told me she thought she had a demon. What does that even mean? I had no idea. I knew I believed in Satan and demons, but they had been largely ignored both in my education and practice. However, here my sister was asking her pastor/brother to cast the demon out. I searched Scripture in hopes that there was something I missed. I had no idea what to do. I had seen how they did it in Hollywood (long drawn out exorcisms), but nothing really substantial in the Bible (just short and to the point). So I decided to give it a whirl. I prayed beforehand expressing my ignorance and helplessness to the Lord, then I moved forward with my methodology.

I placed my hand on her head (why? I don’t know . . . it just seemed right) and said: “I command you in the name of Jesus to come out.”

Angie (my sister) had her eyes closed. I think she expected me to produce more, but I had nothing. That was it. She opened her eyes and looked at me. I could tell there was no change.

So I placed my hand on her head and said the same thing more fervently, emphasizing the name “Jesus”, “If there is a demon here I command you in the name of Jesus to come out.” I almost asked it it’s name like Jesus did, but I would not have known what to do if it told me. “Hi, my name is Michael. Nice to meet you”?

After nothing happened, I told her I was sorry. I just figured that I did my best and the Lord was in control.

Unfortunately, Angie did kill herself a few months later.

Characteristics of Demon Possession

What does a demonized person look like? Who can be demonized? And for goodness sakes, why do demons want to take up residence in a person (or pigs)?

As I look through Scripture, I find this subject to be extremely unclear. Angels, demons, and Satan are largely a mystery. And any time there is a lack of revelation on a subject, we are notorious for filling in those gaps with our own speculation turned dogma.

I think it is best to leave some of this stuff a mystery, with a few exceptions. It does seem that people who “have a demon” are not well mentally. They are self-destructive and often suicidal. The little boy who had a demon was continually thrown into a fire. Presumingly, the demon was trying to kill him or have him kill himself (Mark 9:21-22). The seems self-defeating to me, but, I guess, to each his own.

The demoniac in Mark 5:1-20 was extremely strong. He isolated himself and spent night and day hurting himself (Mark 5:5). Clearly, his mind was not well. Again, this stuff looked a lot like mental illness.

Should We Move Beyond Demons and Demonology?

I don’t mean to be flippant with this subject. It is a very serious thing. After all, when Jesus taught the disciples (and us) to pray, the model prayer only has only six requests and one of them deals directly with our current subject (Matt. 6:9-13):

  1. That his name would be holy
  2. That his kingdom would come
  3. That his will would be done
  4. That he would give us our daily provisions
  5. That he would forgive out sins
  6. That he would protect us from Satan (the evil one)

Let’s be honest: How often do we in the Evangelical church pray for protection from Satan? I mean really pray for it. Is it part of your daily prayer? If I am honest, I often forget. Obviously, if Christ only had six things for us to pray about, each one is not just a suggestion.

Far from moving beyond this subject, we should take it much more seriously. The Evangelical church needs a more robust and thoughtful demonology. I am not sure what that looks like, but I have some ideas below. We have to start somewhere.

So . . . Are Demons Afraid of Zololf?

Is it demons or chemical imbalances? Is it exorcism or Zoloft? Is it a spiritual battle or a physical one?

I think the first mistake we make here is dichotomizing these things. I don’t think it is an either/or, but, more often than not, a both/and. Are demons afraid of Zoloft? Maybe so. Seriously . . . Let me explain.

What we are asking here is Can we affect demonic activity with more natural means? Again, I think so.

Let me give you an example from 1 Sam. 16:

14 Now the Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him. 15 Saul’s attendants said to him, “See, an evil spirit from God is tormenting you. 16 Let our lord command his servants here to search for someone who can play the lyre. He will play when the evil spirit from God comes on you, and you will feel better.”

21 David came to Saul and entered his service. Saul liked him very much, and David became one of his armor-bearers. 22 Then Saul sent word to Jesse, saying, “Allow David to remain in my service, for I am pleased with him.” 23 Whenever the spirit from God came on Saul, David would take up his lyre and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.

1 Sam. 16:14-16; 21-23

Now, aside from dealing with the problem that this evil spirit was from the Lord, notice how Saul deals with his “torment”. Maybe he should have prayed, fasted, or had Samuel come and cast out the spirit. I don’t even know if he knew it was an evil spirit causing his anxiety, depression, or terror (I suspect he did not). But we get a view of the situation that speaks directly to our current issue. We see that it was an evil spirit. We see that David came and played music. And we see that it was the music that drove the demon away!

Think about the implication and the principle that we can draw from this. Demons are affected by natural remedies. Was it that the demon hated the music? Was it that the evil spirit hated David, a man of God, playing the music? Or was it Christian music that David played (let’s hope it wasn’t!). I don’t think any of these are true. I believe it was how the music positively affected Saul that drove the demon away.

If this is right (and I have no reason to think it is not), then this opens the door for all manner of natural means affecting the presence, possession, or influence of a demon. Think of how many things fit this category:

  • Laughter
  • Beauty
  • Exercise
  • Medication
  • Surgery
  • Healthy foods
  • Vacations
  • Antibiotics
  • Reading a good novel
  • Sleep
  • Getting out of the house
  • Going for a drive with the top down (my favorite way to drive demons away!)
  • Zoloft

Are there times when a different type of spiritual intervention may be necessary? Maybe so. I just don’t know what that looks like right now. However, again, I don’t think we can or should separate the two so sharply. I know our battle is not against flesh and blood. But that simply means our enemy is a spiritual enemy. It does not say we cannot fight spiritual battles—particularly of demonic origin—with music or other natural means.

When we have chemical imbalances in our brain, is it demonic? Maybe so. I am sure they work in and with physical infirmities? (Matt.9:33; Luke 13:11; Matt.12:22). But I don’t think we have to determine whether it is the chicken or the egg causing the problem. I think we see that God has created the world in such a way that even music can sometimes drive a demon away and affect the chemicals in our brain.

C Michael Patton
C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo Blog. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Find him on Patreon Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Credo House Ministries and Credo Courses, author of Now that I'm a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Faith (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger here at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. Join his Patreon and support his ministry

    9 replies to "Are Demons Afraid of Zoloft? Toward and Evangelical Demonology"

    • Shelly D

      How thoughtful! I think you have very much hit on something here. God has told us that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and when we trash the temple we can allow the entrance of demonic activity. (Though not all unhealthy people experience demons.) Dr. Georgia Eads has done much research on how diet affects the brain and mental health (using ketogenic diets particularly) and we know now how exercise improves health and mental function, as with the other things you mentioned. Thank you for the reminder that protection from Satan should be a part of prayer. Blessings!

    • Dylan Whittler

      Thank you for this, Michael.

    • Doug Tawlks

      I really appreciate the thoughtfulness of your article. I am a counselor and have seen all kinds of confusion around issues surrounding deliverance often due to over-focus on demons. I would refer you to M. Scott Peck’s book, “People of the Lie.” He is the Psychiatrist who wrote the popular book in the 80’s “The Road Less Traveled.” I believe and have witnessed demons that were able to influence people at dramatic levels. I go through a stringent diagnosis process to determine whether their issues are biological, emotional or demonic. My first demonic encounter was with a 14-year-old girl. When this happened it was very unsettling and I along with 4 other pastors had no idea what do do. I have seen demonic manifestations that I believe cannot be verified with a mental health diagnosis and I have seen people set free in dramatic fashion.

    • Frank Rossi

      Thank you Michael for the great insight. Just a few thoughts: You stated, “I don’t even know if he knew it was an evil spirit causing his anxiety, depression, or terror (I suspect he did not). ” But the scripture you quoted states, “Saul’s attendants said to him, “See, an evil spirit from God is tormenting you.” It seems to me that Saul knew the form of his torment and where it was coming from. What I find interesting is that Saul’s attendants knew the remedy, “Let our lord command his servants here to search for someone who can play the lyre. He will play when the evil spirit from God comes on you, and you will feel better.” Could they have known this other than God revealed it to them? I believe it was all part of God’s plan to put David in a place that would lead to his rise. David’s ability to play the lyre and give Saul relief from his torment insured his place in Saul’s service: “David came to Saul and entered his service. Saul liked him very much, and David became one of his armor-bearers. 22 Then Saul sent word to Jesse, saying, “Allow David to remain in my service, for I am pleased with him.” 23 Whenever the spirit from God came on Saul, David would take up his lyre and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him. “

    • Kim Huntington

      Satan isn’t afraid of Zoloft. He peddles it.

    • Kim Huntington

      Haha! oops ativan not Vatican, stupid spell check.

    • Ivan G

      Psychotropic drugs are a double edged sword many time over prescribed. There are many who take them like candy to eliminate normal feelings that we are supposed to feel sometimes. These drugs over a long period of time lower the gates of a person’s mind and allow for more demonic influence and control in a person’s life. As an analogy I think of The grand army of the republic in Star Wars, the fix was actually part of the evil scheme of Palpatine the Dark Sith Lord in disguise. I wonder if the (sorcery) Pharmakia in the last days mentioned in scripture is not illegal drugs, but the rampant abuse and misuse of prescribed medications.

    • Link

      It’s possible some demons are happy to get someone addicted to a prescription drug.

    • Pam Walck

      Hi, I read your post on demons being afraid of Zoloft. When I went to DTS I actually got very sick–in the sense of I was overworking as a physical therapist, settling into a new city, staying up very late studying, never took a Sabbath and wasn’t going to the gym anymore. I started having really crazy “pulling sensations” on my body, such that I would turn around and be staring at a cross or a cat (I’ve had a phobia for cats since childhood). This kept getting worse and worse. I went to the seminary professors, no one had an answer for me. One night I literally felt the presence of Satan in the room. I ended up at a cardiac doctor the next day, who said I was fine–anxiety. A friend came to visit from my hometown, Buffalo, NY. We went to the rodeo–when we were walking in the parking lot–I got that strange pulling sensation again and turned around and was facing a cross again in the distance. I said, do you see what’s been happening to me? He said, can’t you resist? Then I remembered the Bible verse–resist the devil and he will flee. So when I would get the pulling sensations–I resisted, and wouldn’t go into the pulling. It took about six weeks for it to finally go away. There was more…I was crying one night really bad about my brain and heard Tony Evans on the radio on the way home from my Spiritual Formation group–he said, when you get off the bench and try to do things for God–be prepared for Satan’s attacks. I had quit my secure job of almost nine years as a PT in Buffalo, moved to Dallas to go to Seminary and all my family was against me going and wouldn’t speak to me. I got on my knees after hearing Tony Evans speak and asked the Lord if there was any sin in my life…I distinctly heard the word, “divination.” I looked divination up in my Bible dictionary–picking things based on lots. Since I had moved to Dallas, I had been so fearful of making the wrong decision, I started really over and over asking God for signs on the littlest things. If I saw red, I decided He wanted me to do this, if I saw blue–something else. Years before I had been involved in the occult (before I got saved). I had reverted back to not trusting that the Holy Spirit was with me and would help me make decisions. That took awhile too, for me to get rid of that way of making decisions. To this day, I still struggle with “knowing” what to do and wish God would give me a sign sometimes. But I also know that’s not what He would want from a mature Christian. Anyway just some thoughts on the struggles I have had over the years. By the way, I did get evaluated when all this happened by Frank Minirth who diagnosed me with OCD. I said, “OCD, I don’t have germ issues.” He said I have a type of brain lock–where I get something stuck in my head and go over it–like people’s salvation. I’m very passionate about sharing the Gospel–during those years–probably to way too many people! Dr. Minirth did put me on Zoloft, but I just couldn’t accept at the time the diagnosis of OCD. I actually felt better on the Zoloft, but I took myself off months later and didn’t listen to the Christian therapist’s advice about taking a Sabbath, not working so much, etc. I thought she just didn’t understand my drive for wanting the world saved. Until, I read it in black and white in the Bible about a year later, where Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law told him to delegate his duties or basically he would burn out (Exodus 18). Basically I was burned out for years and didn’t realize that the therapist was truly giving me good advice. She had different spiritual gifts than me, but still wanted me healed.

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